The Encourager – When You Go Through Deep Waters

Today is my oldest son’s birthday. I’m reading the same devotional now as I was back then, and it’s good to remember what happened all those years ago. On February 14th, Dave and I took the tour of the hospital’s maternity ward, thinking we still had a month more of reading up on babies, taking Lamaze classes, and preparing the nursery. On Friday the 15th, I had my separation physical and officially got out of the US Navy that morning, then went to a church meeting that evening. At the meeting, my water broke, a full month early. Naturally I was a bit stressed: this was our first child, and I didn’t know what to expect. How would I deal with a premature baby? How would I get the nursery ready in a few hours? I didn’t even have a place for him to sleep!

That day, my devotional book reading started with “The mighty oceans thunder your praise” from Psalm 93:3, and continued with the water theme in several more verses. There’s no doubt that God has ultimate power over all the oceans. In particular, I was struck by the timeliness of Isaiah 43:2 “When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.” Coincidence? I don’t think so. I think the Lord knew exactly what was going to happen to me that day. He had divine encouragement ready for me from the Scriptures. All I had to do was to read the verses and ask God for the promised help. But it strikes me: I would not have received the excellent encouragement God had prepared for me if I had skipped the reading that day!

Fast forward to today. A dear friend’s husband had passed away at a young age, leaving her with two sons. A while back, the older son appeared to be struggling with his faith, so we prayed and we kept on praying. So hard to raise sons without a father there! Then, a few days ago, she was shocked when the younger son told her that he doesn’t want to hear her talk about the Lord any more. She wept and we prayed. Some time passed. Today her oldest son got accepted into medical school. I rejoice with my friend’s happy news, but I rejoice even more that this son is now concerned that his younger brother go to church and is even taking him there! If God is answering our heartfelt prayers for the older, won’t he also answer our prayers for the younger?

As the song says, “He knows our need. To our weakness, He’s no stranger.” We may not be prepared for what comes our way on any given day. But God is always prepared! Why? Look at the verses that surround the “deep waters” verse. He is the Lord who created us, redeemed us, and called us by name. “Do not fear...I am the Lord your God, the holy one of Israel, your Savior.” We are “precious and honored in His sight” and He loves us. Again He repeats, “Do not be afraid, for I am with you.”

I sent my friend the Isaiah 43 passage, because I believe it applies to her and her sons as well. And it applies to many other parents I know whose children are wandering from faith in Jesus Christ. And it’s encouraging in other difficult circumstances, too. Whatever trouble is shocking, saddening, or worrying you right now, if you belong to the Lord, He is with you. Read your Bible daily, keep praying, confide in a trusted friend. When we go through deep waters and great trouble, He will be with us. Thank You, Lord!

God is faithful,