The Weekly Encourager - December 3, 2013 - Big Job, Big God
I am just so excited! As you know, I've been working on sorting, selling, and donating many items in our home, a Big Job. One of the things that kicked it all off was my husband's desire to have a mini recording studio in our basement, which meant I had to move out and donate several bookcases and hundreds of books. I got another big push when water starting pouring into our basement during storms. I confess I had been putting off The Big Job for years, always in favor of doing other worthwhile tasks (I'm not lazy, just busy). Was God arranging circumstances to give me a kick in the rear? I don't pretend to know the mind of God, but I do know from Scripture that He is a God of order and peace. It's our job to make sure that our homes are places of order and peace. It's not an optional activity. We must do this to honor Him and to bless all who enter.
Today I am feeling the joy and triumph of a big accomplishment, thanks be to God. This happened over a five-day period. Friday, my husband suggested that I may wish simply to donate more items, rather than attempting to sell them. While thanking me for my thrift and my desire to earn extra money to help the family, he pointed out that selling takes time, and my time is valuable. He knows me well enough to know that this goes against the grain of everything I was taught growing up, yet he presented his suggestion in the perfect way, asking me to give it some thought. The Holy Spirit must have been at work, because my mind was open, and I asked the Lord to help me in this area. Saturday, it occurred to me that some large camping gear could be passed on to a younger family in our church, without the bother and time lag of trying to sell it. The third day, Sunday, I was talking to this couple about their son, and how good it is that he's advanced in motor skills, since they like to be active outdoors. Ding! By the way, do you need a large tent?!
Monday I remembered that there would be an all-church meeting Tuesday evening, so I could give the camping gear away then. Lord, You are making this so easy. Tuesday (today) it only remained to load up the stuff into my car. BUT, here's where it gets even better: while gathering up things for that family, I sorted all the rest of that entire area! That just happens to be the room that husband will use for his recording project, and now it's in much better shape.
I feel happy in my achievement, but even more joy in thankfulness to God. HE is the one who brought about this success over a five-day period. HE is the one who has kept me free of accidents, so that I can walk without aid again and lift and carry things at home. Yes, He laid me up with injuries in the past (which is how I got so far behind), but He also brought healing and strength. HE gave me organs that function well, arms and legs that work. HE enabled me to get good sleep for two nights in a row, so that I felt renewed energy this morning for physical tasks. HE gave my dear husband the wisdom and patience to support me in The Big Job by saying just the right things to encourage me. HE opened my mind and heart to receive wise ideas. HE gave me a brain to think out how items should be sorted and stored. HE gave me the desire to do it. HE gave me the time in my schedule. I could go on...
I must learn that, like any Big Job in my life, I can't do this alone! Big Jobs need a Big God. I must lean on HIM every step of the way, asking for wisdom, patience, mental and physical strength, MOTIVATION and DILIGENCE to do what is right!
I am learning that HE abundantly supplies all of my needs in Christ Jesus, even the “little” ones, like the need for energy to clean out a corner of the basement. HE is the one who's there for me in the big things and the small. Sometimes I forget to consult Him, then I wonder why things don't work out in my life. Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” If I don't have time to read the Bible and pray every day, then I am too busy.
Seek God! Put things in His hands, and trust Him to help. The same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is the power that can help me in my daily tasks. Thanks be to God!
God is faithful,
Copyright 2013 Janet A. Marney