The Weekly Encourager – April 26, 2021 – Have Your I.D. Ready

For several weeks, our church meeting place was also being used as a vaccination station for COVID-19. A security guard was posted at the front door, and as soon as we entered, another person would say, “Have your I.D. ready.” We would answer, “Good morning! We’re here for church. Have a good day.” Then we were free to bypass a multitude of tables with various people, papers, and equipment.

One of my favorite comic strips shows a long line of people waiting to get into heaven. They each have to give their name to St. Peter, who stands at an entrance podium similar to that used at fine restaurants. One guy in line turns to his friend and says, “We should have called ahead for a reservation.”

Exactly! Our government-issued I.D. is an essential item that we need to go places and do things in this world. We need it to travel. We need it to get vaccinated against deadly diseases. We need it to prove who we are and where we belong. But it won’t get us into Heaven. The only way to get into Heaven is by calling ahead for a reservation. By faith, we look at Christ’s death upon the cross and His resurrection on Easter morning. In heartfelt prayer, we call upon the Lord Jesus to forgive our sin. Because He is loving and merciful, He forgives us. He has gone ahead to prepare a place for us. He has set a beautiful table where all who are His will enjoy an abundant feast together. Fine dining, indeed.

God has issued me a permanent passport that can never be damaged, lost, revoked, or stolen. This I.D. now states to one and all that my new name is Christian, my new position in society is daughter of the King, and my new country is Mount Zion. This document certifies that I have believed in Christ and received the gift of the Holy Spirit. It’s the earnest of an eternal inheritance of joy, shalom peace, true love, and precious fellowship. This card gives me the right to travel directly to Heaven – do not pass Go, do not collect $200. It gives me the promise of complete healing from every deadly disease, sorrow, and pain man has ever known. Because of Jesus, I have a passport that will never expire. Do you?

Satan and his cronies are busy trying to convince people that we need something else to make it into Heaven. They say we need to be good enough, strong enough, smart enough, rich enough, popular enough, powerful enough, or whatever. But these are all lies from the father of lies. When Satan attacks, all we have to do is cry out to Jesus and stand firm. How do we do this? We pull out the passport and review our identity in Christ. If we belong to Christ, we are safe!

I love the final verse of “Jesus Lives, and So Shall I” by Christian F. Gellert:

“Jesus lives, and death is now but my entrance into glory.
Courage, then, my soul, for thou hast a crown of life before thee;
thou shalt find thy hopes were just: Jesus is the Christian's trust.”

Have your I.D. ready.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2021 Janet A. Marney
To hear a beautiful modern tune to this classic old hymn, visit

The Weekly Encourager – March 25, 2021 – Help My Unbelief!

So many of us are struggling during this time of pandemic with fear, anxiety, exasperation, anger, loneliness, grief, depression, a critical spirit, or boredom. Any of these emotions, unaddressed, can diminish our faith in an all-knowing, all-loving God. Just as good habits of sleep, exercise, time outdoors, and healthy food can help our state of mind, good habits of regular quiet devotional time with the Lord and participation in public worship can help our hearts.

Remember what the father of the deaf mute boy said to Jesus? “If you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!” And Jesus commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the boy. As He explained later to the disciples, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” Dear friends, take heart. Jesus loves you and intends your suffering for your good. Your heart is being quilted with stitches of love. Keep on praying!

A Better Resurrection

By Christina Rossetti

I have no wit, no words, no tears;

My heart within me like a stone

Is numb'd too much for hopes or fears;

Look right, look left, I dwell alone;

I lift mine eyes, but dimm'd with grief

No everlasting hills I see;

My life is in the falling leaf:

O Jesus, quicken me.

My life is like a faded leaf,

My harvest dwindled to a husk:

Truly my life is void and brief

And tedious in the barren dusk;

My life is like a frozen thing,

No bud nor greenness can I see:

Yet rise it shall—the sap of Spring;

O Jesus, rise in me.

My life is like a broken bowl,

A broken bowl that cannot hold

One drop of water for my soul

Or cordial in the searching cold;

Cast in the fire the perish'd thing;

Melt and remould it, till it be

A royal cup for Him, my King:

O Jesus, drink of me.

“Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto Thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.” - Psalm 61:1-2

Remember, it’s not IF He can, but YES He can!

God is faithful,

The Weekly Encourager – February 23, 2021 – The Lord Delivers Us

“Blessed be the LORD, for He has heard my cry for mercy. The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.” - Psalm 28:6-7 ESV

A few days ago, I was attacked on Facebook. I had made what I thought was a simple post* in a private Facebook group, and the first few comments were positive. They got my brand of wry humor. I went away to watch a drama on Netflix, never realizing that the real drama was playing out on Facebook. After the show ended, I decided to do a quick check back, and it had all blown up in my face. My post was grossly misinterpreted. What I intended as information was taken as insult. Apparently, I came across as feeling superior to others in the group because I knew more than they did, and this was a trigger for some to hijack the conversation with a different agenda.

Even worse, one of the admins messaged me privately to tell me of the huge battle that occurred while I was gone. People were not only criticizing me, but each other. The admins deleted the contentious post, but there was a new outcry over that decision. Now the admins themselves were attacked and spent two hours during a work day defending their decision to delete. People felt that the discussion should stay up as an example. The “resources” shared in the comments should not be stifled. Finally the admins bowed to the crowd and put it all back up.

When I arrived on the scene, I was shocked and saddened at the anger and hurt I had caused. I immediately posted a sincere apology before re-deleting the entire thread. I was ashamed of having offended people and tried to fix it the only way I knew how to do. I just wanted to get rid of what I did wrong. If I spill tomato sauce on the floor, my first instinct is to mop it up, not leave it there for others to slip on. I encouraged the admins to start a new thread so that people who wished to educate an old white lady could post all their resources in one place.

I was miserable for some long days and unable to work, but I called upon the Lord. I really appreciate those who wrote encouraging words and/or prayed for me during that horrible time. It’s always good to know that my Christian friends have my back – what a blessing! With perseverance and prayer, I was able to apologize to all and sundry, learning several new terms such as OP, dirty delete, ableism, emotional labor, tone policing, white tears, and centering along the way. By God's grace, the situation has been resolved. For now. I know I have a lot more to learn when it comes to communication. But He who has begun a good work in me will complete it, for He is faithful.

Why didn’t I just ignore the painful drama or even leave the group? As a Christian, I am called to be a peacemaker: to seek peace and pursue it, to be at peace with all men, insofar as it depends on me. My very witness to the transforming power of Christ was at stake! Yes, there are times when we are not to answer a fool according to his folly, but this was not one of those times. This was a time to apologize, listen, and learn. A dismissive attitude would only worsen the offense. Whether or not I intended harm, harm happened on my watch. Whether or not I agreed with everything that folks were saying, my post was the origin of the problem. Therefore, I needed to be the one to fix it.

As one group member commented to me, “you are fixing this by staying here, listening and taking this all in. It’s hard, but everyone is taking time to educate you and you are hearing it. I am seeing you do this and stay with it. This whole thread is a blessing and you are now changed for the time spent on this. Thanks to all the posters. Thanks to you for not running from the discomfort, the pain is worth it when growth comes from it.”

I don’t know if this person is a Christian, but her comment was in line with what the Holy Spirit was showing me in my heart. God says, “In your anger do not sin: do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” - Ephesians 4:26-27 NIV I firmly believe that a habitual failure to resolve conflict is a sign of fear or laziness. It’s an immature attitude which does not trust that God will get us though difficulties, or doesn’t take seriously His command to seek peace in all our relationships. Even when I am very upset, I am bold in trying to resolve conflict, because I know God is for me in this effort. He strengthens me and upholds me with His righteous arm. No matter how badly I feel, His love is always greater than my sorrow, shame, fear, or exhaustion. His mercy covers even my very worst failures. Despite my mistakes, the Lord enabled me to be a positive force for healing in this Facebook group, and I thank Him for that! That’s why I’m there in the first place. I am grateful for the opportunity to listen and grow, thus showing Christ’s love.

"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all." - Psalm 34:19

God is faithful,

*My original post clarified the difference between palette, pallet, and palate in a quilting group. It had absolutely nothing to do with racism or ableism; it was hijacked.

Copyright 2021 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager – February 11, 2021 – Darkness Into Light

During these dark days of winter, are you feeling a little down? Seasonal weather can add to whatever stress we’re already feeling. How is your faith holding up during this time?

I’ve been watching a crime series. In this show, two college students in a philosophy class become friends. The first man, Nick, is highly intelligent and an outstanding student. Reading Nietzsche, he absorbs a nihilistic philosophy in his search for meaning. Confronted with the truth that everyone dies, he believes that what people do cannot matter ultimately. He is obsessed with danger and death, and engages in very risky behavior “games” so that he can “feel something.” Nick also internalizes an ubermensch persona, convincing himself that he is superior to others and therefore can devise his own morality.

That would be bad enough, but Nick also possesses a strong, dominant personality which is highly charismatic. The second student, Jamie, comes under his spell. Over time, Nick convinces Jamie of his philosophy, and encourages him to participate in the dangerous “games.” Spending more and more time together, the two men become a closed loop of dark thoughts, dark feelings, and dark activities. Their crimes become more serious, eventually reaching the logical conclusion of murder.

These two characters are neatly contrasted with Vic, an ex-military man who says that faith in God is the only thing that got him through his time in Afghanistan. He’s an upbeat, upstanding guy who wants to help catch a criminal. The star of the show is the detective Harry who is somewhere in the middle between Jamie and Vic.

Watching this series, I can’t help but consider what it says about the larger issue: why are we here, are there any absolute values, and is there any hope for us? What light can we shed?

First, I have to agree with Nick and Jamie that most people are scared of death, and scared that this life is all there is. These men believe “you have to look death in the face” to feel alive. In some ways, I agree with them. No, I don’t sanction throwing oneself into dark near-death experiences, but I do believe that every person must realize his own mortality in a fundamental way. Until we come face to face with the fact that, no matter how we live our life, we will die anyway, we cannot know our need for God. It is the inexorable journey toward death that arouses the uneasy feeling that there must be something more. When we realize that this life alone can never satisfy our longing to live forever, we will seek an existence beyond this life. Everyone, whether he realizes it or not, is seeking light on the other side of darkness.

After I pondered this one evening, guess what came up in my devotional book the very next morning?! You’re right: some verses about light, The Light! Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” - John 8:12 “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” - 2 Corinthians 4:6. What an amazing gift we have been given! In Jesus Christ, we have the answers to life’s most important questions. We know we were sent here as part of a Divine Plan for our good and His glory. Everything He does is holy, so we can look to Him for Truth. And we no longer fear death or any of life’s difficulties, for we have the blessed hope of eternal life.

Another lesson from this show is a good reminder: be careful who your friends are. If you are feeling down, and some leader-type presents himself with a strong personality, it’s very easy to be swayed by his attitudes and perspective on life. Nick had an uncanny hold over Jamie. He kept pushing him to do the next dare. As their relationship progressed, they started shutting out other more rational thoughts. Be careful to minimize contact with friends on the dark side. As my husband says, “You will do things for your friends that you would never do for your enemies.”

Lastly, there are people all around us who are in the detective’s camp. Having seen great tragedy, Harry is wandering in the darkness of grief, not committing crimes, but not feeling any hope, either. We need to pray for these people! They are our family members, friends, colleagues, and neighbors, and they need someone to show them the light of Christ. O Lord, “open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in [Christ].” - Acts 26:18

Every one of us is capable of dark thoughts. If not for God's grace, I might be committing murder. Thank God, we have found a charismatic leader in Jesus Christ. “He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” - Psalm 23:3. We “face our fear” not by stalking death, but by seeking life in the One who created life and gives it meaning. We can rejoice in the Lord always, even in the most difficult seasons of life. We walk in the light. “For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.” - Psalm 56:13.

God is faithful,


Copyright 2021 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager – January 11, 2021 – Crossing the Bridge

This past week was really difficult and draining for me. By Saturday night I was on empty. Besides the horrible happenings on Capitol Hill, I had three challenging conversations with friends during the week. On Wednesday, I received a very hurtful email from our longtime friend and Christian brother with the subject line “Put a fork in it…” in which he says the friendship is over because I don't speak out for his views on social media. 

There are a number of things wrong with his letter, not the least of which is his evident anger and lack of kindness or self-control. But the main thing bothering me is his underlying assumption that Dave and I should agree with his political views simply because we’re all Christians. I’ve seen this attitude in a number of my friends on both the Left and the Right. And they don’t just want me to believe the same things, but to act upon these beliefs in the same way that they do. I feel like I’m in a car approaching a bridge. I’m trying to get to the other side of this messy traffic jam by encouraging calm, respectful, and rational debate between people with opposing views. Please, stop your cars and talk to one another! That’s the only way to move ahead in our divided nation. But I’m stuck because folks on the Left want me to drive off the bridge on the left, while folks on the Right want me to drive off the bridge on the right. Everyone is so emotional that they’re headed off the deep end and encouraging others to do the same. Splash, splash! Neither side is willing to let me cross the bridge.

The second assumption is troubling as well: this person believes that people must express their political opinions on social media. Here’s what “speaking up” looks like for me: After the debacle of an unruly mob breaking into the US Capitol building with elected legislators voting inside, I did re-post Pastor Rob Yancey’s comment that “despite the signs they are holding, there is nothing Christian about what this mob did today at the Capitol building.” I also posted a plea for people to be “polite and respectful” when sharing their views. While some agreed with me and others said “if only,” there were a number of comments saying that it’s too late for respect and kindness. I expect nonbelievers to feel this way, but I’m shocked and saddened by the number of Christian people on both sides of the aisle who display no humility whatsoever and no sense that they need to listen to other views. They only want to stand on a bridge and shout. 

Friends, this is not the Way of Christ. “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.” - James 3:17 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Each person has to prayerfully consider what God is calling them to do, both in private and in public situations, during these difficult times. We have different personalities and different gifts. We have different callings and different audiences. I may not be required to say or do exactly what you are required to do. For some, silence is violence, and they must speak out. For others, silence is quietly working behind the scenes in another way to achieve the same goal. One approach is not superior to the other. Only God can judge whether my approach to Facebook and Instagram is the best use of my time and talents. I answer to Him alone. If you see a fellow believer “not doing enough” or “doing it wrong” that’s an opportunity to pray for the Lord’s enlightenment. We are not called to judge one another, but to love one another and to pray for one another.

The third disturbing factor is a form of “Christian nationalism” that argues that, if we could only get the right Christian president to lead this country, all our problems would be solved. It’s unsettling to see followers of Christ fall into this trap. Jesus came to a people who hoped for a strong political leader to overthrow the oppressive Roman government, but Jesus had a higher purpose: to establish a spiritual kingdom characterized by holiness, justice, and righteousness. “My kingdom is not of this world” He told the disciples in John 18:36. So no matter who is king or president, that man or woman can never be the savior of a nation nor of any individual in a nation. I march under the banner of Jesus Christ, not of any political leader. 

"Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God" the Bible says in Psalm 146:3-5. To be sure, Christians can certainly work toward justice and equity in the nations in which they live. They can even support and campaign for candidates. But Christians must always understand the difference between the church and the state, and keep each in its proper realm. Christ’s priorities will always be higher than any others.  Any other flag I fly had better be under His! “You have given us a banner to rally to; all who love truth will rally to it.” - Psalm 60:4 Christ-followers will also strive to be winsome in speech and behavior. “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” - James 1:20 “His banner over me is Love.” - Song of Solomon 2:4 We will reflect the attitude of whomever we worship.

Heavenly Father, help our nation to repent where we have sinned, to listen where we have shouted, to love where we have hated. I ask for shalom peace in our nation, and it must begin with me, in my own heart. Show me my wicked ways, and lead me in the Way of Christ. Make those of us who claim Your Name to be bearers of Your clear light. Let us not be led astray by our own prideful desires, but be guided by Your Holy Spirit to accomplish Your purposes. We humbly ask for your supernatural grace to heal this land. We need Jesus.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2021 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager – January 7, 2021 – Choose Love

I have so much to say about the horrible happenings in our Nation’s Capital on Wednesday. While I collect my thoughts, please read this story posted by my friend Donna Daigle about her sister Holly and their opposing views. The same applies equally to me and my brother, who is not a Christian and often on the opposite side of issues. Yet we choose to maintain our connection out of love and family.

Donna writes:
“My sister and I are on different sides of the political aisle this time around. And still we talk every day. We appreciate each other's perspectives even if we see things differently. We both campaigned for our respective sides as we could and yet we love each other. We honor each other. We do not loot each other's houses or businesses. We build each other up every chance we get! 

“And here's the thing, we do not have the same parents. I was adopted by her biological parents. I was a full family member my whole life, even though some relatives perceived/treated me as "other". 

“We have learned throughout our lives to cherish our diversity, embrace our differences as greater strength – together. 

“We have chosen to stay in conversation, in relationship, and keep working on understanding each other's viewpoint and examine the logical outcomes from believing as we do. No one sees perfectly so we have each other's back.

“This is what being an American family is supposed to be all about.

“Words created this world we now see and words will create the one to come. Choose your words wisely!”

Donna’s later comment:
“Yes I have been blessed with a wonderful sister AND the point is that we CHOSE to put relationship before politics, Love before religion, faith, or hope. We intentionally set aside our personal thoughts and opinions to listen to each other, to try and understand each other's point of view. We ask questions and listen to the answers. We try and follow our views to their ultimate expression and that often changes our understanding of each other, of the circumstance, of the moment.

“These are choices we can each make in every relationship every day.

“We have a special relationship because we CHOOSE to have it.”

Here let me add some of God’s words:

"Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God." - James 1:20

“But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.” - James 3:17

We need to remember God’s words as we relate to people with opposite viewpoints. Seek Shalom and pursue it.

God is faithful,




The Weekly Encourager – January 1, 2021 – Shalom Peace

“May the peace of Christ be with you.” How often have you heard this phrase? It’s a regular part of the liturgy of many churches around the world. Often there is a specific time in the service to “pass the peace” by repeating this greeting to those around you. Pre-pandemic, this may have included smiles, hugs, handshakes, small talk, inquiries after one’s health, etc. But since the Covid-19 lockdowns, many churches have been meeting online only. Although my church now has limited in-person worship with masks, rigorous cleaning, social distancing, etc., we continue to offer online worship for those who must stay home. Therefore, our leaders regularly encourage us to “pass the peace,” even if we are not able to meet in person, by calling, texting, or emailing someone to wish them peace on the Lord’s Day.

As you may know, the phrase “peace be with you” originated with the Hebrew phrase “Shalom.” Shalom שָׁלוֹם occurs 237 times in the Old Testament, and the similar Greek EIRENE appears 91 times in the New Testament. Shalom is still used to say hello or goodbye, but its meaning is far richer than a simple greeting. As I understand it, the concept of shalom means wholeness, intactness, and completeness. It includes safety, prosperity and well-being with delight in God’s gifts and universal flourishing forever. Adam and Eve knew shalom in the Garden before the Fall. Everything was good and very good, for people had right relationships to God, themselves, and all other creatures. God’s world was in complete harmony and fulness, each one playing its proper part to contribute to the benefit of the whole. Love, joy, and peace characterized the world as God created it. All needs were met in abundance. No one was sick, lonely, poor, depressed, or at war.

I want to express this concept of peace to all of you. I want to use the Hebrew shalom because it embodies so much more than the temporary worldly peace we mean in English. I wish shalom for all of you, for everyone I know, and for the whole world. But, since the Fall, there is only one way any of us can have this kind of shalom peace. Due to our rebellion against shalom, God sent His Son to redeem us from sin; only the Prince of Peace makes any whole or lasting peace possible again. Christ’s peace means being reconciled to God, ourselves, and other people, in that order. Shalom is linked with salvation and sanctification. Even in this broken world which is clearly not whole and at peace (look at 2020), we can experience an inner harmony and wholeness through trust in God.

“Great,” you say, “I’ve trusted in Christ.” But we can’t just sit there and expect peace to arrive without any effort on our part. This life requires an active seeking of God’s face on a regular basis. We must spend time with Him in His word, prayer, and worship. It’s our daily bread. We must turn over every aspect of our lives to Him, including private sins and struggling (or severed) relationships. We are hurting, but He is wholeness. We are lazy, but He is motivating. We need to step forth in faith, and a new year is just the time to begin again. We fail, but He forgives. Run to the Lord, and beg for peace. He will answer.

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal." - Isaiah 26:3-4

Wishing you the true shalom peace of Christ in 2021. שָׁלוֹם

God is faithful,

Copyright 2021 Janet A. Marney


The Weekly Encourager – December 24, 2020 – A Caring Christmas

Everyone agrees that Christmas 2020 is challenging. On top of everything else, I just learned that my Uncle Gene died. No, I don't need a flood of sympathy here. Gene was a godly Christian man, so he is now at peace with our Lord. Instead, please reach out to someone who is lonely, grieving, sick, depressed, or suffering in some other way. Don't be so caught up in your own holiday celebrations that you forget those who need an email, text, or phone call. One kind word can make a huge difference in someone's day. Reach out and share the love of Christ. 💗

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” - Isaiah 9:2

Jesus came to shine Light in the darkness! He came to save the lowliest of the low, those humbled by circumstances, those who have no hope left on earth, those who are in a very dark place right now. We were dead in trespasses and sin, yet He sought us out, rescued us, gave us a seat at His table, made us part of His own family. We owe Him everything, for He is the source of our very life. He is our only reason for hope, at Christmas and all through the year. Surely we are meant to share this with those who don’t know Him yet, or those who are struggling to keep the faith. Reach out and share the love of Christ. 💗

“Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will arise; though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light.” - Micah 7:8

I started to write A Covid Christmas as the title for this post, but then I thought, No, that’s letting the darkness win. I refuse to let this pandemic or any other distressing circumstance dominate my perspective. He is the Light, and we need to believe it, say it, shout it. Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere! Jesus Christ is born! Reach out and share the love of Christ. 💗

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” Ephesians 5:8

Let’s make this a Caring Christmas.

God is faithful,




The Weekly Encourager – November 4, 2020 – Five-Step Cure for Anxiety

Yesterday was Election Day, but a winner has not been declared. With record turnout (a good thing), many states are still counting votes. We may be in for a long and acrimonious period of verification until a clear answer can be announced. A quick run-through of my Facebook friends this morning reveals a lot of anxiety out there.

Who will be our next president is not clear, but the Bible holds a clear path to peace as we wait. Philippians 4:4-9 provides a cure for anxiety. Have you read it lately?

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”

This passage is a treasure chest of truth for us. Among other gems to ponder is the promise of peace, given twice in these short verses. Let’s spell it out. Are you anxious about this election (or other concerns)? Would you like to have peace within you, guarding your heart and mind? Here’s what to do:

1. Rejoice in the Lord always. Spiritual joy transcends worldly circumstances. Sing a song of praise.
2. Be reasonable, gentle in spirit. Don’t give in to hate.
3. Pray to God about any anxious issues, with thanksgiving. He’s right there with you.
4. Focus on the good, the true, and the beautiful. Train your mind to dwell on positive things.
5. Imitate the godly role models God has placed in your life. Jesus is our supreme role model.

Today I am not anxious, but I am praying for clarity, peace, healing, and unity in our nation going forward, thanking God in advance for whatever He is doing. “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” - Romans 8:28 NASB It’s all good!

God is faithful,



The Weekly Encourager – October 31, 2020 – What If the Other Guy Wins?

We all know what Tuesday is: the day we elect our next president. As my Bible teacher Susan Ulrich used to say, “Pray. Vote. Pray.” If you are a citizen, I sincerely hope that you will vote, if you haven’t already done so. This is both a privilege and a responsibility. Okay, so you cast your ballot, hopefully with thoughtfulness and prayer. You believe that your candidate best embodies the ideals of our nation. You think he’s best equipped to solve the many problems we face. You hope that your choice of leader will help bring better lives for all. But...what if the other guy wins? Are you okay with that?

If your candidate loses the election, how will you respond? Naturally, you’ll be disappointed. But will you be angry, anxious, and obnoxious, too? Will you give in to hate, or just give up? Neither is the best choice for a follower of Jesus. Here’s an even more important question: will you thank God if your candidate loses? The Bible exhorts us, “In everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NASB The Bible does not say, “If something really good happens, if you’re healthy, wealthy and wise, and if your candidate wins the election, give thanks.” But give thanks in everything. Not necessarily for everything, but in it, as God gently walks you through the sometimes cray-cray circumstances of your life.

One of my favorite verses at election time is, “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.” - Psalm 146:3 NIV We know that the Lord raises up some kingdoms and brings down others according to His sovereign plan. Sometimes world leaders are righteous; sometimes they’re wicked. That was true in Biblical times and we see it today. But God’s plan for every believer, in every nation, is to give us a future and a hope. His plan is always for His glory and our good. As the old hymn says, “Farther along, we’ll understand why.”

Political leaders, even the very best ones, cannot bring us lasting peace. There is only one ruler who can do that: Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Our happiness cannot rest in the things of this world. We’re only passing through. Our citizenship is in heaven, where we will joyfully worship and serve the very Prince of Peace. He is the ruler we could never elect, but who elected us to join His party. Now that’s an election to rejoice in! Win or lose Tuesday’s political election, let us worship and rejoice!

“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory….And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts....And be thankful.” - Colossians 3:1-4, 15 ESV

Pray. Vote. Give thanks.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2020 Janet A. Marney
As always, I welcome your comments below.


The Weekly Encourager – October 21, 2020 – Division or Unity?

We’re living in one of the most divisive times in our nation’s history. Responding to the Covid-19 pandemic is the major issue of 2020. Some people are very cautious, while others are very confident, and there are many positions in between. Each side sees the other as foolish or selfish. Racial tensions have flared up for many months, and there are lots of different views on Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, and other movements. Everyone says they want liberty and justice for all, but few agree on how that should happen. Climate change is yet another hot button issue (no pun intended). Then there is the current contentious presidential election, with most folks squarely on one side or the other. Hardly anyone seems to be capable of working with both major political parties.

Adding to the division of opinion, we have social media algorithms which deliberately reinforce the views you already have, rather than providing new and different opinions as a balance. If you click on articles about hiking, social platforms will feed you ads for hiking boots and backpacks. If you favor Candidate A and his causes, you’ll see more posts favorable to him and what he represents. If you favor Candidate B and his positions on issues, you’ll see more posts which support him and his views. Media today is self-reinforcing.

For Christians, this is a Tailor-made time to be witnesses for the Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever our personal views on these important issues, we are to be good ambassadors for the King of Kings, who rules over every nation and superintends every issue on the planet. As we discuss these matters with believers and nonbelievers, we are to show forth the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5. Traits such as love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, meekness, self-control, and faith will characterize true disciples of Christ. Of course we’re all sinners who fail from time to time, but a Christian will recognize his error and seek forgiveness. But if we find ourselves often getting overly worked up, angry, and yelling at people who disagree, something’s not right. If we find ourselves often getting too depressed to interact regularly with others, maybe even avoiding church services, something's not right.

For example, where do you fall on the Covid continuum? If you tend to be worried and anxious about getting the virus, this is your opportunity to lean in to God and ask for more faith. You may need to trust God more. If you tend to be critical of lockdowns and masks, this is your opportunity to learn patience. You may need be more considerate of the weaker brother. In both cases, we all need to recognize that we’re not in control of the situation. God is calling us to give up our desire to be in charge of our lives and to submit to God’s perfect plan and timing. This is Adam and Eve stuff, folks. Satan is on the loose. Will we trust God or not?

Contention is characteristic of our time, but Christians are to be radically different from the world around us. Nowhere is this more important than in the church. Our love for one another is supposed to shine forth as a testimony to the love of God. Despite diverse views on issues, are we showing unity in Christ? We don’t show unity by criticizing each other, dismissing each other, mocking each other, or avoiding fellowship with each other. We don’t show love by speaking disparagingly of opposite viewpoints, calling names, stealing signs, or posting inappropriate memes. Be very careful with social media. How we present ourselves in public becomes part of our gospel witness. The world is watching! Take care to represent Christ well.

“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” - Philippians 2:1-4 NIV

Christ calls us to consider the other person as more important than ourselves. We do this by acknowledging their dignity as fellow creatures and treating them with respect, especially when we disagree. Love your enemies! Kindness, humility, and patience must be our guides. Any time our argument gets out of control, we are presenting an offering to Satan. But when we reign in our desire to rule and choose love instead, we lay a sweet offering on the holy altar of Christ.

“Look after each other so that not one of you will fail to find God’s best blessings. Watch out that no bitterness takes root among you, for as it springs up it causes deep trouble, hurting many in their spiritual lives.” - Hebrews 12:15 TLB

“If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” - Romans 12:18 ESV

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” - Psalm 19:14 NASB

God is faithful,



The Weekly Encourager – September 2, 2020 – Wake-Up Call

What’s the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? This may reveal where your heart lies.

A few months ago, my women’s Bible study group was sharing prayer requests. One lady said she woke up with fears and worries about the day. I proudly told her that my first thought was always the hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” Years ago, after noticing that I had negative thoughts in the morning, I trained myself to sing this same hymn each morning to focus my mind on God. (Note that most of the time, I just hear it in my head, rather than singing it aloud.)

However, just as we no longer notice a painting which has been hanging in the same spot for years, I have begun to take that hymn for granted, hearing it in my head, but not really thinking about the words. The Bible warns us about prayers that are only “vain repetitions.” No matter how good the words of a prayer or song may be (even the Lord’s prayer!), if it becomes a rote exercise without engagement, we’re no longer getting any benefit.

I got a spiritual wake-up call yesterday, while studying Revelation 14. Verse 7 is a good summary verse for the whole book. “And [the angel] said with a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.”

My life has had several disappointments lately. The most recent was that we lost the charming vacation house we had planned to rent. We had reserved this popular location several months in advance, looking forward to a week in this lovely spot. We even confirmed twice with the host that we were still arriving this Saturday. Then, checking one last time on Monday evening, we found out that the reservation was cancelled by AirBnB, so he had rented the house to someone else! This was very upsetting. Dave promptly found hotel rooms for our family, so we do have a place to stay, but it’s not at all what I had planned.

On Tuesday, I turned to the next section in the Revelation study book I’m using. Pointing out the dangers of idolatry, the author told of her “intense house-hunting frenzy.” She and her husband bought a house and moved in, but she was not satisfied with it and immediately began looking for something nicer, bigger, and in a better location. She writes, “I knew that I was kicking and screaming against the Lord,” who had orchestrated the move. She was getting sucked into materialism looking at all the other houses, but the Lord graciously showed her that she was already in the place where He wanted her. Over time, the reasons became clear for that move. “A deep trust overcame my lack of understanding and I finally settled down into contentment.”

Is it a coincidence that I was struggling with discontent over our vacation housing situation only a few hours before reading this testimony? “Lord, we anticipated staying in this ideal house in the perfect location for months, and now we have to stay in a boring, expensive hotel that’s farther away from the city we’re visiting for the first time?” Yes. God works all things together for good. - Romans 8:28

Even more important to note, for weeks now, I’ve been waking up with negative thoughts of all that’s wrong in my world. Yes, I’m still hearing that hymn in my brain (habits are hard to break), but it’s been merely background music to my discouragement and discontent.

How is a follower of Christ supposed to wake up? Fear God. Worship Him. Give Him glory. - Revelation 14:7

The author of the study book said, "Every day is a new opportunity for us to give God the glory and worship that he deserves for his victory over Satan and sin." Very convicting! We are to "sing a new song" each day of faith in Christ, and contentment with His plans. We are redeemed, we are loved, we are secure in His hand. “I will bless the Lord and give Him glory!”

"In everything give thanks, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Have a thankful day.
God is faithful,

The book I’m reading is “Revelation: Let the One Who Is Thirsty Come” by Sarah Ivill, 2013.



The Weekly Encourager – July 8, 2020 – Am I Diligent at Work and Home?

Recently I’ve been reminded of how important it is to work with diligence in whatever tasks the Lord requires of us. For some, this is the work expected by an employer in a paying job. For others, it’s the raising of children. For others, it’s doing household chores to maintain an orderly, pleasant home. As far as I can tell, the Bible makes no difference between these types of work in terms of our responsibility to be diligent in our callings.

It’s important to realize that none of these jobs is higher or lower on God’s priority list. From time to time, I have helped various people organize their homes, offices, or schedules. My help is most successful when the friend truly wants to be able to work more efficiently. If that person puts good plans into action, she can gain much from the little tips I provide. On the other hand, if the person doesn’t really want to work hard, she will fall right back into her old habits as soon as I leave the premises. I’ve seen it happen. Why? Some homemakers seem to believe that their work is not essential, or not even that important. In some cases, they’ve been taught that religious or churchly professions (minister, missionary, etc.) are more spiritual than being a parent or homemaker. In other cases, they believe that, since they don’t get paid and no boss is looking on, household chores are optional. They feel free to fritter away their time at home, or to volunteer in various other capacities (church, community, etc.) outside the home to feel better, when their own home is a mess. Or, in some cases, the person is just plain lazy.

A strong work ethic should be a fundamental attitude of the followers of Christ. Sloth is a sin! “If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.” - 2 Thessalonians 3:10 And it leads to poverty. “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man.” - Proverbs 6:10-11 If God has blessed you with someone else to provide income for you, so that you “don’t have to work,” you should feel an even greater sense of responsibility to do what you can in other areas. It is profoundly disrespectful to the wage-earner not to do your share of the work. It’s also profoundly disrespectful to God. If you have been given a partner, be thankful! And be sure that you work just as hard as they do. (Of course, if you are unable to work, that is a different situation.)

During this pandemic lockdown, I’ve had some days in which I didn’t want to do anything but sit and read a book, eat cookies, spend time on social media, and watch Netflix. It’s normal during a crisis to have some of those days, and everyone needs times of rest and relaxation. But the Lord convicted me at the point when my slacking off started becoming a habit. Take adequate rest, yes, then get back to work!

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” - Colossians 3:23-24 No matter where your workplace is, Jesus Himself is your boss. He sees all you do and do not do. You are serving the Lord Christ!

I read a good quote yesterday: “Cease endlessly striving for what you would like to do and learn to love what must be done.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. I don’t know Goethe’s spiritual state, but I am confident that this is a godly concept. I need to pray not just for perseverance to get each job done, but for a changed heart that actually loves what I am called to do. I need to ask God for joy in the mundane tasks that accompany my job (and almost every job on earth). I need to be thankful for the physical and mental ability to work and for the opportunity to work. I need to be grateful for all the gifts the Lord provides.

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” - Colossians 3:17

God is faithful,

Copyright 2020 Janet A. Marney
I welcome your comments below.


The Weekly Encourager – May 31, 2020 – Black, White, or Green

I am an empath. I am white, and I am burdened with sadness in my heart over this latest death seemingly provoked by racism. On top of the racism we now have rage, riots, and destruction in several cities in our country.

Racism is not right. The hatred, fear, mistrust, or plain indifference of people for those who are different is a natural “fallout” of the Fall. In the first family, Cain rose up and murdered his brother Abel unjustly. This is still happening today when people kill one another for no good reason, other than expressing the evil in their own hearts. As Christians, we cannot turn away from this issue. The discussion needs to start in the homes and churches of those who truly follow Christ. Jesus told us to love our neighbor. He didn’t say, love the neighbor who is just like you. No, love all your neighbors, because God made all the people in His image. People from every race will be together in heaven, we’re promised in Revelation. And yes, I bet there will be white police officers there, too. Don’t assume every black man is a criminal and every white man is racist. I don’t care if you’re black, white, or green, it’s what’s in your heart that counts.

Riots are not right, but I can understand the frustration of being ignored and the anger and sadness of feeling powerless and persecuted. As a child of six, I was sexually molested by the boy next door and disrespected by his mother on a regular basis. I knew that the prevailing powers (my parents) would not believe me or defend me, so I fought back in the only way I could think of: by vandalizing the neighbors’ house one day after school. Then I lied to the police officer who came to question me about it. I was only a kid, but I knew it was wrong to destroy other people’s property and to lie to the police. I was only a kid, but I knew something was wrong with the way the neighbors were treating me. No one was there to stand up for me.

As I write this, the white pastor and black pastor of a large church in the South are having a live discussion online. They are not afraid to talk frankly about these issues, and to take a stand for justice. We need to pray. As the African American pastor said, only the Holy Spirit can change hearts. This man doesn’t want special treatment, he wants equal treatment. He wants his son and the white pastor’s son to be able to go out at night and have fun and come home that night. But the reality is that the white son has a better chance of coming home than the black son. This is not right!

Yesterday, an African American man I know reached out on Facebook, saying, “Let me hear from my white evangelical Christian friends!” Many people chimed in with messages of love and support. Are we doing this in the churches? In our communities? In our government? And are we going beyond just saying we support people to actually showing it by our actions? We need to fall on our knees and examine our consciences before the Lord. Then we need to rise up and do what we can.

I continue to try to treat all people with respect and dignity, and to assume the best of each person until absolutely proven otherwise. I continue to greet strangers of whatever race, gender, age, politics, profession, or religion with a smile. I continue to love and celebrate the people of color who have joined our extended family. I continue to pray that God will soften hearts and bring repentance, civility, justice, and peace to this nation. 💔

Please join me in praying for our nation today.

God is faithful and good,



The Weekly Encourager – May 21, 2020 – Our Natural Diet

This week I was reading Revelation 10, and I came to the part where the amazing “strong angel” (who some interpret as being Christ Himself) gives an important announcement that “the mystery of God is finished.” The angel is holding a little scroll which is now open. The apostle John hears a voice from heaven telling him to ask for and eat the little scroll. In verse 9 we learn that the angel replies, “Take it, and eat it; and it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.”

We can conclude from earlier passages that the scroll is from Christ. I wondered about the sweet and bitter taste of the word of God. Why the bitter and the sweet? I assume that the bitter refers to the bad news part of Revelation, the wrath stored up for those who reject God, and the sweet must be the good news for those who “overcome.” Using Psalm 119:103 as a reference, we read, “How sweet are Thy words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” This whole Psalm 119 is focused on the necessity and power of God’s word. Psalm 19 says, “The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul;...The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether. They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.” - Psalm 19:7, 10 It’s pretty clear that the word of God is sweet to those who know Him, but bitter to those who don’t.

I have friends who are studying endangered species. Whether the animal is mammal, reptile, bird, or insect, each creature has a natural habitat and a natural diet. If that habitat and/or food is taken away, the species will not survive. As I contemplated “sweeter than honey,” I realized that God’s word is our natural food. This is what sustains life for us. The Bible contains comfort food and healthy food. There is sweet milk for the young and tough meat for the mature to chew on. But without this food, we cannot survive.

How serious are we about “eating” God’s word? I don’t know about you, but I never miss a meal of regular food. I have borderline low blood sugar, so my body tells me when I need to eat. I get weak and shaky and start speaking out of turn. My family will tell you, no matter where I am or what I’m doing, I’m always thinking about breakfast, lunch, and dinner! God has blessed me with an abundance of tasty nutritious food; my fridge is full, so I can eat whenever I need to. But how aware am I of my soul’s need for time with the Lord and His truth? God has blessed us with the Bible, so we can be nourished with this “family meal” at any time. We need only open the Book being held out to us.

The question is, are we Christians becoming an endangered species? What are we eating on a regular basis? Do we have plenty of time for news reports, Netflix, novels, social media, or games, but “no time” to read the Scripture? None of these things are bad, but let’s remember to make time for the highest good. Goats will eat almost anything, but sheep eat grass; God will separate the sheep from the goats.

Are you going through a tough time? The Lord wants you to rest in green pastures, where you will find an abundance of tasty nutritious food and the clear water which sustains life. Do you feel weak and shaky? Taste and eat manna from heaven, the bread of life. May the Lord revive and strengthen you, and give you peace.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2020 Janet A. Marney




The Weekly Encourager – May 15, 2020 – Quarantine Quarrel

Have you been having quarantine quarrels at your house? While some live in places which are opening up again, others of us are still on lockdown. Psychologists have studied people in similar situations, such as astronauts in space for extended periods and scientists in Antarctica for months at a time. We’re in what they call the Third Quarter Phenomenon, where the novelty of being isolated has worn off and things feel a lot worse. This leads to greater individual depression and greater interpersonal conflict.

I see this pandemic as a time of testing. Although God has given me a wonderful husband, being locked up together for an extended time without being able to go to other places and see other people has provided fertile ground for conflict. Since I have a bad habit of speaking before I think, I’ve been the one causing problems in many cases. As I’ve tried to continue with regular times of Bible study, the Lord has brought some good scriptures to the fore. None seems better now than this classic.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs….[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” - I Corinthians 13:4-8

It’s no use being frustrated when I know that God has ordained these unique COVID-19 challenges in advance, for His glory and my good. So what am I supposed to be learning from this? Evidently I need some more training in getting along with others. I’ve been praying that God will help me to remember some of the basic principles of navigating conflict, such as choosing an appropriate place and time, making sure both people are relatively calm, fed, and rested, finding things we can agree on, speaking kindly, adding humor, and assuming the best of one another. Am I willing to put aside my own concerns long enough to listen carefully to the other person? Is my attitude that his point of view is just as valid as mine? Am I willing to consider that I might be wrong? Is our discussion advancing the cause, or just making things worse? Do I honor God in the way I deal with disagreements?

Occasionally, I do remember to do it properly. Recently, a friend did something that hurt me, and I knew I needed to address it. But instead of saying, “You really hurt me by doing X,” I said, “My feelings are hurt and I’d like to talk with you about this. I don’t want to let a root of bitterness grow.” This put the emphasis on my problem with hurt feelings rather than her problem of being mean or careless. She is not my adversary! We’re on the same team, trying to grow in Christ.

In order for this to work, I have to assume the best of the other person. Love chooses to believe that this person has my best interests at heart and so would never hurt me deliberately. Therefore, either I didn’t communicate clearly or she didn’t understand me, or a combination of both. After I had calmed down, the two of us talked. When she explained her reasoning, which included impressions she got from my own previous behavior, what she did seemed perfectly logical. The situation was actually all my fault! How glad I felt then, that I hadn't been eager to blame her at the outset. How glad that I didn’t accuse her and make her defensive right off the bat, but simply explained my feelings and got her explanation in return. Thank You, Lord. The Holy Spirit at work!

Our challenge is to see this unusual time as a blessing. Let us remember to “love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.” - I John 4:7 And may we “seek peace and pursue it.” - Psalm 34:14

God is faithful,

Copyright 2020 Janet A. Marney
I welcome your comments below.


The Weekly Encourager – May 1, 2020 – A Prayer for Our Time

This prayer is adapted from one given by Pastor Rob Yancey. 
Majestic and Merciful Father, 
We come in the name of your son and our risen savior Jesus Christ. We remember that it was early on that Resurrection morning, that an angel’s voice in a guarded graveyard and empty cloths lying in a vacant tomb proved that your son had come back. Open our eyes this day to help us see that he had come back to those, and for those, who had forgotten, denied, and destroyed him.
We pray that our deep and abiding peace would come from knowing and understanding that Christ has risen from the dead and in doing so he has defeated our great enemies of death, Satan, and sin.
Father, instead of gathering together in church buildings to worship, we are now gathered around TVs, and computers, and cell phones. With all the uncertainties brought about by this current pandemic, would you impress upon our souls the certainty of our savior’s great power and extravagant grace. When it comes to the challenges we face with this virus, bring healing to those who are sick, give peace to those who are anxious, provide resources for those who have lost jobs or income, protect those who are vulnerable and those who bring help and healing.
We weep with those who weep. Some in Christ’s family of faith have lost loved ones in this pandemic. In a real and palpable way remind them this day, that for those who are united to Christ, death has lost its sting and the grave has been vanquished.
We rejoice with those who rejoice. We praise you for new births and we thank you for our older children. We ask that you would give strength and rest to the parents of young children, patience and wisdom to the parents of older children, and skill and creativity to teachers doing online instruction.
As we remember the Light of the World that has overcome the darkness, may we find hope for our lives: hope for broken relationships, hope for our struggles with sin, hope for our battles with sickness or mental illness, hope that comes from knowing that because of the resurrection, sin’s power and penalty have been broken, and relationships that seem beyond repair can be restored by your power and grace.
And Father would the knowledge and understanding of the resurrection not be something that we keep to ourselves. Work in and through us that we might share the Easter message – this good news – to our neighbors and co-workers, to our city and to the uttermost part of the earth.
And since we have received such extravagant and costly mercy, help us to extend mercy to those in need around us. Help us to be those who stand for the marginalized, care for the orphan, serve those who are needy in our midst. Make us a radically generous people.
God would you be honored as we celebrate the fact that our king has risen, our hope is here, and in his name – the name of Jesus – we pray all these things.
This prayer is adapted from one given by Pastor Rob Yancey on Easter Sunday 2020. Used by permission.


The Weekly Encourager – April 17, 2020 – He’s Alive!

As we continue to celebrate the joy of Christ’s resurrection on every Lord’s Day, here are the lyrics to “He’s Alive” by Don Francisco. This song tells of Easter morning from the perspective of the Apostle Peter, who had denied Christ three times just a few hours before. 

He’s Alive

The gates and doors were barred and all the windows fastened down,

I spent the night in sleeplessness and rose at every sound,

Half in hopeless sorrow half in fear the day

Would find the soldiers crashing through to drag us all away.

Then just before the sunrise I heard something at the wall,

The gate began to rattle and a voice began to call,

I hurried to the window and looked down to the street,

Expecting swords and torches and the sound of soldiers' feet.


There was no one there but Mary so I went down to let her in,

John stood there beside me as she told us were she'd been,

She said they moved him in the night and none of us knows where,

The stones had been rolled away and now his body isn't there.

We both ran toward the garden then John ran on ahead,

We found the stone and the empty tomb just the way that Mary said,

But the winding sheet they wrapped him in was just an empty shell,

And how or where they'd taken him was more than I could tell.


Something strange had happened there but what I did not know,

John believed a miracle but I just turned to go.

Circumstance and speculation couldn't lift me very high,

Cause I'd seen them crucify him and then I'd watched him die.

Back inside the house again all the guilt and anguish came,

Everything I'd promised him just added to my shame,

When at last it came to choices, I denied I knew his name,

Even if he was alive it wouldn't be the same.


But suddenly the air was filled with a strange and sweet perfume,

Light that came from everywhere drove shadows from the room,

Jesus stood before me with his arms held open wide,

And I fell down on my knees and clung to him and cried.

He raised me to my feet and as I looked into his eyes,

Love was shining out from him like sunlight from the sky,

Guilt and my confusion disappeared in sweet release,

And every fear I'd ever had just melted into peace.


He's alive, He's alive, He's alive and I'm forgiven,

Heaven’s gates are open wide.

He's alive, He's alive, He's alive and I'm forgiven,

Heaven’s gates are open wide.

He's alive, He's alive, He's alive and I'm forgiven,

Heaven’s gates are open wide.


He's alive!


Words and Music by Don Francisco.  If you haven’t heard it yet, listen to Dolly Parton’s version of this song from Easter Sunday 2020 on Instagram or YouTube.

God is faithful,


The Weekly Encourager – April 9, 2020 – Maundy Thursday

Jewish irony: Passover seders are cancelled due to a plague! Christian conundrum: Easter services will be streamed online! We’re living in strange times, yet none of this is strange to our all-wise God, who always works for our good. Today is Maundy Thursday. It seems to me that Maundy Thursday was a day about service. It was a day about sacrifice. It was a day about humility. It was a day about putting others first.

Jesus gathered His disciples together for one last passover meal on the way to the cross, and how did He act? He didn’t try to impress people by revealing His great wisdom, power, and shining glory. Although He was their leader, He didn’t expect others to wait on Him, but chose to wait on them by washing their feet, a task normally reserved for servants or slaves. This Man was the King, the Lord Most High, yet He chose to kneel before His friends with a dish of water and a towel, ready to wipe the dirt away from their feet. Yes, there is much symbolism to that evening, but what strikes me is the simplicity of service.

As we bow before our King, let’s think about ways we can serve others during this season of lockdown. Sure we can make masks, give money, care for the sick, reach out to the lonely, etc., but I think Christ would ask something more of us. What He desires is a spirit of humility, an attitude of considering one another as more important than ourselves, whether that’s at home in closer contact with certain people, or in virtual meetings with colleagues, or alone in our bedrooms, separated from loved ones. Are we putting our own needs first, or the needs of others? Are we being patient with others’ failings, or emphasizing them? Is our love covering a multitude of sins? I admit, this is a huge challenge for me personally.

This year, Passover and Easter fall on the same weekend during a time of worldwide pandemic. I doubt this is a coincidence. This Easter, we will shelter in place, just as the Hebrews did in ancient Egypt when God brought a terrible plague upon the land, killing the first-born sons of Egypt. May the current plague pass over us all. May we not complain that we are stuck at home, but give thanks that we are safe at home. And may the ongoing plague of self-interest be cured by the indwelling Holy Spirit, as we contemplate the ultimate, life-giving sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us.

For “whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be the slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” - Mark 10:43-45

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, ‘You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’” - Psalm 91:1-2 May God be our shelter in place, now and forever.

Have a blessed Maundy Thursday.

God is faithful,




The Weekly Encourager – April 1, 2020 – In a Time of Distance

A poem for this difficult time by author Alexander McCall Smith.

~ In a time of distance ~

The unexpected always happens in the way

The unexpected has always occurred:

While we are doing something else,

While we are thinking of altogether

Different things – matters that events

Then show to be every bit as unimportant

As our human concerns so often are;

And then, with the unexpected upon us,

We look at one another with a sort of surprise;

How could things possibly turn out this way

When we are so competent, so pleased

With the elaborate systems we’ve created –

Networks and satellites, intelligent machines,

Pills for every eventuality – except this one?

And so we turn again to face one another

And discover those things

We had almost forgotten,

But that, mercifully, are still there:

Love and friendship, not just for those

To whom we are closest, but also for those

Whom we do not know and of whom

Perhaps we have in the past been frightened;

The words brother and sister, powerful still,

Are brought out, dusted down,

Found to be still capable of expressing

What we feel for others, that precise concern;

Joined together in adversity

We discover things we had put aside:

Old board games with obscure rules,

Books we had been meaning to read,

Letters we had intended to write,

Things we had thought we might say

But for which we never found the time;

And from these discoveries of self, of time,

There comes a new realisation

That we have been in too much of hurry,

That we have misused our fragile world,

That we have forgotten the claims of others

Who have been left behind;

We find that out in our seclusion,

In our silence; we commit ourselves afresh,

We look for a few bars of song

That we used to sing together,

A long time ago; we give what we can,

We wait, knowing that when this is over

A lot of us – not all perhaps – but most,

Will be slightly different people,

And our world, though diminished,

Will be much bigger, its beauty revealed afresh.

- From the public Facebook page of Alexander McCall Smith

God is faithful,