The Weekly Encourager – April 29, 2013 – To Store or Not to Store

Are you one of the large percentage of Americans with too much stuff? One of the best books I have read in the last few years is “To Buy or Not to Buy” by Dr. April Lane Benson. I checked out this book from the library thinking that it would help me understand a lady I care about who has a serious shopping addiction. Her behavior has plunged her family into debt and ruined their credit rating. Her marriage has been seriously strained. Their home is so full that there's barely space to sit down. Could I possibly help? Well, it turned out that the book is a template for all kinds of addictions because many aspects of the addiction cycle are the same, whether the problem is shopping, alcohol, drugs, overeating, pornography, computer gaming, worry, or whatever. I highly recommend it for ANY addiction.

Even more surprising, it turned out that some of the book applied to me! What?! I was shocked to read that you can be addicted to accumulating stuff without putting your finances at risk. I guess either you have enough money that your shopping doesn't strain the budget, or, you get a lot of stuff for free. Well, I pride myself on being the Bargain Lady. Much of what we own has been obtained second-hand and creatively rehabilitated. I was raised by parents who grew up poor, but they did well through education, hard work, saving, careful shopping, and creative recycling. I learned those values well and could teach them to others. Now, nothing's wrong with shopping, as long as you don't overdo it. Nothing's wrong with saving, as long as I don't overdo it. But what is overdoing it?

Here's how God works: I check out a book to help a friend, and the book reveals my own problem. The flooding basement which has occupied my thoughts for many months becomes a blessing in disguise. It gives me golden opportunities 1. to sort through and donate more stuff; 2. to improve the furniture layout for more optimum performance; 3. to repair and update some things. Is this great trial in fact an answer to prayer?! Husband and sons graciously encourage me in my efforts, leading by example. Scriptures and even something going around the internet corroborate. I flip my daily quote calendar and find this by Ann Landers: “One of the best ways to measure people is to watch the way they behave when something free is offered.” This is how God works, a Gentle Shepherd showing His great compassion for my weakness by sprinkling little reminders throughout my week and opening my eyes and maintaining His sweet patience with my feeble attempts to improve. He is so loving with His rod and His staff. Thank You, Lord.

Amazingly, He enables me to stand victorious! This week I passed a test. Someone offered me “20 boxes and 14 bags” of beautiful quilting fabric, and I said no! Formerly my first impulse would be to rush over and get the fabric, then sort through it, keeping “some” for myself and selecting more for a couple of friends who have just started in quilting and could use the fabric. Then I would pass on the rest to my guild for community service projects. But, look at the timing! By God's providence, this month my basement is being torn apart and all the fabric I own is currently filling our living room. To store or not to store? The simple truth is, I don't even have room to sort this windfall, much less store it, so I just had to LET IT GO.

How do I feel? One part of me is remembering the leeks of Egypt, but a bigger part of me is looking back at the Red Sea! As the song goes, “I will sing unto the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously, the horse and rider thrown into the sea!” Be encouraged, friends, in whatever trial you may be facing. Be thankful in it, for the Good Shepherd may use it to guide you along His golden paths of righteousness. Be obedient in it, for His oil can help heal your addiction. Be trusting in it, for His arms can hold you up. To God be all the glory!

God is faithful,


Copyright 2013 Janet A. Marney