The Weekly Encourager – February 28, 2013 – A Place in the Son
Remember last week when I said I had a terrible cold but “I don't have cancer?” Well, the cold is almost gone (thank You, Lord!), but apparently I do have cancer. I learned on Tuesday evening that the biopsy of my left arm shows basal cell carcinoma. This cancer is more likely to occur in fair-skinned people over 40 who have had many severe sunburns early in life. Well, that was me. As a child, whenever I wasn't in school, I was usually outside. I was outside in the neighborhood, in the woods, at the pool, and at the beach. Those of you who are over 40 know that, back in the day, we didn't do much about the damaging rays of the sun. We never used sunblock or sunscreen; on the contrary, hoping for deep tans, we used baby oil to attract the sun's rays to our skin. I loved nature and I loved the sun even before I knew God. The first song I ever wrote (at age 4) was about the sun. I was (and still am) always looking for a place in the sun.
Human beings have a built-in need for relationship with their Creator. We're all looking for a place in the Son, whether we know it or not. Many ignore the testimony of creation, many rebel against the idea of submitting to a greater Being, many look for meaning in a myriad of other methods, yet nothing will satisfy except the Son. In His mercy God has graciously chosen to call some to Himself, loving us and forgiving all our sins through Christ. Those of us who know Him personally should be longing for more Son-exposure. We're not seeking a change in our outward appearance such as a suntan, and there is no danger of getting burned. When it comes to life in the Lord Jesus Christ, the more the better!
What kind of baby oil should a Christian put on? Especially when we are feeling pale and dry spiritually, we need to spend time in God's Word, prayer, meditation, quality teaching/preaching, uplifting music, and fellowship with other believers. In a sense, before we go outside, we want to rub any skin that is exposed to the world with this oil of salvation and consecration. We want to be totally covered, even immersed, in God's good news. As we build regular habits using these ordinary means of grace, we will draw in light and warmth and health. Note that baby oil is also shiny, so it reflects light to others while it benefits the wearer.
How am I feeling about having cancer? I'm okay with it. It helps that this type of cancer is very treatable with a high rate of success. Of course it's a pain to go through procedures, but “in everything give thanks,” right? I can be thankful for this, knowing that God must mean some good for me through it. “Shall we receive only pleasant things from the hand of God and never anything unpleasant?” - Job 2:10 TLB He's calling me to a deeper relationship. Do I spend more time maintaining my skin than my spiritual life? Even if cancer leads to death in my case, I am prepared to go at any time. I wish my house and papers were better organized (making progress on that!), but basically I'm ready to go. I have absolute confidence that I am saved. My Savior has prepared a place for me. Thanks be to God!
A deeper tan may lead to cancer, but a deeper relationship with Christ will lead to abundant life. Excuse me while I go put on some baby oil.
God is faithful,
Copyright 2013 Janet A. Marney