The Weekly Encourager - September 5, 2012 - Yearning for the Courts of the Lord
Reading Psalm 84 has been thought-provoking. “How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God....How blessed are those who dwell in Thy house! They are ever praising Thee....I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God, than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” - Psalm 84:1-2, 4, 10b NASB
Early in our time here on vacation, I read this psalm and thought of worshiping with God's people on the Lord's Day, which is probably the principal interpretation. Some of you know that a Christian couple has graciously made available three beach cottages for very reasonable rates to their friends and friends of friends. Their generosity (and the Lord's goodness through them) has made a beach trip possible for our family for several years. However, finding a good church to attend while here has been much more difficult.
Have you had the same experience? As Christians, no matter where we go out-of-town, whether for business or pleasure, by the time Sunday rolls around, we're longing for some spiritual nourishment and fellowship. Gathering with like-minded believers, even if we don't know a single one of them personally, brings a unique pleasure that increases our joy in the Lord and strengthens our faith for the week ahead. But sometimes a church that looks good isn't so great when we visit. It's kind of like a food that looks appetizing, but when tasted is either missing a key ingredient or has started to spoil. At the end of those services, we walk out unsatisfied, with our spiritual tummies rumbling. Unfortunately, several churches at the beach caused us want to look elsewhere for sustenance. Each year we would try a different one, with disappointing results.
So imagine how happy we were to discover a really good church at the beach! This church is of a different denomination than our home church, but the essentials are the same. This church has wonderful solid Bible-based preaching, joyful singing (with real substance in the lyrics), and friendly people who welcome us. What a blessing to have such a spiritual banquet on vacation! What an encouragement to see what God is doing in other parts of His church! This is truly the Lord's provision for our family, along with so many other good gifts.
A couple days later, I read Psalm 84 again with a whole new perspective. I had just learned that my cousin Judy Walters had died of breast cancer. She was only 62. As I thought about Judy's bright smile, beautiful singing voice, upbeat attitude and classic Daniels giggle, I began to feel the loss. This sweet, friendly, humble, caring, diligent, and generous soul will be missed at every family reunion. Yet I am confident that she is now enjoying a beautiful new cancer-free life in Heaven! Judy believed on Jesus and her life showed her devotion to Him by her glad heart and her service to others. Despite the increasingly difficult challenges of cancer, her cheerful attitude was a shining testimony. Photos of Judy's last days show that her smile was just as bright as ever. Here was a lady who could stand at the threshold of the house of her God in another, deeper way.
Lord, as I see the wages of sin in these “tents of wickedness,” I long to leave this valley of sorrow. How lovely are Your dwelling places in Heaven, O Lord! How bright are the mansions your Son has prepared for us! Here we visit Your house on Sunday, but how blessed are those who dwell in Your house forever! I long to sing in the heavenly choirs with Cousin Judy and all the rest. I want to enter the temple that was not built with human hands according to human plan, human blood and sweat, but built with the pierced hands of Jesus according to the master plan of the Eternal Creator, by the blood and sweat of the Son of God, who “gave His life as a ransom for many.” When I am “at death's doorstep,” Lord, please cause me to rejoice at the threshold. While I tarry here, give me the joy that Judy had. I know that breast cancer runs in the family; let joy and peace run in the family, too. In Jesus' name I ask.
In Christ,
Copyright 2012 Janet A. Marney