The Weekly Encourager - April 30, 2010 - Exam Time

The Weekly Encourager - April 30, 2010 - Exam Time

I failed the test.

When the Lord underlines a verse over and over, that's usually a sign for me that a test is coming up, in which I will have to put God's word - and my faith - into practice.  Well, I should have remembered that pattern this past weekend.  Only a few days after all the verses on gossip and slander came up, and only weeks after I myself was falsely accused and slandered in a very hurtful way, I found myself tempted to slander the reputations of others!  How wicked and deceitful is the heart!  Take heed, if you think you stand, because then you fall.

It happened on a business conference away from home.  I was tired and stressed before I went, and the late-night-talking roommates didn't help.  I also volunteered to help a disabled member of our party get herself and her heavy equipment from building to building during the conference.  Maybe in my twisted thinking, these things were mitigating circumstances?  I was tired and I was already doing my "good deed for the day" by helping this disabled lady, so maybe I "deserved" to kvetch a little?  I don't know.  I suppose I didn't say all the bad things I could have said about certain people, but I do know that when I reflected back on my words later, I realized that several things I said should have been kept to myself.   I even thought of better, but still truthful, answers I could have given to the questions people asked me.  Of course, hindsight is 20-20.

I thank the Lord that my roommates checked out early so I had a few minutes alone at the end to assess what I had learned.  I soon realized that I went on a business trip, but I came back from a spiritual trip.  I had one agenda; the Lord had another.  He showed me how easy it is to talk behind someone's back, to complain, to brag.  In fact, these three wicked words often go together:  when I am discontent with where the Lord has placed me, I feel I should go up higher so I try to put others down lower.  I am so ashamed.  The Lord says take the lowly seat, and let another lift you up if that's appropriate.

I failed the test, but Christ did not fail.  Jesus Christ, very God yet very man, passed every one of His tests with flying colors!!  He passed His test with, "not My will, but Thine" as He faced death.  On the cross, during His final exam, He spoke not one wicked word of slander, complaint, or bragging, although He surely had "the right."   I'm sure He was more tired than I am, and I am positive that He helped more disabled people than I did, yet He had no excuses or mitigating circumstances!  He didn't give in to temptation.  He gave Himself to God, trusting in God alone to raise Him up at the right time.  The simple truth that Jesus paid for every one of my sins is the truth that surpasses understanding, the truth with eternal implications.  It is the truth that brings my only peace: this perfect Man has promised that He will never fail me!

I don't want you to think the Lord gave me only trials on this trip.  I had some precious moments of quiet at the nearby lake.  He made it possible for me to read Scripture and lead hymns during the non-denominational worship service on Sunday morning, so His word went forth.  On the way home from the conference, I was able to stop at a friend's house for a lovely meal and time of mutual encouragement.  God is so good, so gentle and kind, even when we have been bad.  His love is tender, forgiving, and compassionate, as a parent loves a child.  What a blessing to have such a Teacher!  Thank You, Jesus!

God is faithful,

Copyright 2010 Janet A. Marney