The Weekly Encourager – August 14, 2015 – Slow Down!

I had gum surgery this week, and it's making me slow down. Here's an example: About a half hour ago, I prepared a beautiful plate of three veggies and salmon for my lunch, and I'm still working on that one plate of food 30 minutes later. It takes more time now to figure out what I can eat, more time to chop it all up into small pieces, more time to eat it, and more time to clean my mouth afterwards. The interesting thing is, eating slowly means I eat less, yet I don't feel any less satisfied. In fact, I feel better for having put more thought into meals. I'm also not snacking, because it's too much trouble.

The fact is that for years I've been eating too fast, out of habit. The Lord has given me this unique opportunity to examine what and how I am eating, so that I can make some changes. My challenge will be to maintain this slower speed once my mouth is completely healed.

Looking at this plate of diced food, I thought of other things I consume, such as books, movies, radio, internet media. It's pretty easy to get into a habit of going to the same web sites all the time, because they're relaxing, easy to digest, or humorous. Same thing with lightweight reading material or TV shows. There's nothing wrong with it, as long as I'm thoughtful about it. But I have found that my mind can atrophy if I give it nothing dense to chew on. Over time, I can slip into a habit of seeking more and more entertainment as a panacea for whatever ails me, to the point of neglecting serious study of God's word and other godly and/or thought-provoking books.

Recovering from surgery has meant a new opportunity to read things I hadn't made time for in a while. I slowed down and looked at what I was doing with my “free” time, rather than falling into the same mindless habits. This week, I've read some interesting books and articles which have added insight to my perspective and enriched my life. I got back into Calvin's Institutes and spent a lot less time on Pinterest. It's been refreshing. My challenge will be to maintain this slower, more thoughtful rate of consumption once I resume my normal work schedule.

Are we on a junk food diet, whether of food or other consumables? Do we snack or savor? What would it take for us to slow down and consider what we're doing, maybe make some changes? “Open thy mouth, and I will fill it with good things,” says the Lord. - Psalm 81:10 I had a dentist who hung this verse on the ceiling, so patients could read it while they reclined! It's a great concept: when we're empty, go to the Lord first to be filled. Let Him delight us with that which truly satisfies. Let the Lord teach us about fulfillment, in a way that the world never could. Jesus said, “I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly.” - John 10:10

Learning in the slow lane…

Copyright 2015 Janet A. Marney