The Weekly Encourager – April 11, 2014 – The Top of My List

How forgiving are you? I had a frank conversation with another Christian lady. Both of us were coming across the wrong way, and by God's grace, we admitted it. She said, “I can see you're trying, so I forgive you.” I was shocked, not because she forgave me, but because of how she put it. I wanted to answer, “Don't forgive me because I'm trying, forgive me because of Christ.” I could never try hard enough or apologize well enough to undo the sinful things that have come out of my mouth. Once it's said, it's hanging in the air, even if I regret it. But that's a minor point in the manual of forgiveness.

The major point, as I read the Scripture, is that we forgive because of the forgiveness we've received from Christ. Because He forgave such a humongous debt, we are to forgive the tiny debts, and without any thought of repayment. We forgive out of humility, not pride. We forgive not because our standards have been met, but because God's standards must be met. It's not optional; it's a command.

Jesus Christ on the cross is the supreme model of forgiveness. What is the main reason He was there? Forgiveness of sins! He suffered an excruciating death for my sins, your sins, and the sins of every believer. The amazing thing is that He chose to do it out of mercy and love. “By grace you have been saved, not by works, that any man should boast.” Even during intense suffering, Jesus taught us by His words. “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Jesus didn't say, “Forgive them, for they are trying to do the right thing.” He said they know not. In other words, those sinners were not sorry for what they did, and they certainly did not try harder to be gracious! Yet Jesus forgave them anyway, even those who were putting Him to death!

Contemplating this truth begs the question: how forgiving am I? Am I willing to forgive even when people don't apologize? Even when they are willfully ignorant? Even when what they do really hurts? When it's really unfair? When it's motivated by jealousy or spite? When, by any worldly standard, they don't deserve my forgiveness?! Christ did that on the cross. Do I go out of my way to initiate forgiveness? Do I give it graciously, kindly, sincerely? Do I turn the other cheek? Christ did that on the cross. Do I forgive freely with no thought of repayment? Do I act from a heart of pure, unselfish love? Christ did that on the cross.

It's not a worldly standard of justice that we must meet. It's a heavenly one. I thank God for this heavenly standard of grace, because there is no way I could meet the worldly standard of works. I simply can't try hard enough to be worthy of His forgiveness.

In a Bible study on thankfulness, one assignment was to make a list of My Top Ten Blessings from God. Forgiveness of sins is at the top of my list. Oh, how I need the mercy of God! Without Him, I am nothing. Lord, help me to forgive others as you forgave me.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2014 Janet A. Marney