The Weekly Encourager – January 27, 2015 – My Weakness, His Strength

My weakness, His strength. I've been reminded of the truth of this concept. I've been struggling to do something important for a deadline, and I keep running into unforeseen difficulties. Very frustrating! It seems that my skills are not what they once were in solving these kinds of problems. I had thought I could impress people with my ability, but instead, I've been feeling pretty low. Lord, I'm trying to do this for Your glory, why is it so hard?

Guess what came up this morning in my devotional reading? The apostle Paul, that great giant of the faith, feeling frustrated with ongoing difficulty in his life, asks for God to please remove it, take it away, smooth his path.

Paul reports, “Each time he [God] said, 'No. But I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people.' Now I am glad to boast about how weak I am; I am glad to be a living demonstration of Christ's power, instead of showing off my own power and abilities. Since I know it is all for Christ's good, I am quite happy about 'the thorn,' and about insults and hardships, persecutions and difficulties; for when I am weak, then I am strong – the less I have, the more I depend on him.” - 2 Corinthians 12:9-11 TLB

God's answer to Paul's prayer flies in the face of the “health wealth success happiness” gospel preached by some. Fervent belief in Christ does not guarantee an easy path through life. In fact, the Bible tells us that true believers will go through many trials to test their faith. “Don't be surprised when you go through fiery trials. Instead, rejoice because these trials will make you partners with Christ in His suffering.” - 1 Peter 4:12-13 These trials are to grow us in “perseverance and proven character and hope.” - Romans 5:3-5 What can we say say to friends who tell us that if we only prayed harder with more true faith, our prayers would be answered: our problems solved, our relationships healed, our cancer removed? Our Lord Jesus, the Son of God, prayed so hard that blood dripped from His forehead. If an all-wise and all-loving God said No to Jesus and Paul, then He just might say No to me. These problems must have a purpose.

That purpose is revealed further on in the passage: I am to be a living demonstration of Christ's power. Like Paul, I am to be thankful in all things, even rejoicing in the difficulties God allows in my life. The less I have, the more I must depend on Him. What's more important to God: the fact that my skills are lacking, or that my patience is lacking? Is it this particular task, or my attitude while doing it? He is forming Christ's character in me, and He will use whatever means necessary to that end, that I might shine forth with the light of Christ's glory in all I do. Today, I guess that means I need to look like Christ during the most frustrating challenges of this project, not just on the day when I present it all complete and beautiful.

We must never forget that we are Christ's project. He will present us blameless, complete, and beautiful before the Father one day. How we will rejoice when all our weakness has made us strong in Him! We will stand as mighty oaks beside a river of water, bringing forth our fruit in its season, the fruit that heals the nations. Oh Lord, let us seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, gaining strength from Your river of spiritual life. Give us the true faith of total dependence upon You. May we look to You so that we can look like You. To God be all glory.

God is faithful,