The Weekly Encourager – December 19, 2014 – “Thy Sweet Humility”
Typically at this time of year, I'm rushing to cram in every last thing I can do, but this year is different. I got started with preparations, then I got sick. Having to postpone and cancel things has given me a lot of time to contemplate the meaning of Christmas. I am aware throughout the day and night (I have trouble sleeping) that God is in complete control and that He sends trials for His own purpose, to do us good. “He knows our need, to our weakness He's no stranger.” So I do what little I can, seeking His face.
I may be deprived of many pleasures of the season (singing, church, parties, baking, decorating, visiting, etc.), but closing the door on these things opens my mind and heart to God in a different way. Separated from the world for a time, I have more direct connection to spiritual things. In sickness, deep calls out to deep. I am allowed brief glimpses of what it may have meant for Christ to descend to die. If I am truly blessed, there may be quick flashes of actual humility.
Even though I have lost my voice and can't sing, hearing Christmas carols sung by others is a great encouragement to me. I have always loved the carols, for they remind me of the spiritual significance of Christ coming for our salvation. He came to heal the sick, to lift the lowly, to give the weak His glorious strength. He also came to humble the proud. In the carol I share today, Edward Caswall wrote, “Teach us to resemble Thee in Thy sweet humility.” There is no greater lesson of Christmas.
See amid the winter’s snow,
Born for us on earth below,
See, the gentle Lamb appears,
Promised from eternal years.
Hail that ever blessèd morn,
Hail redemption’s happy dawn,
Sing through all Jerusalem:
Christ is born in Bethlehem.
Lo, within a manger lies
He Who built the starry skies;
He Who, thronèd in height sublime,
Sits amid the cherubim.
Say, you holy shepherds, say,
Tell your joyful news today.
Why have you now left your sheep
On the lonely mountain steep?
“As we watched at dead of night,
Lo, we saw a wondrous light;
Angels singing ‘Peace on earth’
Told us of the Savior’s birth.”
Sacred Infant, all divine,
What a tender love was Thine,
Thus to come from highest bliss
Down to such a world as this.
Teach, O teach us, holy Child,
By Thy face so meek and mild,
Teach us to resemble Thee,
In Thy sweet humility.
- words by Edward Caswall