The Quilted Heart Encourager – Log in My Eye
When an eyelash falls in your eye, it stings until you can get it out. But have you ever had a log in your eye?
Last week, we had packed for a family trip. I had fit everything into the appropriate bags and paused to put a final coat of nail polish on my nails, which I thought would dry in plenty of time. As we were waiting in the driveway for our ride, I noticed that my husband’s shirt had several stains on it. Without thinking, I blurted out, “There’s stains on your shirt!” Of course he got upset because at that point it was too late to do anything about it. Our trip had already begun.
A few minutes later, we arrived at the metro station, and I needed to retrieve my MetroCard. Unfortunately, it was very deep in my wallet which was deep in my purse, which was deep in the backpack. I asked Dave to retrieve it because my nails were still wet. Annoyed, he asked, “Why did you incapacitate yourself?”
I knew that I had messed up and was creating trouble for him on top of already criticizing his outfit. But my sinful nature immediately came up with a tit for tat scenario where I would point out to him that remarking about my nail polish when it was too late to fix it was equivalent to me criticizing his shirt when it was too late to fix it! Well, I thought, this will show him that he’s just as rude as I am. After all, he married a picky person on purpose, because he wanted a beautiful home which would host beautiful events in which every detail was attended to beautifully. I’m detail oriented and that’s a good thing, right?
Then I heard a still small voice in my heart, “Don’t say that to him.” My immediate thought was why not? But – for once – I went with the wiser course, assuming that the Holy Spirit was speaking. I had to trust that the Lord would take care of it. A couple minutes later, we were riding in the metro train, and the thought came to me that the nail polish event was for my benefit, not his! This is all about me learning a lesson, not my husband! Immediately, I felt the Lord’s chastening for my good.
Jesus says, “Take the log out of your own eye.” – Matthew 7:5 It’s not my job to take the log out of my husband’s eye. That is the Lord’s job. If another person needs to be convicted of sin or even just impatience and discourtesy, that’s on God to do.
If I speak in tongues, prophesy, have great knowledge or amazing faith or admirable generosity, or suffer in my body for Christ, but do not have love, I gain nothing! – I Corinthians 13:1-3 If I have nice clothes and beautiful nails and get to take a wonderful trip with my family to celebrate a happy event, but have not love, I am nothing. If I call myself a Christian but have not love, I have dishonored Christ, discouraged believers, and tarnished my witness to unbelievers.
Lord, as I enter this season of Lent, help me to “give up” criticizing others. Help me to show mercy, as You showed mercy to me. Teach me to love, for Your glory.
God is faithful,