The Weekly Encourager – August 27, 2013 – Clean the Cabinet
The Lord is teaching me things through the ongoing organization of my basement. Monday afternoon, before putting items into a certain cabinet, I first had to clean the unit with soap and water. It's easy to procrastinate on re-organizing when it also means serious cleaning. Not really an enjoyable part of the job, but necessary. Afterward, it was pure joy to put some sewing supplies into their new homes. That time spent cleaning was worth it in the final result. Spiritually, we cannot organize our thoughts properly at the end of the day and put them away for the night until we have confessed our sin. Think over the day, see what needs cleaning out, and talk to Jesus. Never put clean things on a dirty shelf, or dirty items on a clean shelf.
Saturday was tough for me and Dave, especially regarding some marriage issues. While trying to accomplish a household task, we hurt each other's feelings. It lead to bigger issues. Some things were hard to say, but needed to be said. We both felt crushed. I had no energy and barely made it to church the next morning. In fact, the main reason I went was because I was responsible for flowers that day.
After the service, there was a little note from Karen Royer saying she thought the flowers were beautiful. She had no idea how much I needed a positive word at that exact moment, but God knew! Her note, which I'm guessing took only a minute to write, was a bright spot in my day. It encouraged me that at least I had done one thing right! The Lord used her note to give me a ray of hope. The Spirit brought to mind that God is faithful and He loves me with an everlasting love. Later she sent an email with a point she had gleaned from the sermon, “that what we invest in here [on earth] will not be wasted. So your faithfulness in the mundane, in the drudge, in the hard, in the discouragement even so, that will not be wasted.”
At home after church, I threw myself on the Lord's mercy. Some silent time and a nap helped my outlook. I read two more encouraging emails which were right on target. Sunday evening, Dave and I felt able to talk again, and this time it was better. We are committed to love each other until we die, so we keep trying. Don't give up! In a marriage, we are each confronted with the other's sin every day. It's right there in front of us! It's easy for me to get caught up in thinking about what I must endure, living with him. I grow impatient and discouraged and unforgiving. Yet a conversation like this reminds me that he is being confronted with my sin on an equally regular basis. It's just as hard for him to live with my sin as it is for me to live with his. Log-in-the-eye moment. The Lord brought conviction to my heart, and it was not easy, but I needed to confess my sin and feel the cleansing blood of the Lamb of God, sacrificed for me.
In a marriage, or any close relationship, we are confronted, but let's not be affronted. Love is not easily provoked! Love is not disturbed by insults. It forgives, it bears all things. When hard things need to be said, love does it gently, with respect and care for the other's feelings. Love is patient and kind. Love is thankful, knowing that every good gift is from above. Love sets its eye on what is good and true and noble and right in the other person. Love takes a minute to give a word of encouragement, a word which might be the only good thing someone has heard for days. Love trains the brain to think good thoughts. Love cleans the cabinet. The things of this earth will pass away, but love never fails.
Excuse me while I go clean the cabinet...
God is faithful,
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