The Weekly Encourager – November 24, 2015 – My Pre-Thanksgiving Prayer

Dear Lord, as we approach Thanksgiving, we thank You for all that You are and all that You have done, are doing, and will do for us. Thank you especially for the free gift of salvation, which cost Jesus so dearly. Help us to value You as our chief blessing, never taking for granted the Cross which enabled our justification, sanctification, and eventual glorification. Thank You for Your goodness, mercy and forgiveness!

Heavenly Father, as many of us make preparations for the traditional Thanksgiving feast, make us mindful of the struggles and sorrows of others as we rejoice. If we have been blessed with family and friends, however distant or dysfunctional, help us to get along with them, showing respect to each one, especially those with different opinions, choices, or lifestyles. May potential conflicts be mitigated by Your peaceful presence. May we be instruments of Your peace, knowing when to speak and when to be silent, and when to change the subject. May we show the forgiving love of Jesus Christ to all those we meet during this season. Heal the sick in body or mind. Save the lost; call back the wandering. Be with those who suffer alone, and show us where You are calling us to befriend someone who is hurting.

Good Shepherd, if we have suffered the loss of loved ones, be our comfort and strength. May we share with others whatever good we experienced through those relationships. If they were believers, we rejoice that their day of feasting in Heaven will far exceed our own Thanksgiving down here. Thank You Jesus for being the friend that sticks closer than a brother. Thank You that You will never leave us.

Creator of all, if we have the senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch, we have seen Your majesty, wisdom, power, and beauty in the supreme glory of Your creation. Make us thankful for each sunset we can see, each song we can hear, each person we can touch. Remind us to get outside each day and pause to appreciate what You have made.

Great Provider, if we have been given homes, food, clothing, cars, computers, books, and other material blessings, may we never forget the Giver, from whom every good gift proceeds. At the holidays, we get so busy with extra cleaning, shopping, cooking, planning, preparing, decorating, writing, wrapping, and all the other chores we do, that we sometimes complain about the very gifts You have given us to enrich our lives and enable these celebrations. Remind us that things don't have to be perfect to be special. Remind us that You see and reward our efforts, even when people don't have a clue. Thank You that our privileged position is based on faith in Christ, not on works, that no man should boast. Thank You that we are loved always, no matter what. Teach us to take time to reflect; give us quiet moments of rest when we need them most.

Teacher, may we be good stewards of our time, energy, talents, money, and possessions. Teach us the true value and purpose of each. Help us to remember the lessons You have taught us in times of trial. Make our hearts and hands generous to those in need. Teach us to give thanks every day of our lives.


“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our Thanksgiving.” - W. T. Purkiser

God is faithful and good,

Copyright 2015 Janet A. Marney