The Weekly Encourager - July 28, 2010 - Faith with Action

Apologies to those who read my blog regularly, for I haven't written in a while.  I've been caught up with a challenging situation, and perhaps in the back of my mind I was thinking I would get safely through this before I wrote again.  Suddenly today I realize that potentially more people would be encouraged if they heard what was happening as it happens.

Without getting "blogged" down in all the details, let me just say that I am embroiled in two lawsuits connected with our rental property.  My tenant is suing me for the rent she has already paid, and I am suing my tenant for eviction.  The first trial is only a few days away (August 6).

Yesterday someone said that I was remarkably calm given the level of stress in the circumstances.  She was surprised that I was dealing with it so well.  I was surprised that she thought so, but then I saw that she was right, in a sense.  It is by God's gracious work in my life that I am able to put this very worrisome case into perspective.  My natural personality would be prone to obsessive anxiety, especially given the emotional issues involved, the unpredictability of the outcomes, the financial strain, and the possible consequence of having a Judgment entered against me for all the world to see.  Yet, "I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in me will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."  Philippians 1:6

When this lady asked, "What's helping you cope with all this?"  here's what popped out of my mouth:

1.  Faith in God, knowing that He's in control. 
I am a Christian and I believe that God is sovereign over all that happens.  I am trusting that He is with me and will work good through it, just as He has in many other trials in my life.   I try to spend a little time in His word each day.

2.  Action, doing my best to solve the problem. 
My watchword is faith with action.  I trust in God, but I don't just sit around waiting for things to happen I am called to work diligently by any lawful means for a good outcome, knowing that even if I lose both court cases, ultimately God will judge fairly. 

Note: As I trust in Him, I see His hand.  In God's timing, our sermon on Sunday was about presenting one's case truthfully and being willing to listen to both sides, and I could give many other examples of God's leading over the past several weeks.  He has been so good!

3.  Support of family and friends.  God has blessed me with husband, children, and kind friends who have been a wonderful source of support.  One example: Dave and I were at a party given by the 20-somethings (our kids' friends) last Friday night.  My intent was to forget about the court cases and just enjoy the evening with the young people; but, instead of the usual self-absorption of Generation Whatever people these days, almost every person there came up to me and asked how things were going in court!  What a beautiful sign of God's grace in their lives and mine.

Note: It's hard to get support if you don't ask for prayer.  Here's an excerpt from an email I sent out, requesting prayer:

"During all my dealings with her [the tenant], I have been very aware that I am a witness for Christ, and thus I want to act in a gracious way, not returning insult for insult or becoming drawn into her emotional web, but sticking to the facts.  Please pray that I can remain calm and kind when dealing with her, and thus show the love of Christ.  Pray that I will have wisdom and discernment in selecting a lawyer and making other legal and financial decisions related to this situation.  Pray that I will lean totally on the Lord, not on myself.  Pray that I will have the trust in Him which leads to peace, no matter what the outward circumstances.  Pray that I will get adequate sleep."   It really helps to know that people are praying, and it's even better to see the answers!

4. Taking care of myself.  This is something that seems obvious but is so hard to put into practice.   I continue to make efforts to exercise, eat wisely, get enough sleep and have times for fun.  By God's providence, our recent family vacation involved a whole lot of walking, and that jump-started my exercise program when we returned!

These four points, Faith, Action, Support, and Taking care, can be summed up by the letters FAST.  Indeed it may be that "this kind" of tenant "will only come out by prayer and fasting!" :-) 

If God is faithful in my life, He can be faithful in yours, too.  Cope FAST.
May you know His grace and peace today.

Copyright 2010 Janet A. Marney

Pastor Dave Coffin's sermon "Both Sides, Now" of July 25, 2010, was based on Proverbs 18:2, 13, 17; however, there were audio problems that day and the sermon was not recorded.  I would be glad to send my notes to any who are interested.

The Weekly Encourager - July 1, 2010 - Proud of the Place

"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.

I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him."

- Abraham Lincoln

Here, a few blocks from our home, is a classic July 4th decoration showing American thrift and ingenuity.  They used plastic drink cups in a chain link fence to make the flag and spell USA!

Happy Independence Day!  Pray for our leaders.  Pray for our military and all those serving on our behalf around the world.  May the Lord Jesus Christ, the True Commander in Chief, be their Guardian, Guide, and Stay.

Stand fast in the liberty!



The Weekly Encourager - June 24, 2010 - Jesus I Come

A song of praise by William Sleeper.

Jesus I Come

Out of my bondage, sorrow and night,
Jesus I come; Jesus I come
Into Thy freedom, gladness, and light
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Out of my sickness into Thy health,
Out of my wanting and into Thy wealth,
Out of my sin and into Thyself,
Jesus, I come to Thee.

Out of my shameful failure and loss,
Jesus I come; Jesus I come.
Into the glorious gain of Thy cross,
Jesus I come to Thee.
Out of earth's sorrows into Thy balm,
Out of life's storms and into Thy calm,
Out of distress into jubilant psalm,
Jesus, I come to Thee.

Out of unrest and arrogant pride,
Jesus I come, Jesus, I come.
Into Thy blessed will to abide,
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Out of myself to dwell in Thy love,
Out of despair into raptures above,
Upward forever on wings like a dove,
Jesus, I come to Thee.

Out of the fear and dread of the tomb,
Jesus, I come; Jesus, I come.
Into the joy and light of Thy home,
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Out of the depths of ruin untold,
Into the peace of Thy sheltering fold,
Ever Thy glorious face to behold,
Jesus, I come to Thee.

Words by William Sleeper (ca. 1840-1920)

Greg Thompson has set these words to simple but lovely music.  A lead sheet is aviable at 

God is faithful,

The Weekly Encourager - June 1, 2010 - Invictus

The recent film Invictus [Latin for "unconquerable"] inspires us with the story of Nelson Mandela's determination to survive prison and emerge stronger to lead his country.  The true story shows what man can achieve by his own power.  How much more man can achieve by God's power!  When I am weak, He is strong.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!  In Christ we are more than conquerors. This is Victory Unconquerable, Victory Invictus!  I hope you enjoy Day's answer to Henley's poem.


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

- William Ernest Henley (1849-1903)

My Captain

Out of the light that dazzles me,
Bright as the sun from pole to pole
I thank the God I know to be
For Christ the conqueror of my soul.

Since His the sway of circumstance
I would not wince nor cry aloud
Under the rule which men call chance
My head with joy is humbly bowed.

Beyond this place of sin and tears
That life with Him! And His the aid,
That, spite the menace of the years,
Keeps, and shall keep, me unafraid.

I have no fear, though strait the gate,
He cleared from punishments the scroll;
Christ is the Master of my fate,
Christ is the Captain of my soul.

- Dorothea Day

The Weekly Encourager - May 19, 2010 - I Passed a Test!

I passed a test!  Continuing in a challenging business situation, and knowing another encounter was coming up, I asked family and friends to pray for wisdom and wise words in dealing with this person who really makes my blood boil.  I praise God that He is a God who not only hears our prayers, but answers our prayers!  What an unspeakable privilege that the great and mighty Ruler of the Universe listens to us! 

The Lord allowed my family to be an encouragement to me.  When I told them of the most recent phone call, they affirmed that it was OK for me to hang up on an abusive person. (I had hung up on her the previous day - which really shook me.  I've only done that about three times in my entire life!)  Dave started researching the slander and defamation laws and asked the person to cease.  My knight!  Rob's validation that it was OK to hang up on her was especially meaningful, since he is unfailingly polite and patient in his speech (he obviously did not get that trait from me!).  Austin said, "Didn't we just have a sermon about that?  'Answer not a fool according to his folly'."  Austin's direct application of the right verse at the right time showed me that he's been listening to the sermons about God's truth, believes the truth, and can apply the truth!  There is no greater blessing than to see evidence of my son's faith.  All three men were a real support to me, just what a family is supposed to be, and that gave me confidence going into the situation.  Jehovah-Jirah!

On the day of testing the Lord gave me grace in a difficult situation with the person.  I was
really low on sleep, thanks to the stress of the situation, but I had to go over there that day to let in repair people.  I kept in mind the encouragement of my family and the prayers of my friends.  I remembered that when I am weak, the Lord can show His strength.  I placed myself totally in His hands, because I had no strength of my own.  That day she started spewing her abuse again, this time with the electrician present!  I felt bad of course and wanted to retaliate and say all the bad things about her, but the Lord gave me strength and grace that day when I needed it.   I just calmly said, "I'm not going to engage in conversation with you."   She kept spewing, then I said, "I'm not speaking to you."  A couple minutes later she shut up!!  That was all God, none of me.  This is Good News.

I give thanks to God!  He is faithful!  Lord, help me to always run to You in time of trial.
"The name of the Lord is a strong tower.  The righteous runs into it and is safe."  "His banner over me is Love."

God is faithful,

The Weekly Encourager - May 15, 2010 - When Day Is Done

When Day Is Done
Edgar Guest

When day is done and the night slips down,
And I've turned my back on the busy town,
And come once more to the welcome gate
Where the roses nod and the children wait,
I tell myself as I see them smile
That life is good and its tasks worth while.

When day is done and I've come once more
To my quiet street and the friendly door,
Where the Mother reigns and the children play
And the kettle sings in the old-time way,
I throw my coat on a near-by chair
And say farewell to my pack of care.

When day is done, all the hurt and strife
And the selfishness and the greed of life,
Are left behind in the busy town;
I've ceased to worry about renown
Or gold or fame, and I'm just a dad,
Content to be with his girl and lad.

Whatever the day has brought of care,
Here love and laughter are mine to share,
Here I can claim what the rich desire--
Rest and peace by a ruddy fire,
The welcome words which the loved ones speak
And the soft caress of a baby's cheek.

When day is done and I reach my gate,
I come to a realm where there is no hate,
For here, whatever my worth may be,
Are those who cling to their faith in me;
And with love on guard at my humble door,
I have all that the world has struggled for.

The Weekly Encourager - May 6, 2010 - Mother's Day

I reprint here a Mother's Day prayer from Moms In Touch International.  As you celebrate the day, please be sensitive to those among us whose mothers have either passed on,  who were not the model parents, or who perhaps were never there at all.  Also be considerate of those who long to have children but cannot.  Let us all show true Christian charity.

May your Mother's Day be a tiny foretaste of what it will be like in Heaven, where we will all belong to the most wonderful family imaginable,with every need for love and companionship amply fulfilled in the most complete and satisfying way.  No matter what our relationships have been on this earth, we have the promise of living forever with our Royal Family!  Christ Himself, our older brother, will wipe every tear from our eyes.  When all the tears have been shed, we will at last see only truth, goodness and beauty.  Praise be to God!

Dear Precious Mom,

I pray that out of Christ's glorious riches He may strengthen you, dear Mom, with power through His Spirit in your inner being so that Christ may dwell in your heart through faith.  And I pray that you, as a Daughter of the King, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.  Now, dearly beloved Mother, to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen.

God is faithful,

The Weekly Encourager - April 30, 2010 - Exam Time

The Weekly Encourager - April 30, 2010 - Exam Time

I failed the test.

When the Lord underlines a verse over and over, that's usually a sign for me that a test is coming up, in which I will have to put God's word - and my faith - into practice.  Well, I should have remembered that pattern this past weekend.  Only a few days after all the verses on gossip and slander came up, and only weeks after I myself was falsely accused and slandered in a very hurtful way, I found myself tempted to slander the reputations of others!  How wicked and deceitful is the heart!  Take heed, if you think you stand, because then you fall.

It happened on a business conference away from home.  I was tired and stressed before I went, and the late-night-talking roommates didn't help.  I also volunteered to help a disabled member of our party get herself and her heavy equipment from building to building during the conference.  Maybe in my twisted thinking, these things were mitigating circumstances?  I was tired and I was already doing my "good deed for the day" by helping this disabled lady, so maybe I "deserved" to kvetch a little?  I don't know.  I suppose I didn't say all the bad things I could have said about certain people, but I do know that when I reflected back on my words later, I realized that several things I said should have been kept to myself.   I even thought of better, but still truthful, answers I could have given to the questions people asked me.  Of course, hindsight is 20-20.

I thank the Lord that my roommates checked out early so I had a few minutes alone at the end to assess what I had learned.  I soon realized that I went on a business trip, but I came back from a spiritual trip.  I had one agenda; the Lord had another.  He showed me how easy it is to talk behind someone's back, to complain, to brag.  In fact, these three wicked words often go together:  when I am discontent with where the Lord has placed me, I feel I should go up higher so I try to put others down lower.  I am so ashamed.  The Lord says take the lowly seat, and let another lift you up if that's appropriate.

I failed the test, but Christ did not fail.  Jesus Christ, very God yet very man, passed every one of His tests with flying colors!!  He passed His test with, "not My will, but Thine" as He faced death.  On the cross, during His final exam, He spoke not one wicked word of slander, complaint, or bragging, although He surely had "the right."   I'm sure He was more tired than I am, and I am positive that He helped more disabled people than I did, yet He had no excuses or mitigating circumstances!  He didn't give in to temptation.  He gave Himself to God, trusting in God alone to raise Him up at the right time.  The simple truth that Jesus paid for every one of my sins is the truth that surpasses understanding, the truth with eternal implications.  It is the truth that brings my only peace: this perfect Man has promised that He will never fail me!

I don't want you to think the Lord gave me only trials on this trip.  I had some precious moments of quiet at the nearby lake.  He made it possible for me to read Scripture and lead hymns during the non-denominational worship service on Sunday morning, so His word went forth.  On the way home from the conference, I was able to stop at a friend's house for a lovely meal and time of mutual encouragement.  God is so good, so gentle and kind, even when we have been bad.  His love is tender, forgiving, and compassionate, as a parent loves a child.  What a blessing to have such a Teacher!  Thank You, Jesus!

God is faithful,

Copyright 2010 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager - April 21, 2010 - Reputation Implication

As I meditated on these verses [see the previous two posts], I began to see how the same truths apply to government.  Another implication of "do not bear false witness" would be to guard the reputation of our government officials, and even of those seeking office.  Does this surprise you?

After last Fall's election of President Obama, I had one immediate relief: the daily tsunami of emails from the Christian rumor mill receded considerably.  We Christians, like everyone else, are tempted to assume the worst of people without solid evidence.   There's nothing wrong with trying to convince your friends to vote for your candidate; but, please, let's use issues rather than attacks!  We Christians should not stoop to the level of worldly critics.  "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...."   We should protect the reputation of all candidates.  We should be diligent to seek out the truth about all candidates.  We should be known for kindness, gentleness, and mercy.  "Never pay back evil for evil to anyone," no matter how much they deserve it.  Slander is sin, no matter who we're talking about.

To test yourself, think how you would feel if someone spread false reports about your candidate.  You would say, "They're making that up!  It's taken out of context!  They're just trying to smear him/her!" But then do you turn and use these same tactics to make the opposing candidate look as bad as possible, even when having no direct personal knowledge of the facts?  Make sure your righteous indignation is righteous.  As we compare candidates, whatever is good, pure, true, and noble, "whatever is of good report" should be what we dwell on in thought and conversation, including after someone takes office.

How often do you pray for those in authority, especially the highest officials such as president, supreme court justices, and congressional leaders?  When your candidate wins, do you thank God?   Do you pray regularly and fervently for that person, thrilled by a sense of participation in earthly and heavenly politics?  How about when the other guy wins?  Do you thank God in that case, as Scripture tells us to ("in everything give thanks"), or do you sulk and whine?  Do you pray as regularly and fervently for that person you didn't want to win?   I think we should pray for our government even more when we disagree!  "The effective prayer of a righteous man availeth much."  Maybe prayer is one of the ways we are to "overcome evil with good."

Lord Jesus, Ruler of All Nations, teach us to watch what we say and how we pray, for Your glory and for the good of the nations.

God is faithful,

PS  Our president is selecting a new Supreme Court justice right now.  This would be a great time to pray!

Copyright 2010 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager Extra - April 14, 2010 - Resolution and Repetition

God is good.  I want to tell how He answered prayer in the two situations mentioned in the previous entry [April 9, 2010]. 

First, my friend wrote the following about the problem with the lady in her church: "We had a really good heart to heart talk yesterday, and everything has been restored.  How beautiful is the Lord when two Christians truly seek to resolve hurts and issues in the Way He commands.  His way is truly good." 

Yesterday I met with the business contact who had treated me so poorly, and it was like night and day.  Her heart seemed softened to accept my explanation of events.  She spoke calmly and pleasantly.  I left feeling that now we could accomplish our mutual goals successfully.  Thanks be to God!  (It should be added that my husband was a big help in giving me perspective and helping me plan what to say to the other person.)

I believe that when God repeats something, there's a reason.  After these verses about assuming the best and speaking the best came up in my personal reading [see previous post],  a parallel passage was the basis of our Evening Service the following Sunday!  Pastor Paul Wolfe gave a message about I Peter 3:8-17.  "Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called...let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit; let him turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it...."  Also, with our words we must be ready to defend the gospel of Christ, but "do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behaviour in Christ may be put to shame." 

We are to be beacons of love, especially love for those within the body of Christ, for the world is watching.  We are not to be troubled if persecuted, for we fear God, not men.  If someone asks, why do we have hope?  The answer is Christ.  In humility we depend upon Christ alone to save us.

Apparently I had not received enough instruction on this topic, because my friend Susan G. read another parallel Scripture to me on Monday morning!  Psalm 31:18-24 says, "Let the lying lips be dumb" for the Lord will hide those who fear Him and take refuge in Him "in the secret place of Thy presence....Thou dost keep them secretly in a shelter from the strife of tongues."  Isn't that a great phrase - "the strife of tongues?"  Read the full passage to gain insight into different forms of speech.  How wonderful that God promises goodness, protection, lovingkindness, a listening ear, and preservation to His godly ones!  It's such an encouraging psalm, especially for anyone who has been unjustly accused.

The summary is full of precious gold: "O love the Lord, all you His godly ones!  The Lord preserves the faithful, and fully recompenses the proud doer.  Be strong, and let your heart take courage,  all you who hope in the Lord." - Psalm 31:24

God is faithful,


Copyright 2010 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager - April 9, 2010 - Devastation and Debrief

Early this week I got punched in the gut.  Not physically, but emotionally.  A business contact called me and spewed out all kinds of false accusations which shocked and hurt me.  To complete the job, she gossiped to the neighbors about me, maligning my reputation without having first consulted with me for clarification of the circumstances.  I was devastated by this slander.

By God's good providence, I had already made a lunch date with a friend for two days later.  I considered canceling since I felt so miserable, but decided to go.  When I told her my story,  I was surprised to hear that she had experienced the same thing that very morning!  While listening to one another and trying to remind ourselves that there was a purpose in it all, we were both thanking God for His gift of friendship in Christ.  Our experiences were so similar, only hers was worse because it involved a member of her church.  Brothers (sisters), these things ought not to be!

Some Scripture came to mind as we discussed these events.  "Do not bear false witness" is one of the Ten Commandments, so it must be pretty near and dear to God's heart.  I bet this applies not just to how we talk with others, but to how we think about others.  "Love believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, love never fails."  How careful we must be in our own mind to assume the best of the other person, not the worst!  How ready we must be to ask God for insight into the situation, especially within the body of Christ.  How diligent we should be to seek out the facts from the source, asking the person what he/she meant, reserving judgment until we have the whole story!

In addition, how careful we must be to guard another person's reputation, especially in the body of Christ.  Don't just pass along gossip, but discipline yourself to find something good to say about the person, or change the subject, or simply be silent.  Bad feelings multiply.  One of my favorite passages applies here: "Whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute, let your mind dwell on these things."

When falsely accused, do not retaliate, but stand firm in the Lord, just as Christ did when He was accused.   In both situations, whether tempted to assume the worst of someone else, or finding ourselves falsely accused, we need to spend time with the Lord, having eyes and heart washed clean by the pure water of the Word.

Upon writing that last line I remembered that I should stop and read the Bible myself, so I opened to the bookmark where I last left off.  What a divine "coincidence" that the next passage was Romans 12!  Sure I've read that chapter before, but never thought of it in connection with this particular situation!  As has happened before, the day's reading was perfectly suited to what was going on in my life, and the Holy Spirit used the Word to strengthen lessons I was learning.

"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind...prove what the will of God is...good, acceptable, and perfect....Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor....Bless those who persecute you; bless and curse not....Never pay back evil for evil to anyone....So far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men....Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

I marvel at the kindness of God in giving me this dear sister so we could have such a valuable debriefing session!  Parents, we can do this, too.  When our children go though miserable experiences, we can talk together about what we might learn, shining the light of Scripture where thoughts are dark, then praying for God's healing touch.  He will answer!

God is kind, good, and faithful.


Deuteronomy 5:20, I Corinthians 13:7-8, Philippians 4:8, Romans 12:2-21


Copyright 2010 Janet A. Marney


The Weekly Encourager - April 2, 2010 - Good Friday Prayer

Why isn't the classical radio station playing any Good Friday music today?  It is because the world has forgotten the awful significance of this day.  But we who are His must never forget the day that the Messiah who came from heaven died here on earth, in the most painful way, for our salvation.

Here is a prayer for this day.

Good Friday Prayer

"O Jesus, Who by reason of Thy burning love for us
hast willed to be crucified
and to shed Thy Most Precious Blood
for the redemption and salvation of our souls,
look down upon us here gathered together
in remembrance of Thy most sorrowful Passion and Death,
fully trusting in Thy mercy;
cleanse us from sin by Thy grace,
sanctify our toil,
give unto us and unto all those who are dear to us our
daily bread,
sweeten our sufferings,
bless our families,
and to the nations so sorely afflicted,
grant Thy peace,
which is the only true peace,
so that by obeying Thy commandments
we may come at last to the glory of heaven."

"Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.  For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.  Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need." - Hebrews 4:14-16 NASB

Are you "in time of need" today?  Do you need to receive mercy and find grace in your life?  There is hope for you in the message of Good Friday.  Jesus cried out to God who forsook Him for a time, that we may cry out to God who forsakes us never!

"Be strong and courageous...for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you.  He will not fail you or forsake you." - Deuteronomy 31:6 NASB

God is faithful,


Copyright 2010 Janet A. Marney

Good Friday Prayer from

The Weekly Encourager - March 23, 2010 - To Blog or Not To Blog

The Weekly Encourager - March 23, 2010 - To Blog or Not To Blog

Greetings!  This month marks the Ninth Anniversary of The Weekly Encourager, a Christian devotional which I began writing on March 1, 2001.  The original purpose was to extract nuggets of godly wisdom from a variety of sources that might benefit the younger moms of my congregation, and to offer the quotations, along with my own reflections, to those dear ladies who had limited time to read parenting books.  Since then, the subject matter has expanded, and so has the email list, now including women and men of all ages and situations, many of whom do not know me personally.

Some of you have asked why there have not been as many Encouragers lately.  I have been focused on some other priorities at home and work, one of which is getting my web site up and running (with help from my family).  While the site is now functional, there's not much on it yet; but, eventually I would like to have a place for The Weekly Encourager and another place for my quilt business, The Quilted Heart.  For some time now I have been wanting to put the Encourager on the web site in blog format, rather than sending it out via email.  Here's why:

1. Over the years, many of you have shared your reactions, insights, advice, humor, personal experiences, etc, after reading the Encourager.  These have been a great encouragement to me as an individual; but, I always feel guilty that I alone benefit from the comments, rather than the whole group.  The main advantage of the blog format is that it will allow us to have conversation with one another about the topics raised in the Encouragers.  The Proverbs talk about the wisdom of many counselors.  I'd like to tap into the collective wisdom of the larger Christian community for the enrichment of all.  Iron sharpens iron.

2. The blog will allow access to past Encouragers and ensuing discussions, which may be of interest to new folks just hearing about it for the first time.

3. If God be pleased, unbelievers might stumble on the site and read something which might encourage them to seek more about Jesus Christ and His word, the Bible.  This will be out there for any and all to see.

4. It will be easier for you to access wherever you are.  If you switch email addresses, you won't have to remember to notify me. 

5. You won't have to "subscribe" or "unsubscribe," just visit the site, or not, as you wish.  I won't be cluttering up your email box.

6. It will be easier for me than sending out large groups of emails, and I won't have to call people to ask for new email addresses when things bounce back to me.

7. Those of you who have my email address will still be free to send me a personal email at any time.  Only I will read those emails; they will not be posted for the whole world to see.

8. I can write more often than once a week, or less often, as my schedule permits.

Those familiar with blogs can skip the next paragraph!

Now, let me address those who are saying, "Wait, I don't know how to blog!"  If you don't know what a blog is, relax.  I barely understand it myself.  From one "tech-challenged" person to another, the word "blog" is short for "web log."  It's a journal of sorts that people write and put online for others to read.  Basically, it means that you'll be able to visit my web site whenever you like and read the latest Encourager posted there.  If you wish to read only the latest one, that's fine, read it, then close the site.  If you wish to comment on what was said, there will be a space following the post for you to do so.  You do not have to comment; it's purely optional.  You may also read other people's comments if you wish and respond or not to their comments, as you wish.  In addition, you will be able to go back and read Encouragers and/or comments from the past.  Eventually I hope to offer a topical index to make this easier; but for now, it will be arranged chronologically,with the most recent post appearing first.  For the next few blog entries, I will continue to send you an email referring you to the web site to read the latest post.

Dear readers, thank you for all the encouragement.  Our gracious God has used you in my life!  As this blog format is a new venture, I am asking for your prayers that this will be used only and always for God's glory.  Pray for protection and wisdom - the internet is a big place, and it can be scary.  Yet it can be a tool to work good, strengthening God's people in lives that honor Him and serve others.  Pray as the Spirit leads.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2010 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager - February 27, 2010 - Answered Prayer with Three Days to Spare

The Weekly Encourager - February 27, 2010 - Answered Prayer with Three Days to Spare

February was an interesting month.  At the beginning, I had set aside the last two weeks of February to get a quilt finished for our guild quilt show and to write an article for a quilt newsletter.  Yesterday (February 26) was the deadline for both.

Then I found out I needed new tenants for our rental property.  The workload for landlords is unpredictable: you may go several months without doing anything except to deposit your tenant's checks; but, when something goes wrong, you have to drop everything and deal with it.  This time it was simple enough to place ads, but then another blizzard came, and no one went anywhere for two weeks.  I lost potential renters because the road was too bad to get into the development.  When the roads finally were plowed, I got a bad cold with a case of pink eye.  Yet I knew that God brought the snow and the sickness.  He is Lord of all.

With only a week left and feeling really sick, on Sunday the 21st I was starting to get anxious about whether I'd find a tenant by the end of the month, or whether we'd have to cover March's rent.  Normally I would never even think of working on the Lord's Day, but that morning I felt a tinge of temptation, knowing that Sunday is the busiest day for real estate in our area.  Could this be an exception, Lord?

His answer was No.  That morning we got to church and the sermon was about honoring the Lord in our business dealings with the world!  Amidst Pastor Dave Coffin's message about the Christan's behavior in the marketplace, certain verses stood out to me:

"A just balance and scales belong to the Lord; all the weights of the bag are His concern." - Proverbs 16:11 NASB.  A reminder that the God who numbered every hair on my head is concerned about my rental property, too.  He is Lord of all.

"When will the new moon be over, so that we may sell grain, and the Sabbath, that we may offer wheat for sale?"   - Amos 8:5 ESV  The days the Lord appointed for worship were not of interest to the dishonest merchants; they just wanted the Sabbath to be over with as soon as possible, so that they could do business again.  I certainly did not want to numbered with them!

The main thing that hit me was, you don't have to work on the Sabbath, you don't have to lie, cheat, or steal to get what you need.  The Lord says, if you need it, I will provide it.  I walked away from that service with such a boost to my faith.  Through the sermon and the Scriptures, the Lord gave me a quiet confidence that all would be well with my rental property.  My job was to trust Him and to continue to work with diligence and honesty. 

Reflecting further, I remembered some other prayers that the Lord had answered recently: He blessed my last-minute preparations and travel to sing at my uncle's funeral, He was very gracious to Dave's brother Matthew regarding some legal issues, His hand was evident in the resolution of a problem with a friend.  The Psalmist reminds himself of what the Lord has already done for him, encouraging himself to trust in God again.  We can use that same model for our prayers: thankfulness and trust.

A few days later, God provided a suitable tenant.  I had a signed lease in my hands three days before the end of the month.  (Oh yes, and He restored my health enough to enable me to finish the quilt project and article on time!)

Another great point Pastor Dave made was that when you come right down to it, Jesus's death on the cross was a commercial transaction.  We were bought with a price.  His death canceled the record of debt.  Since our holy God's scales are always perfect, we can be comforted that the price Jesus paid was just.  We are indeed redeemed!  This same God who forgave our sins will also take care of all our financial needs.  He is Lord of all.  Thanks be to God for such a gift!

God is faithful,

by David Coffin, Jr.
"Shopping and Salvation, or What has Jerusalem to do with the mall?"  Part of the Proverbs series.  To hear this sermon, go to and click on Resources.

The Weekly Encourager - February 11, 2010 - Water, Water, Everywhere

this is my new entry:

 The Weekly Encourager - February 11, 2010 - Water, Water, Everywhere

When is a flood not a flood? 

Do you have a task you've been putting off but you know you should do?
Have you prayed for supernatural motivation?
Have you asked spouse or Christian friends for help?

The morning after Christmas Day, with two ladies and one's daughter expected for tea and conversation, I hurried down to the basement to wrap their presents.  Unfortunately, what I expected to be a lovely calm day of fellowship with dear friends by the fire, while husband and son went to a LAN party, turned out to be a frantic morning of sopping up water en famille.  Rapid snow melt after a large snowstorm earlier that week had caused basement flooding.  On one hand, if the friends hadn't been coming, I might not have discovered the water until much later and the damage would have been greater; but, on the other hand, I missed a golden opportunity for fellowship.  My friend Hannah was able to come for only a short time.  After Dave and Austin and I finally got the furniture and boxes moved out and water cleaned up, she could only stay a few minutes more.  It was sad because I only get to see Hannah about twice a year, once in summer and once at Christmas.  Yet God's timing is perfect, right?

The stressful process of moving things out of the water's path brought about some important revelations.  Are you a storer of stuff?  It seems that between my growing quilt business, my office, things saved from the past, things inherited from relatives who have passed on, my gift closet and gift wrap area, etc., I have a whole lot of stuff in the basement.  Of course, I also have a whole lot of stuff in the garage, and in our bedroom, and in the guest room.  Now, those of you who know me are saying, "I've been to your house and it always looks beautiful!"  It's true that I have an unshakable commitment to keeping the public areas free of debris so that I can invite people over at a moment's notice; but, I have to confess: I have a lot of stuff in other parts of the house that you don't see. 

Having to move so much out on short notice brought me up short.  Seeing my husband's reaction as he saw how "efficiently" [his term, bless him!] I can pack spaces, feeling the embarrassment of not having things better organized and having him see my mess, tapping into deeper issues, arguing with my son over how best to move things out of the water, and missing sweet fellowship with my friends upstairs, were all things the Lord used to motivate me to change.

The long-delayed conversation with my husband about the reasons for accumulation came a few days later.  My parents were raised in the Depression, and they taught me well the value of saving and reusing things, and buying on sale.  We've had serious injuries, deaths of loved ones, and other stressful events to deal with in the last few years, which have taken time and energy away from mundane tasks.  A quiltmaker does need a lot of physical space for all the fabric, tools, supplies, books, etc.  And the wrapping paper!  Every year my sons' schools did fundraisers I felt I had to buy one roll from each school.  But now, when we give smaller items to fewer people, do I really need 40 rolls of wrapping paper?  And the gifts!  I have had to face the fact that, for someone who's been asking people to give "no more gifts," I sure have accumulated a lot of gifts to give to them!  And sure, it's a lot more fun to decorate the living room than it is to file papers in the office, but it has to be done.

A sea change is occurring.  For the past few years, as my children have been growing more independent, I've been dipping my toes into different careers, trying to see where the Lord would lead me to use the gifts He gave me for His glory.  As a Christian woman, I should get my husband's input, so Dave and I scheduled a meeting to discuss my career options.  His insights were excellent and I took notes.  I sensed that the Lord was answering prayer.  Probably the most important thing I got from that meeting were the two things that are hindering my career at this time!  I realized that there was no way I could move forward with any of my career options until 1. I helped Dave with his business, and 2. I cleaned out some of the mess in the house.  And how interesting that both of these are things important to my husband.

Now, I've taken a long time to get here, but I wanted to record the process the Lord used to reveal His will for me at this time in my life.  I looked honestly at the gifts, interests, circumstances, etc. that God has brought, noting also what others have mentioned over the years.  I prayed for God to show me how to best use His gifts to honor Him and serve others.  I tried out various options.  I consulted my husband.  I continued to pray and work.

What I have seen is that no matter how long, boring, or frustrating these two tasks are, I must do them.  I need to honor God by taking care of the things He's given me.  I need to honor God by taking care of the things that bother my husband, especially when they are starting to affect our marriage. 

First, the business.  My husband has been asking for my administrative help with his home business (Sermons Online) for years, and I've been saying no, that's not my gift; first, let me establish my own career.  But after more prayer and the career discussion this Fall, the Lord granted me new motivation which I must acknowledge was clearly from the the Holy Spirit, not of myself.  I began to actually want to get up each day and get to that work!  Spending several hours each day on this business for months, I successfully completed the first internal audit of all the customers, clearing out dead wood and increasing revenue by about 50%.   I say this not to brag about what I did, but to point to what God did.  I also began to feel that it's our family business, rather than my husband's business.  Today there are still emails to answer and issues that crop up, but things are back on track.  When I determined to obey God and my husband and work hard, the Lord prospered the work of my hands.

Now, the basement.  Yes (pat self on back), for the past couple of years I've been freecyling at least one thing every week, giving things to charity, etc., but the flood revealed that a Major Effort would be needed to get the basement in order.  I, who have helped others with home organization (one of my career options! pride!), have been letting my own house go.  It's been too overwhelming to face alone, but with God all things are possible.  With His help, I determined to do what is right, no matter what.  Every time I'm tempted to put it off, I remind myself that no temptation is greater than we can bear, including this one.  There is always a way back to the right road.   Procrastination is a sin.

Snowed-in and with another blizzard coming, I started with one tiny area at a time.  My husband was a big help by offering to clean out some of his own junk, giving me a jump-start.  All my snowed-in quilting friends are using this winter to enjoy sewing projects, but me, I've been cleaning the basement - day after day after day, and sometimes into the evening.  Why is it taking so long?  Because I left it so long.  Simple as that - the piper must be paid.  It would be sin for me not to do it.  Again, since I determined to obey God and my husband and work hard, I am seeing the Lord prosper the work of my hands.  I have almost completely cleared the area that Dave wanted done the most, thanks be to God!

I know I haven't written in a while.  It's because I have too much to say, and I don't want to ramble on too long.  I need to know that only those who want to read this, will do so.  My hard heart has been humbled and I am seeing the Lord at work all over the place.  When is a flood not a flood?  When God means it for good.  When He pours out living water upon our souls.

If you have something you've been avoiding doing, I encourage you to pray for the Lord's direction, power to resist temptation, and motivation to get it done.  Then, exercise your will to make a start, however small.  Just make a start.  When we are weak, He is strong.  Be faithful in small things, and watch God do big things.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2010 Janet A. Marney