The Weekly Encourager – November 17, 2015 – Peace

The Mur pour la Paix (Wall for Peace) in Paris has the word “peace” etched in 32 world languages on glass walls. When visiting Paris in 2013, Dave and I were walking from the Eiffel Tower to the War College when we stumbled upon it. I was struck by its prime location between these symbols of war and peace. To me, the artist's use of glass as a building material was genius. My first thought was the fragility of peace; indeed, some have thrown rocks at the glass and shattered it since the monument went up in 2000. Also, glass is both reflective and clear, depending on the angle. The perspective of peace allows you to see through the glass to the city beyond. From another angle, you see your own face reflected in the glass panels with “peace” across your features. Now, with the terrorist attacks on Paris this past weekend, it has new meaning. I am praying for Paris and for peace all over the world.

Someone asked, How could an all-powerful God let this tragedy happen? The answer goes back to Genesis. God gave free will to all people, so we all sin. Some cheat on their taxes or their spouse, some set off bombs to kill innocent people. God says there will be a day of reckoning, when all evil will be punished. Meanwhile, we must do all we can to resist evil, pray for the lost and the hurting, and show the love of Jesus Christ to all people. This is a great time to share the gospel. As friends and coworkers ask difficult questions, be ready “in season and out” with a Biblical perspective on world events. “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” - 2 Peter 3:9 ESV God often uses times of crisis to bring lost souls to Himself, so we should have faith that God is at work even now. Do not be afraid and do not despair!

What is a valid Christian response to attacks by Muslim extremists on Western (historically Christian) society? The conflict between Christians and Muslims is as old as Isaac and Ishmael. YHWH promised that Abraham's seed would inherit His covenant. Ishmael, born of Abraham's lack of faith, became the father of the Arab nations (most of whom are Muslim now), while Isaac, son of Sarah, became the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. Jesus was a Jew who brought Gentiles into a new covenant relationship with YHWH. As Christians, naturally we disagree with the religious beliefs of Islam.

I am not going to make a political statement here. This blog is not about politics, but about faith, and encouraging the saints. However, when I see things on Facebook like the “church sign” supposedly in “Dearborn, Michigan” with its photoshopped inflammatory message of Muslim hate against our nation, I am disturbed. I do not think Jesus Christ would have us manufacture propaganda to rile up our fellow citizens. Nor do I think He would have us be foolish conduits of false accusations without thought. People beware, not everything you see in print is true! Check sources for actual facts before spreading rumors, whether about Muslims or Christians. The truth, if we can get to it, will speak for itself. The truth is that clear glass wall of peace.

“Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” Christians must be the instigators of peace. First, our hearts are at peace because of faith in Christ. Then, from that vantage point (we are terrorist sinners forgiven by a just yet merciful God), we are to speak the truth in love, not hate. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves, not hate them. We are to pray for our enemies, that they might become our friends. We must do good to them. But when does turning the other cheek become turning a blind eye? I am not an expert on political policy, but I do know this: Christians must treat all people with dignity and respect, for we are all made in God's image. It doesn't matter if we agree with them or not, we must love them! I am dismayed when I hear the hateful way some Christians are speaking of Muslims today.

“Love is patient and kind….love rejoices with the never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures.” - 1 Corinthians 13:7 NLT

Peace between men or nations on this earth is as fragile as a wall of glass. When a big rock hits it, words are meaningless: any words on the glass fall to the ground in pieces. But there is One whose words stand forever. There is One whose victory is sure. Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn't fragile like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid.” - John 14:27 TLB

Paul's prayer is also my own, “May the Lord of peace himself give you his peace no matter what happens. The Lord be with you all.” - 2 Thessalonians 3:16 TLB

Peace be with you,

Copyright 2015 Janet A. Marney