The Weekly Encourager - January 6, 2012 - A Strong Comeback
I thought the Christmas Day headline in the Washington Examiner was hilarious: "Christmas making a strong comeback!" Although my husband and I assumed the article would discuss rebounding sales in stores, it was actually about the new freedom to wish strangers "Merry Christmas!" instead of the neutral generic "Happy Holidays!" Apparently, recent polls show that about two thirds of the population would rather be wished "Merry Christmas" than "Happy Holidays." Who knew? Confession: I have caught myself omitting the word "Christmas" so that I might not offend anyone, and this article was a good reminder to go ahead and preach the truth, even in this very small way. Do not be ashamed of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!
All that aside, the funny part was that Christmas itself would make a comeback. Of course, Christmas comes back every year, right on schedule!
That started me thinking about an even stronger comeback: the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ! We often use the phrase "making a comeback" to refer to fine athletes who suffer defeat or injury, yet rise again later to play at their finest once more. My friends, this Babe was born in humble circumstances to live a holy life for us and to die a horrifying shameful death that He did not deserve. To many who gathered at the foot of the cross where Jesus hung in supreme agony, it looked like a colossal failure of His ministry and the whole movement. Yet, He made a quiet comeback on Easter morning, and He will make a spectacular comeback on the Last Day. No person can know the exact date in advance, for even the Son does not know His Father's plans; but, we can be sure that Jesus will come again for us, and right on schedule!
Meanwhile, it is the hope of this Strong Comeback that enables us to get through the hard things of this life. We have faith in things unseen but felt with the heart, where the Holy Spirit of the living God has shown His presence by pouring out love and by helping us live righteous lives.
In the weeks leading up to Christmas, Pastor Paul Wolfe preached from his new book, Setting Our Sights On Heaven: Why It's Hard And Why It's Worth It. One of the most compelling chapters discusses what Heaven will be like. Will we be bored up there playing harps on clouds?! How could that be? Look at the way human beings are made, with all our capacities for growth, learning, challenge, creating, excelling. We know from Scripture that our bodies will be perfect and our souls will match. Therefore, while the Bible doesn't give specific details, we can imagine Heaven in terms of things we enjoy now, here on earth. Yet it will be so much greater! Paul said, "eternal life will fully engage us, mind and body."
Just think: all the things we enjoy now will be transformed. I'll be able to have perfect relationships with no sin to mess them up! I'll never utter a hurtful word again, and I'll never be hurt by the words or actions of others. I anticipate learning about physics, astronomy, botany, language, geography (that will be a trip!) in a time when all the mysteries of the universe will be unveiled. And those new athletic bodies couldn't possibly be provided just to sit around on clouds all day. What a waste that would be, and we know that our God never wastes a thing. No, I plan to go running up and down mountains and swimming in clear lakes. I won't be weak, and I won't be fat. If I eat, I'll only desire what is healthful and never out of proportion. There will be unlimited time to pursue music and art, travel and sports, on and on. No, a boring Heaven could only be made by a boring God for boring creatures, and that's not us!
Another thought: Getting older can be a downer, but maybe it's actually kind of God to arrange it so that as we age, we grow weaker and less able to participate in this world. This better prepares us to appreciate Heaven as being all a gift from God, not in our own strength. We can't get there by any of our own accomplishments. So I need to praise God in the humbling of growing older, since I will enjoy Heaven that much more.
Jesus will be making a Strong Comeback, and I will, too.
Happy New Year!