The Weekly Encourager – October 4, 2012 – It's My Problem

My favorite quote from President Obama: “Nothing gets done without a deadline in this town.” I heard him say that on the radio a couple years ago, and it's stuck in my mind ever since. I used to think that it didn't apply to me, because I am a hard worker anyway, but now I'm seeing that the really unpleasant tasks need an emotional impetus. There have to be Consequences for my actions or non-action.

This week I am motivated. We're hosting a reunion this weekend and that means getting two guest rooms ready in addition to the usual shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. The group will be singing together in our family room after dinner, so that means getting the bathroom on that level functioning again. We'll need to gather enough music for everyone, so that means organizing the music. I could go on. What I'm saying is that for months I've been working steadily on a major reorganization of our household possessions, cleaning things, repairing things, shifting things, selling things, and donating things. Many days, it's an overwhelming task, but I keep praying each day for God to show me how best to use my time and energy that day. One day at a time. We weren't even going to have a reunion this year, but one of the folks was getting married and he wanted us to sing for the reception. So there had to be a place to rehearse, and one thing led to another. Voilà, fourteen people for dinner and breakfast.

A few days ago, I was grumbling, why do I have to host this year, when I'm trying to cut back on activities so I can get things done? It's so much extra work! But today the Lord showed me that this reunion is an answer to my prayers for direction and motivation! Oh yes, I am a hard worker. I am organized.  The normal things get done on a regular schedule, but the unpleasant tasks like sorting through boxes of books and magazines don't get done without a deadline. President Obama was right: I am human, after all.

But this issue is greater than a deadline. The steady accumulation of Things has become a Problem. Whether this happened because of so many ankle injuries that laid me up for months at a time, whether it was due to the vast energy required for certain family issues and deaths in the family, whether it's fear or materialism or codependency or artistic impulse or ADD or whatever, there is a problem now. “Forgetting what lies behind, I press on toward the goal.” Since I am responsible for it, it's only right that I should be the one dealing with it. It's my problem.

This seems a perfect time to quote Mike Huckabee. While he was governor of Arkansas, he made some important lifestyle changes and lost a lot of extra weight. In writing about his overeating, he honestly admitted the problem. He said,

“STOP MAKING EXCUSES! I travel a lot – almost every day....Even though I can typically find things on menus that I can eat, I never assume it. I travel with a little soft-sided cooler everywhere I go [to carry healthy food]....As a governor, I have people who are with me almost all the time...I could assign this task to others and claim it's beneath me to pack a little lunch box like a grade schooler, but I do it myself for several reasons. First, overeating is my problem, and my health is my responsibility. Packing my cooler is a reminder of my responsibility to make good choices today....Packing and taking my cooler is now as much a part of my daily routine as brushing my teeth or buttoning my shirt. Here's the deal: You can eat healthy if you want to, no matter where you are or who you are.” - Gov. Mike Huckabee

I really admire the godly way he owned up to it and took full responsibility. Then he got to work on the problem. The fact that he has gained back some of the weight does not negate his good advice. It only proves that he's human and needs to continue to be diligent to do the right things. Stop making excuses! You can do it if you want to. Those of us who have an addiction need to admit it, own it, get down on our knees and ask the Lord for help, then work hard to do right. No whining about how hard it is – I did this to myself. It's my problem.

Lord, help me to recognize my sin and my constant need of Your grace. Help me to make positive change. I can't do this on my own. Guide me; motivate me; encourage me to persevere. Give us this day our daily bread. May I look to You for help and give You all the glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

God is faithful,


Mike Huckabee, “Quit Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork: A 12-Stop Program to End Bad Habits and Begin a Healthy Lifestyle” Time-Warner 2005, p.122-123

Copyright 2012 Janet A. Marney