The Weekly Encourager – November 21, 2012 - Love-joy
For the season of Thanksgiving, I'd like to share a short poem.
As on a window late I cast mine eye,
I saw a vine drop grapes with J and C
Anneal'd on every bunch. One standing by
Ask'd what it meant. I (who am never loth
To spend my judgement) said, It seem'd to me
To be the body and the letters both
Of Joy and Charity. Sir, you have not miss'd,
The man reply'd; It figures JESUS CHRIST.
- George Herbert (1593-1633)
As we enjoy the bountiful fruits of the harvest with family and friends, let us remember to praise the Lord for His goodness in making such plentiful provision for us. May earthly blessings remind us of heavenly ones, especially the divine Love which gave up His Son to make provision for our salvation. Jesus, we thank You. You are the pure embodiment of Joy and Charity; be pleased to grow these virtues in us, by Your grace, and may we share them with others. Amen.
Happy Thanksgiving! May the Lord bless you all richly.