The Weekly Encourager – October 9, 2015 – “Against Hope Believing in Hope”

This morning I awoke to the news of yet another school shooting, this time at Northern Arizona University. The CBS report mentioned it first in “Today's Eye Opener: your world in 90 seconds,” along with tales of trouble in Congress, severe flooding in South Carolina, Russia's bombs landing in Iran, and a bridge collapse in New Zealand. Closer to home, this week my ophthalmologist told me that my ongoing eye pain may be due to a rare chronic inflammatory disease which has no reliable cure. Last night I started a new medication (my sixth) which is effective in only 30% of cases.

My friends, we live in a fallen world, filled with the effects of sin. People who think society is only improving as we “evolve” into better human beings are delusional! Look around: young people who should be filled with energy, excitement, and anticipation as they train for their future careers are killing one another and themselves. Evidently, this world isn't giving them hope. Oh Lord, save our children!

William Wilberforce was well aware of how horrible this world can be. Wilberforce (1759-1833) was an English Member of Parliament who became a Christian, then a leader in a 20-year struggle to abolish slavery in England. He must have been discouraged at times, yet he hoped in the Lord. His prayer is just as relevant today:

“O Lord, reassure me with Your quickening Spirit; without You I can do nothing. Mortify in me all ambition, vanity, vainglory, worldliness, pride, selfishness, and resistance from God, and fill me with love, peace, and all the fruits of the Spirit. O Lord, I know not what I am, but to You I flee for refuge. I would surrender myself to You, trusting Your precious promises and against hope believing in hope. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever; and therefore, waiting on the Lord, I trust that I shall at length renew my strength.” - William Wilberforce

We need only observe each day's “eye opener” to know that we can't look to this world for hope. Wilberforce's only hope, and ours, is the Lord. “The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He will also hear their cry and will save them.” - Psalm 145:18-19 Whether we're being shot down by a gunman targeting Christians, or shot down by Satan's evil darts, we can have confidence in Christ, and His promise of justice and redemption and joy to all who believe in Him. “The Lord keeps all who love Him; but all the wicked, He will destroy. My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord; and all flesh will bless His holy name forever and ever.” - Psalm 145:20-21 God has a plan, and He's working it. Oh Lord, renew our hope.

God is faithful, so keep on praying!

Copyright 2015 Janet A. Marney