The Weekly Encourager – May 21, 2020 – Our Natural Diet
This week I was reading Revelation 10, and I came to the part where the amazing “strong angel” (who some interpret as being Christ Himself) gives an important announcement that “the mystery of God is finished.” The angel is holding a little scroll which is now open. The apostle John hears a voice from heaven telling him to ask for and eat the little scroll. In verse 9 we learn that the angel replies, “Take it, and eat it; and it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.”
We can conclude from earlier passages that the scroll is from Christ. I wondered about the sweet and bitter taste of the word of God. Why the bitter and the sweet? I assume that the bitter refers to the bad news part of Revelation, the wrath stored up for those who reject God, and the sweet must be the good news for those who “overcome.” Using Psalm 119:103 as a reference, we read, “How sweet are Thy words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” This whole Psalm 119 is focused on the necessity and power of God’s word. Psalm 19 says, “The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul;...The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether. They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.” - Psalm 19:7, 10 It’s pretty clear that the word of God is sweet to those who know Him, but bitter to those who don’t.
I have friends who are studying endangered species. Whether the animal is mammal, reptile, bird, or insect, each creature has a natural habitat and a natural diet. If that habitat and/or food is taken away, the species will not survive. As I contemplated “sweeter than honey,” I realized that God’s word is our natural food. This is what sustains life for us. The Bible contains comfort food and healthy food. There is sweet milk for the young and tough meat for the mature to chew on. But without this food, we cannot survive.
How serious are we about “eating” God’s word? I don’t know about you, but I never miss a meal of regular food. I have borderline low blood sugar, so my body tells me when I need to eat. I get weak and shaky and start speaking out of turn. My family will tell you, no matter where I am or what I’m doing, I’m always thinking about breakfast, lunch, and dinner! God has blessed me with an abundance of tasty nutritious food; my fridge is full, so I can eat whenever I need to. But how aware am I of my soul’s need for time with the Lord and His truth? God has blessed us with the Bible, so we can be nourished with this “family meal” at any time. We need only open the Book being held out to us.
The question is, are we Christians becoming an endangered species? What are we eating on a regular basis? Do we have plenty of time for news reports, Netflix, novels, social media, or games, but “no time” to read the Scripture? None of these things are bad, but let’s remember to make time for the highest good. Goats will eat almost anything, but sheep eat grass; God will separate the sheep from the goats.
Are you going through a tough time? The Lord wants you to rest in green pastures, where you will find an abundance of tasty nutritious food and the clear water which sustains life. Do you feel weak and shaky? Taste and eat manna from heaven, the bread of life. May the Lord revive and strengthen you, and give you peace.
God is faithful,
Copyright 2020 Janet A. Marney