The Weekly Encourager - November 3, 2011 - When You Feel Depleted
The past few weeks have been very full with work, family matters, house guests, home repairs, a funeral, and a reunion. In addition, my mind has been much occupied and in prayer for some friends with serious needs. On Sunday, I had a challenging encounter with a friend right off the bat, then tried to encourage a younger mom, then had a serious discussion with my husband on one of the same old subjects that keeps coming up (and guess what? We're both still sinners!). It probably goes without saying that I felt depleted!
Fortunately, I got some encouragement from a sister in Christ, Rebecca Anderson. With her permission, I share what she wrote:
"I was glad to be of some encouragement today in discussion. And I sympathize with you on sometimes being overwhelmed by the feeling that you are always giving to others and not feeling appreciated in that. I was reflecting on this and wanted to offer a couple of other things that struck me upon reflection... Often when I am feeling that way there are two things that I need to do.
"One is practical. See if you really are over-expending your time on others (allowing others to dictate your time by their need). If you do not feel like you have time to sit down and take some time to do whatever it is that refreshes you emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically then perhaps it is time to reorder your time more purposefully. In regards to this, it is hard to say no to people who are in real need who you think you can really aid. But Scripture does not say that we are to just be always torn hither and thither by the whims/emotions of others. In fact for some needy people it is actually helpful for them to be reminded that a). their 'pressing' matter really is not that pressing and that they too should take a breather and get some perspective on the problem and b). your time is willingly given, but it is also valuable.
"So the other thing that I need to do when I am feeling like this is spiritual: Perhaps I am not a) getting enough refreshment from God's word, or b). perhaps I am feeling like this b/c it is my effort/knowledge/love that I am trying to impart to these people and relying on that and not Christ's effort/knowledge/love. And c). perhaps I am feeling like the outcome of resolving the needy people's problems comes down to [me] (and not God).
"After I make these assessments I usually am able to pin point the problem causing my feeling of depletion--for it's sure to be one of the above problems! I hope this helps you too."
I took this friend's advice, and not only am I feeling much better this week, but I'm just as productive without all the angst. Thank you, Rebecca! And, thank You Lord! We need each other in the family of Christ.
God is faithful,
As always, I welcome your comments.
Copyright 2011 Janet A. Marney