The Weekly Encourager – June 16, 2016 – Looking for a Father's Day Card?
This weekend there's an opportunity to celebrate fathers. If you have a wonderful father, please give thanks to God and make every effort to show your appreciation to your dad! But...have you ever had the experience of going to the card shop and searching for a Father's Day card, only to end up crying because none of the fine words on those cards applied? Some of us have. Instead of providing us with many ways to say thanks, the good folks at Hallmark have only revealed what we have missed and longed for all our life. We want to show honor to our fathers as the Bible commands, but we don't want to lie. What if your father wasn't a very good father, or you never knew your father, or your father is dead?
If you are a Christian, you have a Heavenly Father who is perfectly good, who wants you to know Him better and better, and who is very much alive! After all, our earthly fathers are only a shadow of what fathers should be. Even the finest father in this world cannot begin to compare with God, our true Father, because all earthly fathers are sinners. In contrast, here's what the Bible says about our Father God: “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all.” - Psalm 145:8-9 This psalm also speaks of His greatness, splendor, majesty, wonderful works, great deeds, abundant goodness, righteousness, glory, might, and everlasting kingdom. As if that were not enough, He is trustworthy, faithful, supportive, uplifting, and a good provider. But, wait, there's more! He is near to all who call on Him; He satisfies our desires and He hears, saves, and protects us. In fact, the whole of Psalm 145 may be read as a Father's Day card to the Lord!
How do we deal with this holiday? Give honor where honor is due. If you can't find a card with an appropriate sentiment for your earthly father, choose a blank card and write a simple message thanking him for any good thing he has ever done, or just for having a part in bringing about your life. If you look hard enough, there is always some word of encouragement to offer. You can choose to do good, even to those who have not been good to you. Find a way to show the love of Christ.
Then, give honor to the Lord, your Heavenly Father, for He is surely worthy of thanksgiving, blessing, glory, honor, and praise. No matter what kind of earthly father you were given, you can be sure that it was no accident. God does not make mistakes. That circumstance was part of the Father's perfect plan for your life: to teach you to depend upon Him, to grow strong in faith, and to conform to the image of Jesus, our elder brother. Remember that if we believe in Jesus, we are sons and daughters of God, members of His royal family with all the privileges thereof. Rejoice!
Happy Father's Day!