The Weekly Encourager – February 1, 2013 – If...Then
“The gospel aids our pursuit of holiness by telling us the truth about who we are. Certain sins become more difficult when we understand our new position in Christ. If we are heirs to the whole world, why should we envy? If we are God's treasured possession, why be jealous? If God is our Father, why be afraid? If we are dead to sin, why live in it? If we've been raised with Christ, why continue in our old sinful ways? If we are seated in the heavenly places, why act like the devil of hell? If we are loved with an everlasting love, why are we trying to prove our worth to the world? If Christ is all in all, why am I so preoccupied with myself?” - Kevin DeYoung
“Dear brothers, you have no obligations whatever to your old sinful nature to do what it begs you to do. For if you keep on following it you are lost and will perish, but if through the power of the Holy Spirit you crush it and its evil deeds, you shall live.” - Romans 8:12-13 TLB
“Overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loved us enough to die for us.” - Romans 8:37 TLB
“Stand firm, therefore, having girded your loins with truth.” - Ephesians 6:14 NASB
Lord, give us a strong desire to read and know Your word. Let us be so immersed in its timeless truths that we want to follow You in holiness. Cause us to stand firm in time of temptation. Help us to resist the ways of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Conform us more and more to the holy image of Christ, that we might show Your glory. Amen.
God is holy,
Quotation from Kevin DeYoung, The Hole in Our Holiness: Filling the Gap between Gospel Passion and the Pursuit of Godliness. 2012 Wheaton, IL: Crossway, p.84.