The Weekly Encourager – February 13, 2020 – Thorn in the Flesh
After last week’s Encourager about my “falling world,” a dear lady emailed me saying she was “sorry to hear about your repeating episodes with falls” but “even sorrier to read between the lines of your post and learn that a) you considered it your problem to resolve! and that b) to that end you’d spent and apparently will spend a considerable amount of time in an effort ‘to be perfect’.... as if GOD himself were not your Creator!...All of us are made imperfectly in man’s eyes so that our love and actions in Christ can be projected into a ‘man made/defined perfect culture’ – can better reflect the glory of who GOD is and ‘what it means’ to live in HIS LOVE and under HIS WATCHFUL EYE. As I see it, your ‘condition’ (as polite society would call it) is GOD’s special gift for you to use to please Him.”
After answering her letter, I wondered if others got the same impression from my last Encourager. If so, I'm sorry. Of course God created me! Of course I accept that He made each of us as individuals, for His own good reasons. Of course His hand did not slip when He created me or anyone else! But we do live in a fallen world, a world full of sin, suffering, and pain.
I believe that it's fine for Christians to do anything appropriate to resolve medical problems, so I do visit the doctor, go to Physical Therapy, take medicine, etc. I also prepare by trying to exercise regularly, eat healthy food, and get plenty of sleep. Although our holy God exhorts us to "Be perfect, as I am perfect," I believe that's a goal to strive for, rather than something to be achieved in this life. Certainly any progress made toward that lofty goal is the result of God's grace in my life, not my own power to fix myself. As Paul says, I boast in my weaknesses, for when I am weak, He is strong. (2 Corinthians 12) This pattern of falling repeatedly, which could be considered "a thorn in the flesh," is something that the Lord has used time and time again to teach me valuable lessons, so I would not wish it away. Being forced to depend more on Him leads to greater humility and growth in Christ. Each time it happens, I feel His love even more.
Naturally, as we go through various trials, we not only grow ourselves, but become witnesses to a watching world. For example, when I got cancer in May 2017, everyone at my exercise classes knew I had cancer, and they also knew I was a Christian. Many people were watching to see how I would react. The fact that I had such solid faith and trust in God's plan (even if I were to die that summer from cancer) was a testimony that several people remarked on. They were all amazed at the joy I showed each time I saw them. God used that cancer in a mighty way which I never could have done on my own. The joy I felt was real, and it overflowed to those around me; but I never forgot that every drop came from God's heavenly storehouse, not my own goodness. My cup overflowed with the love, mercy, wisdom, protection, and kindness of my loving Heavenly Father.
That cancer experience was part of my journey heavenward, and hopefully part of seed-sowing in others' hearts. I find it interesting that this latest fall happened actually in one of those classes, so everyone there saw my tears and heard me say, "I can't believe this is happening again." Everyone there saw me at my weakest moment (I almost passed out), and I think that was part of God's plan. Not only must I be humbled, but nonbelievers need to see that Christians fall, and Christians are weak. We don't have it all together! So when I talk about Christ Jesus meeting my needs, it means more to them than if I lived the "perfect life" with no hardship or sorrow.
Paul was given a thorn in the flesh. Jesus Christ was given a crown of thorns. Christ counts me worthy to share in His sufferings. I praise God through the pain.
God is faithful,
Copyright 2020 Janet A. Marney
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