The Weekly Encourager - June 3, 2011 - Extreme Anxiety, Part 1

Do you suffer from excessive fear, worry, or anxiety?  I'd like to share some of what God is doing with my dear friend Laura Ferratt.  Since I've known her, her main struggle has been with extreme anxiety, particularly in the area of her family's health and safety.  [Lest you think I'm talking out of turn, let me assure you that I am telling this story with her full permission.]   Knowing Laura's problem, it was wonderful to get an email a few months ago saying that she had been asked to speak to the women of her church about the Lord's great work of healing her anxiety!  Laura sent a copy of her speech to me.  Whether or not you struggle in this area,  I know her words will encourage you as they have me.

How did it all start?  As background, Laura talks about sharing friends' terrible tragedies and the doubts that formed: "Was God really good?"  Then she had a loss herself.  Next she was frightened by the DC area sniper, who was "randomly gunning people down."  Afraid that her little boy could be the next victim, Laura "began to be gripped with a feeling of helplessness" and found it difficult to leave her house.  "The roots of fear were alive and growing in my heart, even though I tired to cram them down and ignore them."

In 2005, her fears were compounded when the family moved down to Tornado Alley in Texas.  She began to have irrational thoughts, huddling in a centrally-located closet during any threat of storms.  During one three-month stretch of bad weather, she confined herself to this closet most of the time.  She continued to be afraid of big spiders and scorpions in the yard, additional elements of a hostile environment.

In 2009, the Swine Flu scare hit the nation.  With her youngest child bringing home every illness from school, she was morbidly afraid that her boys would get the Swine Flu and die.  She got a bad stomach flu which, when combined with "back-to-back panic attacks," made her feel that she was about to die.  Too weak to talk or move from bed, she finally admitted that, "ultimately, I didn't trust God.  But, as I lay there, God removed the pillars of earthly security and strength that I was reaching for, one by one, and made me face the REAL reason for my fear.  I HAD NO CONTROL.  Later, and gently, God showed me my sin....It looks and sounds like this:

" 'God, you big, mean, cruel, incompetent God, how dare you order my life and my children's lives like you do?  You are so pathetically inadequate to govern my affairs, you need to move over and let me have it!!!  I want it.  I want everything -- right now -- comfort, perfection, heaven, no suffering, no death!!!  I want it right now!  How dare you make ME wait!!!'"

Now if you're honest with yourself, you could probably admit that you've had the same feeling at one point or another, right?  Me, too.  Now see what was happening.  "God did with me what I've had to do with my children when they have a temper-fit...He laid me down and let me spend myself.  After I kicked and screamed and yelled at him, He quietly started to restore me."  Laura sought a Biblical counselor.  Even though she could only afford one counseling appointment per month, she meditated on what she learned and worked it into her life.  God used this, along with scriptures, books, sermons, music, and conversations with her husband and friends, to gently break her.  "I had to smell how rotten the tomato under my seat was, how stinking and offensive my fist shaking was to a Holy God, before I could begin to have what I truly wanted -- a sound mind."

To be continued...

God is faithful; in Him do I trust,

Copyright 2011 Janet A. Marney
All quotations from Laura Ferratt used by permission.

The Weekly Encourager - May 18, 2011 - Schlagen

On the 100th anniversary of Gustav Mahler's death, here are the inspiring words to his Symphony No. 2, the Resurrection Symphony, just as relevant today.   My comments follow.

Original German
Aufersteh'n, ja aufersteh'n
Wirst du, Mein Staub,
Nach kurzer Ruh'!
Unsterblich Leben! Unsterblich Leben
wird der dich rief dir geben!
Wieder aufzublüh'n wirst du gesät!
Der Herr der Ernte geht
und sammelt Garben
uns ein, die starben!
O glaube, mein Herz, o glaube:
Es geht dir nichts verloren!
Dein ist, ja dein, was du gesehnt!
Dein, was du geliebt,
Was du gestritten!
O glaube
Du wardst nicht umsonst geboren!
Hast nicht umsonst gelebt, gelitten!
Was entstanden ist
Das muß vergehen!
Was vergangen, auferstehen!
Hör' auf zu beben!
Bereite dich zu leben!
O Schmerz! Du Alldurchdringer!
Dir bin ich entrungen!
O Tod! Du Allbezwinger!
Nun bist du bezwungen!
Mit Flügeln, die ich mir errungen,
In heißem Liebesstreben,
Werd'ich entschweben
Zum Licht, zu dem kein Aug'gedrungen!
Mit Flügeln, die ich mir errungen
Werde ich entschweben.
Sterben werd'ich, um zu leben!
Aufersteh'n, ja aufersteh'n
wirst du, mein Herz, in einem Nu!
Was du geschlagen
zu Gott wird es dich tragen!
An English Translation
Rise again, yes, rise again,
Will you My dust,
After a brief rest!
Immortal life! Immortal life
Will He who called you, give you.
To bloom again were you sown!
The Lord of the harvest goes
And gathers in, like sheaves,
Us together, who died.
O believe, my heart, O believe:
Nothing to you is lost!
Yours is, yes yours, is what you desired
Yours, what you have loved
What you have fought for!
O believe,
You were not born for nothing!
Have not for nothing, lived, suffered!
What was created
Must perish,
What perished, rise again!
Cease from trembling!
Prepare yourself to live!
O Pain, You piercer of all things,
From you, I have been wrested!
O Death, You masterer of all things,
Now, are you conquered!
With wings which I have won for myself,
In love’s fierce striving,
I shall soar upwards
To the light which no eye has penetrated!
Its wing that I won is expanded,
and I fly up.
Die shall I in order to live.
Rise again, yes, rise again,
Will you, my heart, in an instant!
That for which you suffered,
To God will it lead you!

Singing this chorus twice last weekend was intense.  Just before the two back-to-back concerts, an acquaintance was used by the Holy Spirit to convict me of my sin (yea, again), and I saw anew how it detracts and distracts from my witness for Christ.  In this chastened frame of mind I was suitably prepared to enter into the various wistful yet melancholy moods of the first four movements as they were beautifully played by the Fairfax Symphony Orchestra.

Finally, in the fifth movement, Mahler gives the answer to the suffering and sorrows of this life: trust in God.  God's sovereign power, will, and tender care makes the journey profitable.  Unfortunately, my German isn't good enough to understand the complete meaning of "schlagen," but to me it always conjures weary soldiers slogging through the mud, on to the next battle, or perhaps back to camp again after a day's fight.  It's hard but absolutely essential work, protecting one's country.  The orchestral parts build to a thrilling climax of shining sound, and then the chorus comes in to finish off anyone who's not crying already. 

When it was time to sing about schlagen leading us homeward to God Himself, I was overcome with emotion and could barely sing the high notes.   For me it was truly a symphony of Resurrection.  The Lord used this music to remind me of His great love for me: the resurrection of Jesus Christ answered all my guilt and shame.  Aufersteh'n, ja aufersteh'n!  I rose again as if newly-washed in the fountain of life, praising God for His tremendous salvation!

Thank the Lord for the marvelous gift of music!

Keep on schlagen; soon you'll be joggin'!

Copyright 2011 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager - May 1, 2011 - You have swept me away

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
You have swept me away with Your love
You have drenched me with Your goodness
You have given me the joy of Christian companions, rarely seen and much to be cherished.
You have showered on me the wondrous rain which opens the petals of life to new views, new insight,
a glimpse into Your grace in the lives of those I never met before.
Ripples on a pond,
touching lives of others I will never meet,
An endless circle of lives transformed,
dead hearts revived - the Tomb is Empty!
We each touch other lives, if only for a moment -
Your plan overarching all.
Again a small intimation that it's not all about me, or about the struggles of loved ones or strangers:
It's about You.  It's always about You,
only You.
A love song to the God of my life.

It is the Lord's Day, begun at sundown with a simple communion from the hands of a friend. 
"Sip or dip," she asks.
I have no choice, in truth, but to rejoice, even in parting.
We partake.  We part.
I drink You in through communion with Your people.

I go through my days in a fog of duties, distractions, disappointments,
"never enough time," never enough talk or too much talk.
This is the road I walk.
But sometimes, with no warning whatsoever, You choose to blow away the fog
With the gentlest of breezes, so that I behold the sun on the super-green new-mown grass,
hear the birds louder and nearer than ever before (the raccoons are gone),
feel no pain at the breaking of glass and mirror,
let the dishes rise on their teetering towers while I sit outside listening to brothers tell secret fears and secret hopes.
(Not what I planned for the day, but a gift.)

You give me a word of truth and a realization - O Glory! - that we are walking this road together, You and I.
And for a moment, these dear ones walk with me too,
But only now and then, that I would not learn to stand only by holding their hands, but by holding Yours.
The Paraclete, my True and Only Companion in this life and the next, is always with me.
And nothing in this life or the next can snatch me out of the Father's hand.

This is the message of Easter -
I don't have to do it on my own.
Success doesn't depend upon me, whether it's marriage, or career, getting over the past or getting on with the future.
When I am weak, He is strong.
My truest life is about letting go of me
and taking hold of Him.
The road to transcendence begins with taking off my shoes, for this is holy ground, humble ground.
Come as a child.

The well-turned soil of suffering becomes fertile ground for compassion, for relationship.
Only in Him is there a reason to go on for even one day.
So chop it up! Dig up the roots and toss out the rocks!
Prepare Your garden.

The Lord gave me a window into Heaven today.

Copyright 2011 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager -April 22, 2011 - Good Friday Prayer

A Good Friday Prayer

O holy and adorable Redeemer, by whose condemnation we are acquitted, by whose stripes we are healed, by whose death we have life, by whose cross we gain our crown: Keep us, we beseech thee, ever mindful of thy boundless love; and when thou dost call on us to bear for a while thy cross, like Simon of old, make us to rejoice that we are counted worthy to suffer for thy sake, and accept our feeble sacrifice, through the merits of thine eternal redemption.

--W. E. Scudamore (Rector of Ditchingham and Fellow of Saint John's College, Cambridge)

It's a comfort to know that no matter what I may suffer, it's nothing compared to what Jesus the Christ suffered to save my life.
Have a Good Friday.

God is faithful.
The prayer above was Posted by Kendall Harmon

The Weekly Encourager - April 6, 2011 - "Brothers, pray for us."

On Sunday, Pastor Dave Coffin preached on an important duty: "Brothers, pray for us." (1 Thessalonians 5:25)

I remembered a conversation I had once with a person who sounded dissatisfied with her pastor.  She noted certain personal shortcomings and said that his sermons didn't provide spiritual food for the whole week.  My first question to her was, how much time do you spend praying for your pastor?  The New Testament contains many requests for and references to the people of God praying for ministers of the Word.  Pastor Coffin noted that if any minister was blessed with impeccable background, great natural ability, superior education, high position, and surpassing spiritual experience, it would be the apostle Paul.  Yet Paul asks for prayer over and over in his letters to the churches.  How much more then should we pray for the preachers God has given us!

About spiritual food for the week, I made another comment to that lady.  Jesus asks, in His model for prayer, "Give us our daily bread," not "our weekly bread."  I reminded this person of the importance of having your own spiritual relationship with God, being diligent to read and study His word on a regular basis, praising God as you go about your day, meeting with family or friends for fellowship and prayer outside of church.  If I am invited to someone's home for a great feast on Sunday, that doesn't mean I skip all meals Monday through Saturday!  On the contrary, Christians have spiritual low blood sugar.  If we don't eat at regular intervals, we grow faint in faith.

As for the pastor's shortcomings, my thought is this: if you have extra powers of perception to point out problems, it probably means you have high intelligence, desire for excellence, keen insight, and analytical ability.  Rejoice!  These are fine gifts to be used for the glory of God and the good of the church.  But beware: these gifts can be used for good or for evil.  Because we aren't perfect either, it's a lot easier to criticize than to pray.  I firmly believe that if we see particular problems in a person, we are called to pray for that person more specifically and more fervently than the "average" Christian who doesn't have such insight.  It's easier to gripe than to get on our knees, but that is the way to honor the Lord (and make a difference!).

How much time do you spend praying for your pastor?  Start today.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2011 Janet A. Marney

To hear the sermon by David F. Coffin, Jr., go to and click on Resources, Sermons to Hear, 04/03/11 "Pray for Ministers."

The Weekly Encourager - March 30, 2010 - "God of Concrete, God of Steel"

Today I share a wonderful hymn acknowledging God as the Lord of science, technology, work, and so much more.  He is behind every achievement of man.  He is the giver of every good gift!  As one blogger says, "You'd like to sing this at home. And in church. And possibly on public transit."

God of Concrete, God of Steel
- by Richard Granville Jones

God of concrete, God of steel,
God of piston and of wheel,
God of pylon, God of steam,
God of girder and of beam,
God of atom, God of mine:
all the world of power is thine.

Lord of cable, Lord of rail,
Lord of freeway and of mail,
Lord of rocket and of flight,
Lord of soaring satellite,
Lord of lightning’s flashing line:
all the world of speed is thine.

Lord of science, Lord of art,
Lord of map and graph and chart,
Lord of physics and research,
Word of Bible, Faith of church,
Lord of sequence and design:
all the world of truth is thine.

God whose glory fills the earth,
gave the universe its birth,
loosed the Christ with Easter’s might,
saves the world from evil’s blight,
claims us all by grace divine:
all the world of love is thine.

God is the great Creator.


The Weekly Encourager - March 17, 2011 - Who Carries the Plants?

I don't consider myself a "green thumb," but I do enjoy growing things.  All my potted plants enjoy a summer vacation outside, but when I bring them inside in the Fall, I usually let the annuals just die naturally with the first frost.  Last Fall, however, I decided to save some volunteer impatiens to see if I could keep them alive indoors for a few weeks longer.  Since then I've been taking special care with them:extra water, plucking deadheads, rotating, etc.  To my surprise, they love their new spot and have flourished with all this personal attention.  They have provided me with so much joy, especially during the dark winter days.

From time to time I have had the privilege of supplying fresh flowers or plants for our church worship and fellowship space.  This past Sunday, as I arrived with the blooming impatiens, I thought about how God's care for us is like my careful protection of the impatiens all winter long.  When I show up at church, there is often some gentleman or another who offers to carry the flowers for me, but I usually decline.  I have noticed that when other people carry the plants, there are often blossoms or whole branches broken off in the process.  These kind folks have very good intentions, but they just don't know the plants as well as I do, and therefore are not as careful with them.  I know each branch of each plant and have watched its growth from the start.

God's fatherly care for His children is infinitely better.  He not only knows each and every hair on our head, He made it and caused it to grow!  (And for some of us, He caused them to fall out!)  Knowing each of us from our mother's womb, the Lord knows just where we are the most fragile, and He has made provision for that.  The song says,"He's got the whole world in His hands."  True, but those of us who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ are in His hands in a more wondrous way.  He holds us with greater tenderness than a small child holds a flower, yet He commands the winds and the waves, and they obey Him.  What a comfort to know that no one, No One or Nothing, can snatch us out of His hand!

Christian, are you being carried along by a storm you did not expect?  He will not trust others to carry you, and neither should you.  God alone will transport His beloved ones safely home to the place of eternal blessed worship and fellowship.  There our golden fruit will reflect great credit to the Master Gardener, Jesus Christ.  If we persevere in this life, bloom in this pot, we will be a source of great joy to God and to all the saints and angels in heaven.  He will carry you; Trust in Him.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2011 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager - March 10, 2011 - Guidance and Grace

Some of our friends are going through difficult times.  I can say from personal experience that during these times, Emmanuel God is with us in an even deeper way.  The road may be rocky and full of thorns, but it is in these ways that His Holy Sprint leads us and upholds us with His righteous right arm when we cannot stand alone.  If we cry out to Him in prayer, He will give guidance and grace. 

God loves us, so He will test our faith, to see if it is pure as silver, reflecting back the image of Christ.  By our perseverance, we will be a reason for Christ to overflow with thanksgiving, to the glory of God the Father.

Here are some encouraging verses from the Living Bible translation:

He grants good sense to the godly - his saints.  He is their shield, protecting them and guarding their pathway. - Proverbs 2:8

The Lord God...led them all the way, and had selected the best places for them to camp, and had guided them by a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud during the day. - Deuteronomy 1:32-33

He spreads his wings over them, even as an eagle overspreads her young.  She carries them upon her wings - as does the Lord his people!...The Lord alone was leading them. - Deuteronomy 32:11-12

The steps of good men are directed by the Lord.  He delights in each step they take.  If they fall it isn't fatal, for the Lord holds them with his hand. - Psalm 37:23-24

The good man does not escape all troubles - he has them too.  But the Lord helps him in each and every one. - Psalm 34:19

For the Lord watches over all the plans and paths of godly men, but the path of the godless lead to doom. - Psalm 1:6

And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans. - Romans 8:28

We have the Lord our God to fight our battles for us! -  2 Chronicles 32:8

The Lord your God has arrived to live among you.  He is a mighty Savior.  He will give you victory.  He will rejoice over you in great gladness! - Zephaniah 3:17

God is faithful,

The Weekly Encourager - February 26, 2011 - Waiting

Do you know anyone who was born on February 29?  Only one day in every four years will they celebrate their true birthday.  I bet these people could tell us something about waiting. 

On February 20, Pastor Dave Coffin preached on "The Hidden Face of God," or "Spiritual Suffering."  He said, "Though in this life a believer may suffer a sense of spiritual desolation, he can be restored through prayers of heart-felt lament and urgent supplication as he reflects upon his past experience of God's faithfulness."  Sometimes we just have to wait.

We see King David doing this in the psalms.  For example, in Psalm 13 David feels abandoned by God for no good reason, but as he recalls what God has done in the past, it reminds him that God still cares and will work good in his future.  David has to wait.  Sometimes when we feel that God isn't blessing us anymore, it's because we feel bad physically, or we're not doing the things God tells us to do to be blessed, or we are under a powerful temptation to sin, or we are being chastened for a particular sin. 

But what happens when God withdraws "the light of His countenance" for a time for His own greater reasons?  Why does God make us wait?  This happens to the best of us: it happened to Abraham, Moses, David, Job, and countless other heroes of the faith.  Even Jesus, who knew no sin, felt the agony of being forsaken on the cross. Many of us have pleaded, "How long, O Lord?!"  The remedy for us is the same as what Jesus did: trust in God and continue to wait upon Him, while being obedient to His will as much as you are able.

An excellent article by Paul Tripp lends insight here.  Tripp says,

"When God asks you to wait, what happens to your spiritual muscles? While you wait, do your spiritual muscles grow bigger and stronger or do they grow flaccid and atrophied? Waiting for the Lord isn’t about God forgetting you, forsaking you, or being unfaithful to his promises. It’s actually God giving you time to consider his glory and to grow stronger in faith. Remember, waiting isn’t just about what you are hoping for at the end of the wait, but also about what you will become as you wait.

"Waiting always presents me with a spiritual choice-point. Will I allow myself to question God’s goodness and progressively grow weaker in faith, or will I embrace the opportunity of faith that God is giving me and build my spiritual muscles?...

"The reality of waiting is that it’s an expression of God’s goodness not empirical evidence against it. He is wise and loving... and his focus isn’t so much on what you will experience and enjoy, but on what you will become. He is committed to using every tool at his disposal to rescue you from yourself and to shape you into the likeness of his Son. The fact is that waiting is one of his primary shaping tools.

"So, how do you build your spiritual muscles during the wait? Well, you must commit yourself to resisting those habits of unfaith and with discipline pursue a rigorous routine of spiritual exercise.

"What is the equipment in God’s gym of faith? Here are the things that he has designed for you to build the muscles of your heart and strengthen your resolve: the regular study of his Word; consistent godly fellowship; looking for God’s glory in creation every day; putting yourself under excellent preaching and teaching of Scripture; investing your quiet mental time in meditating on the goodness of God (e.g., as you are going off to sleep); reading excellent Christian books; and spending ample time in prayer. All of these things will result in spiritual strength and vitality.

"Is God asking you to wait? So, what is happening to your muscles?"

I encourage any who are weary with waiting to study Psalm 27: "The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?... In the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle...He will lift me up on a rock....I will sing praises to the Lord... Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice,...Thy face, O Lord, I shall seek....I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.  Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord."

God is faithful,

Copyright 2011 Janet A. Marney

To read Paul Tripp's full article, "Spiritual Muscle Development," from Desiring God, click on this link

To listen to David Coffin's full sermon, click on this link


The Weekly Encourager - February 14, 2011 - Always Loved

Always Loved
by Roy Lessin

As your Shepherd the Lord is
Always watching...
Always keeping...
Always providing...
Always defending...
Never forsaking.

You are never forgotten...always loved!

Years ago we used to give a "God's Love" dinner on Valentine's Day.  Including couples, singles, and children, we asked each person to bring a poem or Bible verse that told about God's love for us.  Didn't get a special valentine today? Try reading the ultimate love letter, the word of God.  You might start with Psalm 23.  This is a beautiful portrait of true love.

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.  He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.  You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.  You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.  Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." - Psalm 23 NIV

"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you, He will not fail you or forsake you." - Deuteronomy 31:6 NASB

"For Your steadfast love is higher than the heavens, and Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds." - Psalm 108:4 NRSV

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life." - John 3:16 NIV

Happy God's Love Day!

Poem: excerpt from the devotional gift book Always Loved by Roy Lessin

The Weekly Encourager - February 8, 2011 - Saga of Settlement and Spirit

"In everything give thanks, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." - 1Thessalonians 5:18

After nine years, we are rid of our rental property.  If you've read previous posts, you know that the last few months in particular were quite challenging for me, with two lawsuits and the eviction of our difficult tenant, combined with emotional ramifications which laid me low.  I recently researched the tenant's business and found that we were not the only ones to be cheated and mistreated.  No comfort there, just affirmation.

Here's how God worked: we listed the property in early October, and despite the fact that nothing was selling in that zip code due to the economy, the Lord led buyers to our little townhouse.  The young couple made an offer on Thanksgiving Day.  The offer was quite low, but when we learned that the husband was being called to serve as a youth pastor at a local church, we saw it as an opportunity to bless them.  Dave and I both had the same thought:  who knows but that all these years of headaches may have been "for such a time as this" to provide a home base for this young minister?  We might be providing a setting for someone's salvation!

You might have thought that things would move smoothly after that decision, but they didn't.  "Lord, how long?"  I'm sure God had reasons to test my perseverance and patience, but He didn't inform me!  So many matters came up to delay the sale, that I was genuinely surprised that it actually happened by the deadline of December 31.  For example, at the home inspection several problems surfaced, including a carbon monoxide leak which could only be resolved by our installing a brand new heating system, which naturally was not covered by our home warranty.  There were some weird requirements from the Homeowners Association that had to be met in record time.  After all was resolved at the property, the
Settlement was delayed at least five times, the last of which was due to the fact that the buyers' lender was in Virginia Beach, which got snowed in!  What was the likelihood of that? 

The reason I'm relating so many details is to show how God was faithful to answer the prayers of His people.  (A big thank you to all who prayed.)   I was weary, but I slogged on, the Spirit as my constant companion. 
How much I hoped that the sale would happen before Christmas, the only present I really wanted!  But I had to accept the things I couldn't change.  There was a spiritual breakthrough a couple days before Christmas.  In an amazing way, the Lord enabled me to set the anxiety aside By God's grace, I was able to rest in God and just enjoy the Christmas weekend with family and friends.  "Be still and know that I am God"  has never been easy for me, so any time it happens, it's a supernatural event.

On December 28, in between Christmas and New Year's, we finally went to Settlement after much ado.  With my defenses down and low on sleep, I caught a bad cold and bashed my foot on the day of Settlement, but I limped, coughed and sneezed my way there anyway.  Having had multiple ankle and foot problems in the past, I was able to thank God that I could even walk!  By that point in the saga I was not saying, "Lord, enough already!" but "Lord, help me take the next step."  I think some part of me was resigned to going lower still, as long as I could be in the company of Jesus by His Spirit.  So many times the Lord shows me how weak I am, so that He can show how strong He is.  He has to bring me to the point of quiet exhaustion, resignation and lowliness, so that I will rest "as a weaned child" upon His chest.

Now the Spirit reminds me that our salvation was bought with a price.  Jesus descended, being made low, when He chose to put on flesh, but that wasn't low enough.  He had to go lower still.  He was wrongly accused by enemies, deserted and disowned by friends, tried and sentenced in an unjust court, dragged through the streets, stripped and cruelly whipped by soldiers, mocked and scorned by the crowds.  But to fulfill God's purpose, He had to go even lower, to die a death painful beyond our imagining for crimes he didn't commit. 

There was a sale of property on that cross, and the check for the profit was made out to us.
How I need to remember that my small sagas are absolutely nothing compared to the pain Jesus felt as He took step after step on the way to the cross.  His saga of Settlement was humble surrender in the things He could not change, for they were brought about by the God whose holiness and love could not change.  I need the faith of Jesus.  How did He do it?  He knew that God was on the throne while He was on the cross!   It's settled: His deed of ownership is recorded in the Book of Life.  His blood was the signature.  His profit is the salvation of His beloved to the glory of God! 

Praise the triune God for He is good!  He is full of mercy and justice!  He is all wisdom and all power combined with all goodness, so we can trust Him and thank Him always.  We are loved, more than we can comprehend.  He is on the throne, bringing all things together for our good.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2011 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager - January 28, 2011 - In Season and Out

"Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction." - 2 Timothy 4:2 (NIV) (italics mine)

"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." - 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV) (italics mine)

"We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone." - 1 Thessalonians 5:14 (NIV) (italics mine)

A quilting friend, whom I had not heard from in years, left a phone message that she was downsizing her quilting and wanted to "pick my brain" a bit.  Since I give a lecture and workshop called "Get Organized!" I assumed that she wanted me to come over and help her clean out and arrange her sewing room, and possibly some other areas in her house, which I do for a fee.  But when I returned the call I learned that she's dropped out of our quilt guild because she's been caring for family members with serious illnesses, and now she herself has cancer.  She has realized that now that she won't be able to do many of the projects she once envisioned, so she wanted to give me some large pieces of fabric for backing quilts.  When I gently inquired why she chose me for this generous gift instead of closer friends in her bee, she said she found a card I had sent her with encouragement in the Lord!  Then she said she wasn't doing so well in the faith department. 

I was amazed since I don't even remember sending her a card, and I was surprised she kept it so long.  She was someone I didn't know well but wanted to know better if there was opportunity.  But here's the point: there was a clear opening for me to say something to "encourage the fainthearted," but I just came out with a couple of platitudes off the top of my head.  When I hung up I felt so convicted.  One obvious lesson is that one little card can mean a lot to someone, so I ought to be sending more cards, but the bigger lesson for me is that I wasn't ready "in season and out."  I was prepared to advise her about storage needs, but not about spiritual needs!

So many around me are going through difficult times: cancer, marriage problems, joblessness, loss of loved ones, despair.  I'm concerned for these dear people, and I wish I could shoo their problems away. Yet I've been through some of these same challenges myself, and I felt the Lord strengthen my faith during those times, by His Spirit within me.  I have seen that suffering is one of the principal tools God uses to mold us into a reflection of His dear Son, Jesus Christ.  He suffered unto death because of His great love for us.  He never promised us a rose garden, but we have all the promises in Christ because He rose!

How thankful I should be that God is with me in all the heartbreaks of life, that He chose me to belong to His dear family, that I have the hope of eternal life.  This life on earth is a vale of tears; I'm ready to go any time.  We had a serious snowstorm on Wednesday, leading to many accidents on the road, but my family all made it home safely, thanks be to God.  That same day, a distant young cousin of mine died in a car crash, and I don't know her spiritual condition.  Was she ready to meet the Lord?  If she had called me out of the blue, would I have been ready to tell her about the Lord Jesus and His sure salvation?  Would I have been ready with spiritual encouragement if she needed it?  Why did she die, and not my sons?

I don't have answers to all the questions, but I know this: "life is not a snapshot;"  we sometimes have to be patient to see the bigger picture.  God works all things for good.  He is faithful and true and worthy of my trust, no matter what happens.

Be ready in season and out.

As always, I welcome your comments.  Please click on "Post a Comment" below.
Copyright 2011 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager - January 25, 2011 - Never a Time

There is never a time
when you're not in His thoughts,
never a time without grace,
never a time when He turns away
from any need you face.

There is never a time
when you're not in His heart,
never a time without love,
never a time when you're not blessed
with good things from above!

How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I wake, I am still with Thee.  Psalm 139:17-18

Excerpt from the devotional gift book Always Loved by Roy Lessin

The Weekly Encourager - January 13, 2011 - Pray and Persevere

A discouraged friend just called me about her children and their struggles in school.  While I do not claim to have a one-stop answer to her particular situation, I know that the Lord does have all the answers she needs.  He possesses all wisdom, combined with all goodness, and we can be sure that prayers for help in child-rearing will get answered, for they must be in line with His will!

Over and over I find myself saying to younger parents, pray and persevere.  I try to remind them of certain basic truths, but then it comes down to each person wrestling in prayer and trying to live out the principles in the Bible in her own situation.  Do not grow weary in well-doing.  Here are some basics to remember:

1. God loves you and has a plan for your life.  It's not an accident that you got these particular children, with these particular strengths and weaknesses.  Your children are some of God's most powerful tools to mold you into the image of Christ.

2. God loves your child and has a plan for his life.  It's not an accident that he got you and your spouse as parents, with your particular strengths and weaknesses.  You and your spouse are some of God's most powerful tools to mold your child into the image of Christ.

3. When struggling with an immediate problem, get concrete help.  For example, the child with ADD who is not completing homework may benefit from certain study aids such as blank walls around the desk to minimize distraction, tools such as timers to keep her on track, personal helpers such as an ADD coach, etc.  These practical helps may be obtained from a variety of sources such as friends, teachers, counselors, books, online resources, CHADD and other groups geared toward ADD, etc.  Don't restrict yourself to "Christian" sources, for the Lord has given practical wisdom to many who do not believe.  Pray for discernment and glean the best from what's available, with the Scripture as your filter.

4. Remember that God has made our bodies and minds to function best in symbiosis.  Frequent angry outbursts from your son may be reduced by regular aerobic exercise.  Despondent complaints from your daughter may be reduced by better sleep and a healthier diet.  So many people look to expensive counseling or medications first, when they should be training their children in proper bodily care first.  [I am not saying that expensive counseling and/or medications are never warranted - I have benefited from both myself!  I'm only saying that we should examine physical factors first.]

5. Concrete help is great, but never neglect the deeper spiritual issues!  For example, is the failure to complete homework due to ADD or to a poor attitude?  It's our job as parents to teach respect for authority, desire for excellence, the value of hard work, and good time management.  By the time a child is old enough to have homework, she should:
     a) be practiced in listening to and obeying her parents. 
     b) know that when she pleases her parents and teachers, she's pleasing the Lord.
     c) understand that to be a good student is her primary calling in this stage of life; it's just as important as Daddy's or Mommy's job.
     d) know that doing her best in school will best prepare her to serve God and the community with the particular gifts God has given her. 
     e) be aware that laziness and workaholic tendencies are different sides of the same sin.  Her time belongs to the Lord, and all she does is subject to Him.

So what happens if you've said all these things a million times and your children don't seem to be "getting it?"  These skills come later for some children, so we pray and persevere.  I can tell you from personal experience that if you seek the Lord's help in this, He will answer!  You will see amazing changes in your "challenge child," and when it happens it is one of the greatest blessings you have known, and the source of great joy in the Lord.

6. Have a plan and stick to it.  Revise if necessary.  If what you're doing (or not doing) is not working any more, it's time to sit down with your spouse and prayerfully devise a new plan of action.  Then, united in Christ, sit down with the child (no siblings present, please) and tell him what the new rules and expectations will be.  Outline the rewards and punishments which you will deliver (it's sometimes helpful to ask the child what reward he wants).  Pray with the child for better behavior.  Encourage him to seek the Lord's help in his own private times with God.  This will take a lot of perseverance on your part to follow through when you'd rather be relaxing, but in so doing you will grow in faith and spare yourself and your child many regrets.

7. Recognize that you can't do this on your own.  You must call upon the Lord while He may be found, then you must act.  Every day you let a bad habit persist, you make it that much harder to change.  Pray without ceasing.  Rely upon the Lord.  Give thanks for every good thing you see in your children, especially growth in character.  For of what value is a fine education if the child loses his soul?  What good is a straight-A average if he won't obey God?  What good is the wisdom of this world without the wisdom of the Spirit?  Parents, pray and persevere.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2011 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager - January 1, 2011 - "Take Care of You"

There's a line in the film Pretty Woman spoken by a young woman to her girlfriend who is moving away, "Take care of you."  It's especially poignant given the context of what these women do for a living, yet the movie shows a progression in the characters' self-respect which gives them motivation to move out of a bad lifestyle.  In a far different context, what she said and how she said it applies to me, too.

I recently heard from a friend in her 50s who is still spending every Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with unpleasant challenging relatives because they want her to, rather than relaxing at home with her immediate family, which is closer to what she would like to do.  Of course I understand the importance of respecting our elders, but I don't think it should be always at the expense of ourselves.  It's so hard to say no after years of obedient tradition become encrusted on what is meant to be a holiday, effectively miring the boat in misery.  I wrote to her, "I hope next year you'll consider your opportunity to reclaim the holiday by deciding first what your immediate family (you, husband, and children) want to do for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day, even if it's just sitting home and vegging with popcorn and a movie.  Then fit the other visits around that.  You could see one set of parents the weekend before Christmas, for example, and another group the day after Christmas. Just a suggestion."

One of the things I learned in therapy was that my needs are just as important as the needs of other people.  Does that shock you?  I sometimes feel that it's not kosher to say such a thing in Christian circles.  As women, especially Christian women, we are taught to take care of everyone else and defer to their wishes.  But the Bible does not say, "Love your neighbor and neglect yourself!"  It says, "Love your neighbor AS yourself."  You have a duty before God who created you to take proper care of your own physical, mental, social, spiritual, and emotional health.  I have found that when I take a little time to care for my own needs, I am much better equipped to care for others.  (Surprised?  Try it.)  More importantly, I am much less resentful. The Bible does not say, "The Lord loves a grudging giver!"  It says, "The Lord loves a CHEERFUL giver."

So take a little time to do something relaxing for YOU, whether that's going out for designer coffee, hanging out at the bookstore, playing with pets, seeing a movie, taking a class, hiking in a park, doing something creative, or spending time with friends.  You've got a new calendar in front of you.  Whatever is refreshing for you, plan for it and schedule it.  You are just as important as all these other people making demands on your time and energy.  If you are an adult, your first question is not, "What do people require of me?" but "What does the Lord require of me?"

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!  Take care of you!

God is faithful,

Copyright 2011 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager - December 28, 2010 - The Miracle Carol

The Miracle Carol
by JoAnne Wagner

Shepherds! Awake! Fear not! Rejoice!
Cherubim and Seraphim in single voice!
Tidings of joy, sweet Infant of Light!
Miracle of miracles this Christmas night!
Let Glorias ring in exultant joy!
Gift to men in Bethlehem the Savior boy!
Hosannas sing in triumphant verse!
Joyous news! Holy birth!
Jesus, the Lord, has come to earth!

Zion arise! Gaze on His face!
Child of love, the author or astounding grace!
Triumph of hope!  The Savior is born!
Miracle of miracles this Christmas morn!
Let Glorias ring!  Prince of Jesse's line!
Hearts uplift the perfect gift of Love Divine.
Hosannas sing! And proclaim the Word!
Joyous news! Holy birth!
Jesus, the Lord, has come to earth!

Wise men, behold, sweeping the skies,
Star of wonder, safe there under Jesus lies.
Luminous faith, O beckoning ray!
Miracle of miracles this Christmas day!
Let Glorias ring!  Praise His holy will!
Word made flesh, the promise kept in Christ fulfilled!
Hosannas sing, while His Word confirms
Joyous news! Holy birth!
Jesus, the Lord, has come to earth!
He has come to earth!

This holiday season, I was fortunate to be able to sing this new carol written by JoAnne Wagner, an alto singer in the Fairfax Choral Society.  She said one of her life goals was to write a Christmas carol that could be sung.  What a worthy goal!  In addition to being performed by FCS, her carol has already been recorded twice.  (Please do not copy without her permission.)

Merry Christmas!  May God bless you all with joy and peace in the coming year!


The Weekly Encourager - August 26, 2010 - "Make Known His Deeds"

It's time for another encouraging story!  This happened just few weeks ago to a friend I will call K. for King's daughter.  The Lord used this lady's trials to encourage me to have faith, to persist in prayer, and to share my trials and outcomes as they were happening.  Names and some details have been changed to preserve privacy.

I heard about the situation through a mutual friend I'll call S. for Sister in Christ.  She sent me an email requesting prayer for K., saying, "She is going through some very difficult and trying times and truly needs many prayer warriors to support her.  You all know that she is a very new Christian and hasn't had the opportunity to grow in our Lord, but she is calling on Him as her Abba Father in this time of distress....She lost her job and then just one month later her car was stolen from in front of her home.  K. keeps everything she owns in her car. [Due to problems with a disabled child, K. cannot leave valuables in her home.] That means along with her car she lost her house keys, her credit cards, her cash, checks, the keys to the homes of the people she [works for], her medical records and on and on.  Her car was 11 years old and she's put a lot of money into it lately including just getting a new battery that very day for $135.  Her insurance will pay for the car after 21 days but there is no way she can get a car or a loan without a job and the amount you get for an 11 year old car won't buy you much.  The Lord needs to intervene here BIG TIME and we know we have a BIG GOD who can do just that.  It will take more prayer though, so please let's join together and [pray]."

About two weeks later, I heard this report: "Thank you all so much for praying for K.  God has been so very gracious to her in that her car was found last week.  EVERYTHING was in it except for the one key to the car, so she will be having the locks changed.  She had gone ahead and bought a new, used car  but so she was returning the 'new' car to [the dealer] and will be refunded her money.  They give you 5 days to change your mind - again God's grace over her, or she would have been stuck with two cars and a debt as well that she doesn't need.... Her car was found less than 2 miles from her home   [Indications are that] it was driven there after being stolen and parked so it was meant simply to harass K....She so appreciates all of your prayers and her faith has remained strong throughout all these trials that have befallen her.  She needs continued prayer and she needs contact, I know some of you have called but she feels like she just can't talk because there is so much to tell that's bad and nothing good.  She said sometimes people don't want to hear all your troubles as they feel it might be contagious.  She still doesn't fully grasp Christian love and the desire to help and most of all listen and pray for those going through trials.   I can tell you once again that all of you listed on this email are the only Christian sisters she knows....My heart aches for her and I pray she will begin to reach out." 

Only two days later, this news came from S.: "It's a cool, dreary, day but the Lord has caused the sun to shine in my heart and I'm just praising Him for His goodness and mercy on our dear sister K.  She got a call yesterday from [the place where she worked] saying her job has been reinstated and she will get all back pay!  The reason she lost her job was because 2 co-workers...framed her by saying she hit one of them and the other was a witness to it all.  K. went through the proper steps to file a grievance with the company and when they looked into it they discovered the witness wasn't a credible person." 

Remember the verse the Lord gave me a few weeks back?   "No weapon turned against you shall succeed, and you will have justice against every courtroom lie.  This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from Me." - Isaiah 54:17  This lady who was falsely accused received justice in the "court" of that employer!  God vindicated her!

Some further comments from S:  "K. has been an inspiration to me in all of this, sort of a modern day Job actually, as I've watched her lose almost everything she had, but not her faith and trust in our Lord.  Not once did she say 'why me?' or cry out in anger to Him or even cry at all for that matter.  This is a woman who has seriously been refined as silver, the dross has been extracted and she now stands as a shining and faithful daughter of the King....Can you imagine the witness she has been to [her unsaved child] through all of this?"  S's email ended with a request to continue to pray for this lady, her child, and some ongoing needs.

Isn't this a wonderful story of God's unfailing love and help to His dear child?  It certainly put my problems in perspective - I was facing aggravation, loss of some money, and possibly a legal judgment against me if I lost in court, yet K. had lost her job, her money, all her records, and her car!  And, she's a single mom dealing with a disabled child, loneliness, and persecution!  If anyone had cause to worry, it would be her, yet she persevered!  Brava!  One day God will say to you, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

Now a word about the mutual friend S., the bearer of good tidings.  How often people ask for prayer, yet they never report back with the answer!  That really bugs me!  It was so neat to be able to pray for someone as it was happening and then hear God's dramatic answers as they were happening.  How often do we rob one another of encouragement in Christ by failing to ask for prayer, or by failing to report the answers! This new Christian Kid is blessed to have such a faithful Sister in her life!  To S. I say Brava!  One day God will say to you, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

Lord, there is so much to learn from this story, first of Your love and faithfulness, but also of the proper working of Your church.  There are many who are lonely and struggling with far more serious trials than I am.  Lord, let me minister to the lost and hurt, and do it as unto Christ.  Let me be a friend like S., who not only encouraged K. but all of us who prayed for K.  (What a privilege to have had even a small part in Your work!)   Lord, let me me be aware of all the good things that You have given me, the solid gold that remains after the straw is burned away.  Christ healed ten people yet only one returned to give Him thanks.  Lord, let me be that one who returns to give You thanks! 

" I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders." - Psalm 9:1
"Oh give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples." - 1 Chronicles 16:7-9

God is faithful.  Make known His deeds.

Copyright 2010 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager - August 18, 2010 - When You're In the Furnace

God's mercy to me has been so evident in the last few days, as I have struggled to do His will in my trying tenant situation.
  By God's grace, the tenant and I have signed an out-of-court settlement!  Read on to see how God is faithful to hear and answer the prayers of His people.

Although at trial I won a Judgment against the tenant for Possession, there were serious roadblocks, such as the tenant's desire to appeal the case, prolonging the process for several more months, and her own separate suit against me still several weeks away.  The judge suggested the tenant and I try to work out something after the trial, but our attempt was too emotionally-charged to be fruitful. 
I was convinced that an out-of-court settlement with this person would be impossible, yet God's people continued to pray, and God continued to work.

A few days after the trial, I needed to see if she had moved out of the townhouse on her own, so I went over to the property, taking Austin [age 23] with me.
  When we arrived, the tenant was home and calmer than I had ever seen her.  I guess somewhere inside me I still had hope, because I asked her again if she might be willing to settle.  Although she seemed open to it, it was not a good time for her, so I asked her to think about it and talk the next day.  I was really exhausted with the emotional weight of this whole thing, so I had to lean totally on the Lord during that encounter.  I remember shooting up a prayer to God for strength, confident that when I am weak, He is strong. Thank God for His Word and His promises!  Thank God for the Holy Spirit to remind me!
That night I talked with Dave to see if he was in favor of a settlement and to find out what he thought best to include.  He wrote key points which I incorporated into the actual document.  Even though, because of his job, he was unable to come with me the next day, I certainly didn't want to act apart from his authority and counsel.

Providentially, I also read an article on forgiveness that night.  I've been weeding out old magazines and next up was a Washington Post Magazine whose cover story was an interview with a man called Bernard Williams, who testifies of his forgiveness of the man who murdered his son, and his Christian faith which gave him the impetus to forgive!  For years, Williams suffered from grief, depression, drug addiction: "I wasn't doing nothing but killing myself, slowly killing myself from stress and a broken heart."  Then he asks, "How can I say I love God but hate my neighbor?"  He arranged to see the man convicted of the crime and even testified on his behalf when it was time for parole!  He recognized that his hatred would not achieve anything but regret.  I am a Christian and Christ said, "Love your enemies" and do good for them.  This man forgave the person who killed his son, (and Christ forgave me for all my sins), so how could I not forgive this tenant for her crimes?  I tell you, God was working on me.

The Lord brought stronger words to bear.  My devotional lead me to read the book of Zechariah and those descriptions of the Lord's mercy kept jumping out at me:  "I have returned to Jerusalem with mercy....Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts....Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another....Speak the truth to one another; render in your gates judgments that are true and make for peace....And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested.  They will call upon my name, and I will answer them.  I will say, 'They are my people'; and they will say, 'The Lord is my God.'"  I felt I was being called to be merciful to the tenant and agree to generous terms.  Under no circumstances was I to be vindictive, but to assume the best and keep Dave's main goal in mind of getting her out of there.  I also felt I should put peace above my desire to get every penny back that this person still owes me.  "It's not fair!" my spirit cried, but God's word said "make for peace."  I printed out an agreement and on Friday Austin and I went back and she signed it!   This is good news.  I am not jubilant yet, because I  must wait to see if she fulfills her part, but a call today to the Court assured me that things are on track.

Now I have to tell you that my son Austin was a huge help in this whole process.  Besides being a good listening ear, he told me that if I needed someone to go with me over to the townhouse
to speak with the tenant, he would go with me.  The fact that he saw my need when I didn't, and he initiated the help, was a sign of God's gracious work in his life.  God enabled him to show his compassion at the right time.  Then, in the actual conversations with the tenant, Austin's calm, rational, yet firm approach kept her on track with settling, rather than just more venting.  The Lord showed me through this that A. can be very objective.  I saw then that A. could make a good mediator or judge!  But that's another subject... A. also supported me emotionally just by standing there with me and putting his arm around my shoulder once when I started getting upset.  I am so thankful to the Lord that Austin volunteered to go with me!  Without his presence, I'm not sure if I would have been able to handle my emotions well enough to try again for a settlement.  The amazing truth is that the Lord surprised me in the midst of trials by revealing precious things about my son!  What a blessing!  (Does it go without saying that without these trials, I might have been still blind to some of A's qualities?)  Friends, when you're in the furnace, look around!  You may find gold!

Again in trials the Lord has showed His wisdom, power, mercy, and faithfulness.  Lord, You are worthy of praise!

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."

God is faithful,

The Washington Post Magazine, March 22, 2009, "The Truth About Forgiveness" by Karen Houppert, p.8-24.

Zechariah 1:16, 4:6, 7:9, 8:16, 13:9 (ESV)

The Weekly Encourager - August 11, 2010 - Come Ye Disconsolate

The Weekly Encourager - August 11, 2010 - Come Ye Disconsolate

Come, ye disconsolate, where’er ye languish,
Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel.
Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish;
Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.

Joy of the desolate, light of the straying,

Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure!
Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying,
“Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot cure.”

Here see the bread of life, see waters flowing
Forth from the throne of God, pure from above.
Come to the feast of love; come, ever knowing
Earth has no sorrow but heaven can remove.

The Scripture says about Christ, "Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered; and having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation....Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession.  For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.  Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need."  - Hebrews 5:8-9; 4:14-16

Jesus Christ is my consolation.  Jesus Christ is my Heaven.

This wonderful old hymn written by Thomas Moore, 1816, has been such an encouragement to me recently.  At church we've been learning a lovely new tune for it by Gregory Wilbur, 2008.  You can download a simple folk rendition of this new tune sung by Nathan Clark George from the album My Cry Ascends: New Parish Psalms and sing along.  I'm sure it will bless your heart.

God is faithful,

The Weekly Encourager - August 4, 2010 - You'll see the relevance

I opened my regular devotional book on Monday morning, and here are the Scriptures that were given for that day.  I'm sure if you read my last post you'll see the relevance!  May God's Word be as relevant to whatever you are facing this week. 

"You have given me the blessings you reserve for those who reverence your name."  - Psalm 61:5 (LB)  I have many blessings in my life to thank God for, and I am learning that thankfulness is the most potent vaccine against the devil's diseases (doubt, discouragement, depression, despair).

"He sees that I am given pleasant brooks and meadows as my share!  What a wonderful inheritance!"  - Psalm 16:6 (LB)  The most important thing to remember is that, no matter what the outcome of these court cases on earth, I will win the one in Heaven!  Or rather, Jesus Christ will win my case for me; in fact it is already won for all eternity! 

"No weapon turned against you shall succeed, and you will have justice against every courtroom lie.  This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.  'This is the blessing I have given you,' says the Lord."  - Isaiah 54:17 (LB)  The line "justice against every courtroom lie" is incredibly relevant, given the tactics of our tenant.

"For the Angel of the Lord guards and rescues all who reverence him.  Oh, put God to the test and see how kind he is!  See for yourself the way his mercies shower down on all who trust in him.  If you belong to the Lord, reverence him; for everyone who does this has everything he needs.  Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those of us who reverence the Lord will never lack any good thing."  - Psalm 34: 7-10 (LB)   This verse speaks directly to my financial worries.  God will provide as He has in the past.  Thank You, Lord.

"For you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings.  And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture." - Malachi 4:2 (LB)  The phrase "you will go free" encourages me about the tenant's case pending against me, and my fear of having the blot of a Judgment entered against me.  Even if I were to be put in jail [highly unlikely] I could still know true freedom in my heart, as Paul and the other disciples did.

"Since he did not spare even his own Son for us but gave him up for us all, won't he also surely give us everything else?"  - Romans 8:32 (LB)  Christian, when you trust Him in prayer, you'll find He is there.

This morning my friend C. sent an encouraging email, "After this trial and testing, you will have a testimony. And, 1 John 5 says no one will be able to refute it ("by the word of their testimony"). He is Lord!"

My friend M. sent me the following quotation which sums it up:

Say not my soul, 'From whence can God relieve my care?'
Remember that Omnipotence has servants everywhere.
His method is sublime, His heart profoundly kind,
God never is before His time, and never is behind."

-from Morning and Evening, Charles Spurgeon, August 5


As always, your comments are welcome.  Please post them below.

Copyright 2010 Janet A. Marney