The Weekly Encourager - April 9, 2010 - Devastation and Debrief
Early this week I got punched in the gut. Not physically, but emotionally. A business contact called me and spewed out all kinds of false accusations which shocked and hurt me. To complete the job, she gossiped to the neighbors about me, maligning my reputation without having first consulted with me for clarification of the circumstances. I was devastated by this slander.
By God's good providence, I had already made a lunch date with a friend for two days later. I considered canceling since I felt so miserable, but decided to go. When I told her my story, I was surprised to hear that she had experienced the same thing that very morning! While listening to one another and trying to remind ourselves that there was a purpose in it all, we were both thanking God for His gift of friendship in Christ. Our experiences were so similar, only hers was worse because it involved a member of her church. Brothers (sisters), these things ought not to be!
Some Scripture came to mind as we discussed these events. "Do not bear false witness" is one of the Ten Commandments, so it must be pretty near and dear to God's heart. I bet this applies not just to how we talk with others, but to how we think about others. "Love believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, love never fails." How careful we must be in our own mind to assume the best of the other person, not the worst! How ready we must be to ask God for insight into the situation, especially within the body of Christ. How diligent we should be to seek out the facts from the source, asking the person what he/she meant, reserving judgment until we have the whole story!
In addition, how careful we must be to guard another person's reputation, especially in the body of Christ. Don't just pass along gossip, but discipline yourself to find something good to say about the person, or change the subject, or simply be silent. Bad feelings multiply. One of my favorite passages applies here: "Whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute, let your mind dwell on these things."
When falsely accused, do not retaliate, but stand firm in the Lord, just as Christ did when He was accused. In both situations, whether tempted to assume the worst of someone else, or finding ourselves falsely accused, we need to spend time with the Lord, having eyes and heart washed clean by the pure water of the Word.
Upon writing that last line I remembered that I should stop and read the Bible myself, so I opened to the bookmark where I last left off. What a divine "coincidence" that the next passage was Romans 12! Sure I've read that chapter before, but never thought of it in connection with this particular situation! As has happened before, the day's reading was perfectly suited to what was going on in my life, and the Holy Spirit used the Word to strengthen lessons I was learning.
"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind...prove what the will of God is...good, acceptable, and perfect....Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor....Bless those who persecute you; bless and curse not....Never pay back evil for evil to anyone....So far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men....Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
I marvel at the kindness of God in giving me this dear sister so we could have such a valuable debriefing session! Parents, we can do this, too. When our children go though miserable experiences, we can talk together about what we might learn, shining the light of Scripture where thoughts are dark, then praying for God's healing touch. He will answer!
God is kind, good, and faithful.
Deuteronomy 5:20, I Corinthians 13:7-8, Philippians 4:8, Romans 12:2-21
Copyright 2010 Janet A. Marney