The Weekly Encourager – November 2, 2016 – Politics and Friends
There is less than one week until the most contentious presidential election in our nation's history. The run-up to this election has been a roller coaster of revelations about one candidate after another. Just when we're convinced that Person A is the worst candidate ever, something new and awful comes out about Person B.
While the media has been revealing shocking things about current candidates for public office, what has the Spirit been revealing about us? Are we growing in grace and being instruments of peace during this process? Are we focusing on the good, true, pure, and noble in others, while praying earnestly for all those in authority? Are we setting a good example for our children or coworkers, showing how the Lord views the political process? Are we bringing light to a wounded world, or spreading darkness with our words? Has this political season made us more convinced of all people's need for a Savior, more humbly grateful for the mercy of God upon our own souls, and more thankful for the sure hope of Heaven?
I think the devil is having a grand time watching all the Christians react to this election cycle. The devil deals in discord. Don't play his game!
The fallout to friendships is perhaps the most sad. Jesus said to love our neighbor and to love our enemies, yet I've seen Christians on social media “unfriend” whole groups of people because they disagree on political issues and candidates. It's so sad to see Christians being unkind to others, calling them names, and rejecting friends they've known for years! Our nation's founders envisioned a friendly form of politics, not politics used to divide friends. This nation was founded on the freedom to think (and vote) as we please, but we do have the right to try to persuade others of our point of view. How is this to be done? Use reason, not rudeness.
Christians, whether in person or through social media, must be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving. So if your friend supports a different candidate, or is on the other side of an important issue, treat him with brotherly love anyway. What would Jesus do if He were on Facebook? I believe He would treat all people with dignity, knowing that all are sinners justly deserving the wrath of God. Jesus would listen carefully to the views of those who disagreed with Him. Then He would speak the truth in love, using calm words to defend His views. He would not answer a fool according to his folly, but He would never return evil for evil. He would pray and trust God. He would never give up hope!
“Now the works of the flesh are evident...enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions...I warn you...those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” - Galatians 5:19-22
Pray! Vote! Pray! And don't let friendships dissolve over disagreements.
God is a faithful friend. May we be faithful friends like Jesus.
Copyright 2016 Janet A. Marney. I welcome your comments below.