The Weekly Encourager – January 21, 2014 – What?

What? Last night a Christian friend revealed that, a few days ago, he was led out of his house in handcuffs due to his problem with inappropriate anger, which he has taken out on family members on more than one occasion. Dave and I were shocked, since this man has always appeared calm to us. This soft-spoken, laid-back guy is the last person we would have suspected of that kind of behavior. Despite our surprise and sorrow, it is encouraging to know that God is at work in all this. Severe measures have become a severe mercy: this brother has been humbled by recent events. The wall of secrecy has come down. He is going to counseling. He is finding that he is not alone in this problem; others struggle with the same thing. [Dave and I know some. Do you?] He is trying to make amends to those he has hurt. He freely confessed his problem with anger as sin, so I know that he is forgiven.

What was our reaction? I told him that we still loved him just as much. Dave told him that God is changing him into the image of Christ. We prayed to the Lord for forgiveness and healing for his whole family. Then, as soon as the friend left, Dave and I promptly (predictably?) fell into our own besetting sins, then got angry at each other! Well, so much for godly counsel! Our Christian friend is having to come to grips with a serious issue. I also have a problem with anger, not expressed physically, but just as real. There, but for the grace of God, go I. My heart is as desperately wicked as this friend's heart. I think of that quote: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” That's certainly true of every Christian you meet. This is War, with the world, the flesh, and the devil. We can see that in our friend's household, and we can see it in ours.

What is the answer? Thanks be to God, that even though we keep doing the things we shouldn't do, and we keep not doing the things we should do, there is a Redeemer! If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive our sin. If there's a Romans 7, there has to be a Romans 8. This morning Dave and I knew we were forgiven by Christ, and therefore we could confess our sin to one another, as we have had to do countless times in our marriage. As I've said before, when you get married, you are a sinner and you marry a sinner, then you have little sinners!

What can we do? We need to keep on looking to God on a regular basis to throw off the sin that so easily entangles us. Holy Father, You are the source of power and goodness. Please give us this day our daily bread, not just physically, but spiritually. By faith help us turn to You in times of temptation. Help us depend on You moment by moment, knowing that Your grace alone is sufficient for us, no matter what we are going through. You know what we are facing in each battle and how hard it is for us. But when we are weak, You are strong. Sometimes we have to be humbled by dramatic circumstances in order to fall to our knees and beg God for mercy. Lord, are You making me weak so that I can see that You are strong?

What should be in my heart? “Love is patient and kind...not proud, but gentle and meek....Love is not easily provoked.” Lord, turn our hearts of anger into hearts of love, by Your power and for Your glory.

God is faithful,


Copyright 2014 Janet A. Marney

As always, I welcome your thoughts.