The Weekly Encourager - June 17, 2011 - Extreme Anxiety, Part 3
Today I'll share some news from the battlefront. No, I'm not talking about Afghanistan or Libya, but about the spiritual battle being waged by our friends Brion and Laura Ferratt. I know their story will encourage you as it does me.
If you've read Parts 1 & 2 [previous posts], you know that my friend Laura was asked to speak about overcoming extreme anxiety, which had negative impact on several important areas of her life. She sent me what she had written, and let me tell you it was so encouraging to read! Apparently the talk went well at the church event. How we rejoiced at the Lord's grace in her life! The news is this: Two days later, she found out that her husband Brion had Stage 4 cancer.
Wow. Lord, what are You doing?! Here is a woman, Your own dear child, who is has struggled for years with debilitating fears, particularly in the areas of her immediate family's health and safety! Now she is just starting to fill her mind with truth and to trust in You again and share that with others, and You bring a rare form of cancer two days later? He's only in his mid-40's; their children are so young! Talk about Extreme Anxiety. What were You thinking?
While I don't pretend to know what God was thinking (as if!), I can say from past experience that He's a good teacher. A good teacher gives a test after the students have studied the material. They've had a chance to hear it explained in a variety of ways, and they've probably done some exercises to practice the concepts. Just as they begin to master the material, the teacher tests them to see how well they really understand it. One of the first things I said to Laura when I found out was, the Lord will test you in the area He's been teaching you.
The amazing thing is that, for several months, both Laura and her husband have been writing such wonderful things about how the Lord is carrying them through this! Their testimony is a powerful tribute to God's continued love and grace in every trial, and His faithful supply of every need. In the midst of sickness, He's bringing new life! One example:
2/27/11 Laura wrote:
"I was sharing with John [12-year-old] tonight how I sometimes am tempted to be frustrated/angry at God for giving "us" cancer, and he said "well mom, I've never doubted, you are the only one who has doubted God". I'm very thankful for John's unshakable trust in God's plan, even though his human mother wavers at weak moments. Bowen is learning how to read, and is doing great, and now was able to sing some hymns with me tonight, in a loud, strong, clear voice. One that we sang was "Jesus, I am resting, resting." Some of the words are:
Jesus, I am resting, resting, in the joy of what thou art,
I am finding out the greatness of thy loving heart.
Thou hast bid me gaze upon thee, as thy beauty fills my soul,
For by thy transforming power, thou hast made me whole.
Ever lift thy face upon me, as I work and wait for thee;
Resting 'neath thy smile, Lord Jesus, earth's dark shadows flee.
Brightness of my Father's glory, sunshine of my Father's face,
Keep me ever trusting, resting, fill me with thy grace.
"I can't tell you how blessed I was to hear my little 7 year old sing these words with me, and know that in praising God, we WERE resting, and at peace. Because of Jesus, we know calm in the midst of this powerful storm going on in our lives."
God is faithful; rest in Him,
Copyright 2011 Janet A. Marney
All quotations from Laura Ferratt used by permission.