The Weekly Encourager -April 22, 2011 - Good Friday Prayer

A Good Friday Prayer

O holy and adorable Redeemer, by whose condemnation we are acquitted, by whose stripes we are healed, by whose death we have life, by whose cross we gain our crown: Keep us, we beseech thee, ever mindful of thy boundless love; and when thou dost call on us to bear for a while thy cross, like Simon of old, make us to rejoice that we are counted worthy to suffer for thy sake, and accept our feeble sacrifice, through the merits of thine eternal redemption.

--W. E. Scudamore (Rector of Ditchingham and Fellow of Saint John's College, Cambridge)

It's a comfort to know that no matter what I may suffer, it's nothing compared to what Jesus the Christ suffered to save my life.
Have a Good Friday.

God is faithful.
The prayer above was Posted by Kendall Harmon