The Weekly Encourager – March 14, 2018 – When God Says No
Dave did not get the job. This was quite a let-down since he was one of the final two candidates, and the position seemed “perfect” for him. Here's what he wrote today to a person who had given him a recommendation, “I just heard yesterday that I do not get the position. I wish they hadn't taken a full month to reach that decision, but it was a very cool opportunity. You know me, I'm always 110% in, so I gave it everything I had, no regrets. On to the next!”
Although his tone was upbeat, I can tell you that when we found out last night we were both sad and tired. Dave had worked really hard preparing for all the interviews. He spent many hours researching the company and many more hours developing a new web site to show what he could do for them. So many people have been praying faithfully, which has been a big encouragement to him over the last four months, but God said No to our request. Again.
I know we're not the only ones who have prayed in faith and worked diligently for a worthy goal. Some of you have been in far worse situations. I know one man who loved a woman and wanted to marry her. He was one of the final two candidates, but the woman chose the other man. God said No to our friend. Why? Was it a lack of faith on this man's part? Not enough prayer power?
The apostle Paul pleaded with the Lord for healing, but the Lord said No. Was Paul a man who could have had his wish granted if only he had enough faith? No, Paul was a giant of faith, held up for our example. And then there's Jesus. In the garden, the Lord Jesus pleaded with God to take away the horrible agony of the cross, but God said No. Was Jesus low on faith? Did he not have enough friends praying for him? That is laughable. Jesus was fully God, and therefore the ultimate example of true faith in His heavenly Father. Friends, if anyone preaches to you that you can have anything you want if only you pray hard enough with real faith, reject that false doctrine!
Nowhere in the Bible does God promise He will give us everything we want. What He does promise is that He will give us everything we need. Nowhere in the Bible does God promise His people perfect happiness, but He does promise perfect holiness. We are being refined. God will use whatever process He deems appropriate to work holiness into us. That job seemed “perfect” for Dave from our perspective, but it obviously wasn't perfect from God's perspective. What we need most is not the perfect job, perfect spouse, perfect health, or perfect house, but perfect holiness. God's ways are higher; His plans are divine. He who began a good work in us will complete it, and we will find our joy in Christ alone and give Him the glory. We will thank Him for every No answer!!
This season of waiting has been a test of our faith. Will we stay close to the Lord and keep on trusting Him to provide? Will we learn humility and contentment? All I know is that last night I heard my husband thank God for this latest No answer, and I agreed with that prayer. It's not always easy to be thankful in all things, especially when the answer is No. But then the Scripture reminds us that God is a faithful and good Father who loves us. He always does what is best for His children, even if it's trudging through the wilderness for forty years...or four months. We can trust in Him! And if we have Christ, we have all we need.
God is faithful,
Copyright 2018 Janet A. Marney
As always, I welcome your comments below.