The Weekly Encourager – February 10, 2017 – True Love

Well, I messed up again. Surprised? You'd think after last week's post that I would have learned my lesson, right? Not. It turns out that these besetting sins just keep on besetting. The good news of the gospel is that I am loved, forgiven, and accepted in Christ, even though I continue to struggle with sin (and its effects). I am loved anyway! The good news of the gospel is that, when I apologized to the Christian sister I hurt with careless words, she was ready and willing to forgive me. Because of Christ's work in her life, she was able to be generous and gracious toward me, passing on the mercy she received from the Lord. I am loved anyway!

Since New Year's Day, I have been posting a positive quote on my Facebook page each day. This month, all the quotes are about love. These thoughts are not necessarily about romantic love, but the love our world needs now, the faithful and true love of Christ, family, and friends, as well as love for the stranger in our midst. Today's quote is, “True love is choosing the many things a person did right, rather than the one thing he did wrong. True love does not keep the record of wrongs.”

Because God chooses to see us through the lens of Christ's sacrifice for all our sins, we can choose to see others that way. Instead of judgement, we choose the way of mercy, knowing that our own failings are just as bad as the other person's, yet God is merciful to us. True love is not a feeling, but a choice to do what is right, even though we may be hurting. When young children hit each other, we teach them to apologize and forgive their siblings (whether they feel like it or not), but do we do the same, as adults, with our siblings in Christ?

True love is choosing to forgive, over and over, without keeping count. True love operates out of gratitude for God's grace. True love is freeing. True love brings peace.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2017 Janet A. Marney
As always, I welcome your comments below.