The Weekly Encourager - December 3, 2013 - Big Job, Big God

I am just so excited! As you know, I've been working on sorting, selling, and donating many items in our home, a Big Job. One of the things that kicked it all off was my husband's desire to have a mini recording studio in our basement, which meant I had to move out and donate several bookcases and hundreds of books. I got another big push when water starting pouring into our basement during storms. I confess I had been putting off The Big Job for years, always in favor of doing other worthwhile tasks (I'm not lazy, just busy). Was God arranging circumstances to give me a kick in the rear? I don't pretend to know the mind of God, but I do know from Scripture that He is a God of order and peace. It's our job to make sure that our homes are places of order and peace. It's not an optional activity. We must do this to honor Him and to bless all who enter.

Today I am feeling the joy and triumph of a big accomplishment, thanks be to God. This happened over a five-day period. Friday, my husband suggested that I may wish simply to donate more items, rather than attempting to sell them. While thanking me for my thrift and my desire to earn extra money to help the family, he pointed out that selling takes time, and my time is valuable. He knows me well enough to know that this goes against the grain of everything I was taught growing up, yet he presented his suggestion in the perfect way, asking me to give it some thought. The Holy Spirit must have been at work, because my mind was open, and I asked the Lord to help me in this area. Saturday, it occurred to me that some large camping gear could be passed on to a younger family in our church, without the bother and time lag of trying to sell it. The third day, Sunday, I was talking to this couple about their son, and how good it is that he's advanced in motor skills, since they like to be active outdoors. Ding! By the way, do you need a large tent?!

Monday I remembered that there would be an all-church meeting Tuesday evening, so I could give the camping gear away then. Lord, You are making this so easy. Tuesday (today) it only remained to load up the stuff into my car. BUT, here's where it gets even better: while gathering up things for that family, I sorted all the rest of that entire area! That just happens to be the room that husband will use for his recording project, and now it's in much better shape.

I feel happy in my achievement, but even more joy in thankfulness to God. HE is the one who brought about this success over a five-day period. HE is the one who has kept me free of accidents, so that I can walk without aid again and lift and carry things at home. Yes, He laid me up with injuries in the past (which is how I got so far behind), but He also brought healing and strength. HE gave me organs that function well, arms and legs that work. HE enabled me to get good sleep for two nights in a row, so that I felt renewed energy this morning for physical tasks. HE gave my dear husband the wisdom and patience to support me in The Big Job by saying just the right things to encourage me. HE opened my mind and heart to receive wise ideas. HE gave me a brain to think out how items should be sorted and stored. HE gave me the desire to do it. HE gave me the time in my schedule. I could go on...

I must learn that, like any Big Job in my life, I can't do this alone! Big Jobs need a Big God. I must lean on HIM every step of the way, asking for wisdom, patience, mental and physical strength, MOTIVATION and DILIGENCE to do what is right!

I am learning that HE abundantly supplies all of my needs in Christ Jesus, even the “little” ones, like the need for energy to clean out a corner of the basement. HE is the one who's there for me in the big things and the small. Sometimes I forget to consult Him, then I wonder why things don't work out in my life. Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” If I don't have time to read the Bible and pray every day, then I am too busy.

Seek God! Put things in His hands, and trust Him to help. The same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is the power that can help me in my daily tasks. Thanks be to God!

God is faithful,


Copyright 2013 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager – November 26, 2013 – The Ugly Christian

There was a novel called “The Ugly American” which showed two different approaches to achieving political success in Communist countries. The typical American approach was unsuccessful because of arrogance and failure to recognize the local culture. The term “Ugly American” came to symbolize how poorly most Americans presented themselves when traveling abroad. They would be loud, boisterous, and rude, always assuming that American ways were superior to the ways of the country they were visiting, never trying to blend in with the other culture. The classic meme is a portly Texan who tries to order something in a European restaurant. When the waiter fails to understand his English request, the American just repeats it louder and louder until he's yelling! Obviously, that's not going to get anywhere. Another cultural reality is Americans expanding their own hotel chains into foreign countries, providing the American traveler with a total experience very similar to what he would get back in the US; in fact, he need hardly know he's in a foreign country. One chain's slogan says it all: “The best surprise is no surprise.”

Today I am proud to say that many Americans do try to learn something about the countries they visit. They do buy phrase books or use apps to help them speak a bit of the local language. They do mingle with locals. There are exceptions, though, like the two ladies I met in a Paris metro station a few weeks ago. Dave and I were walking along talking in English, and these two ladies in front of us halted and came back to interrupt our discussion. “Thank God you're speaking in English!” said the first. “I'm just so tired of hearing French!” They went on to say that they had re-named the crowded Les Halles metro stop “Hell” and they were not enjoying Paris, although this was their second time there. Everything in me wanted to reply, why did you come to France expecting to hear English? Why don't you get a phrase book? But that wouldn't begin to address the underlying attitude these women had. Ignorance and arrogance are a powerful pair. Although these women were physically beautiful and quite well-dressed, they were the embodiment of the Ugly American.

What does this have to do with us? I kept thinking about those ladies who were such poor ambassadors for America in a foreign land. Since a child, I have never wanted to be the Ugly American. But am I the Ugly Christian? The Spirit reminded me that I am an ambassador for Jesus Christ whenever and wherever I go out in the world. Does my language and behavior show interest in and respect for those I meet? Or do I expect the world to conform to me? Do I make efforts to form friendships with unbelievers? Or do I stay among my own kind, in a Christian chain? I jotted down these phrases: Be kind. Winsome ways. Don't shout (literal and figurative). Respect local traditions. Guess what? These things apply no matter where I am, around the world or around the neighborhood. Local traditions may include those of my family-in-law, some of whom we'll be seeing over the holidays. What I do among the unsaved will form Christ's reputation in their minds.

There are times in my life when strangers have been be so kind to me, in some cases rescuing me from difficult situations, that I have wondered if they were angels in disguise. As a believer, I want to act like those people. I want to conduct myself with such love and grace and thoughtfulness and care and generosity, that each person I encounter looks back wondering, was that an angel in disguise? Wouldn't it be wonderful if all the relatives and friends and colleagues we see this Thanksgiving and Christmas would think that about us Christians?

Lord, please don't let me be the Ugly Christian this holiday season! As I look upon Your exquisite beauty, may I reflect it more and more, so that others will want to know You.

God is faithful,


Copyright 2013 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager – September 19, 2013 – About Facebook

Is Facebook just a waste of time? Some of my friends are hesitant to get on Facebook for that reason. They don't want their in-boxes cluttered with a lot of trivial posts by people they knew 20 years ago in high school or at their first job. My husband recently did an “about face.” He chose to close his Facebook account due to its (lack of) privacy policies. And some folks just don't have any extra time in the schedule.

Here's what I think: You can maximize the value of Facebook. You can get on it in a limited way which meets your needs and doesn't waste time or compromise your privacy too much. First, there are several ways to limit the unwanted data stream. A. You can choose your friends carefully: only respond to friend requests from those you truly care about. If you are a Christian, the goal of Facebook is not to see who has the most friends! B. Second, limit the posts you receive regularly by specifying certain top people from your list. I adjusted my settings so that I only receive notices of posts from my top four or five people. The rest I can scroll through when I want to and have extra time. I've also noticed that the folks who gave Facebook a bad rep by posting things like “I just went to the grocery store” have cut back on that. Yet I don't want to miss something important that's happening to my nieces and nephews. C. The third way to limit excess data is to set up a filter so that all the Facebook stuff skips your in-box and goes directly to a folder which you can access less frequently at will.

As for the privacy issue, I figure: A. I'm not doing or posting anything I'm ashamed of, B. I never post anything private or personal, and C. my basic information is out there anyway. Just to test this, I googled a lady I know and within 30 seconds found out her address, phone number, age, where she works, who her probable relatives are, and even her shopping habits!

The third issue is the possibility of wasting time on Facebook. This is the same hazard with many things in life, whether good or bad. People can waste time in any number of ways, including reading books, watching movies, talking to friends, writing letters/emails/texts, taking photos, etc., even though these are all good things. For the same reason, Dave and I did not have a TV for the first 10 years of our marriage. Each person must prayerfully look to the Lord for the proper arrangement of his/her schedule, finding a healthy balance of work, play, worship, rest, social life, chores, etc. Knowing myself to have ADD, I keep a (cute little) timer right next to my computer, and I limit my time on Facebook to 10 minutes a day.

While I respect my friends' choices, my approach is to use “unrighteous mammon” for righteous purposes. I'm on Facebook to post photos and to keep up with distant family and friends. By “distant” I include not just dear friends who have moved far away, but unsaved relatives with whom we have minimal contact due to family dynamics or the fact that we are believers. Recently I noticed that Davide's niece, who lives nearby, had posted pictures from her high school graduation; we did not receive an invitation or notice of any kind. I never would have known it was her last year in high school without Facebook. Now I have the opportunity to send her a card with a check, and that may be a positive witness in her life. I want her to know that Christians are loving people. This morning my niece in another state posted the news that today she begins student teaching. This was another opportunity for me to make a quick comment to encourage her. I may choose not to comment on her beer-drinking photos, but I praise anything positive I see. Again, I hope to be a good witness for Jesus Christ by showing love. Who knows what the Lord may do?

What else have I done on Facebook this week? I congratulated a young man in graduate school on his engagement. I “liked” some baby photos posted by new moms. I posted that I was praying for the victims of the Navy Yard shooting (I used to work in the building next door to where 12 people lost their lives). “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” - Romans 12:15 I posted photos from the past several months of my life. I have found that the photo albums are great conversation starters, particularly when others learn that they share a common interest with me. With believers, these common interests deepen our fellowship. With unbelievers, opportunities may arise to talk about deeper spiritual issues. In either case, I know better how to pray.

Whatever our individual decisions about Facebook, TV, or any other media, let them be intentional and prayerful. Jesus said to His disciples, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be shrewd as serpents, and innocent as doves.” - Matthew 10:16 Stop whining about technology and start winning with technology!

To those who read this blog every week, my sympathies (just kidding!). Tomorrow Dave and I begin a month of travel. I may or may not have opportunity to write Encouragers while we're away. I do hope to post photos on Facebook...

Yours in our Faithful and True Lord,


Copyright 2013 Janet A. Marney




The Weekly Encourager – September 4, 2013 – A Heart for Service

Do you have a heart for service? I sometimes wonder about myself and my own motivations for serving others.

The other morning I dreamed that I was doing dishes for a family in our church. We recently prayed for this family, because it would have been the 29th birthday of their precious son, who is now with the Lord. I dreamed that they were having a commemorative gathering in their home. People were enjoying good food and fellowship, and I took it upon myself to do the dishes. That sounds really holy, doesn't it?

Maybe, until I woke up. A few minutes after that pleasant dream, I went down to have some breakfast in the real world. Immediately, I saw that my husband had left several dirty dishes out on the dining room table, forgetting to carry them in when he was finished and place them in the dishwasher. The kitchen counters hadn't been wiped either, and the microwave was a disaster after some late-night snack. My first thought was, “I'm getting so tired of him doing this, I think I'll just leave this stuff out and he can see it when he gets home from work; then he'll have to put it away himself.” How's that for holy?

Thanks to the Holy Spirit living within me, that plan was scrapped. I am so thankful for His gentle reminder of what I had just dreamed not 10 minutes earlier. How could I be so willing to do a pile of dishes for friends, and yet refuse to serve my own husband in exactly the same way? Then the Spirit brought conviction: in the dream I had the expectation of being noticed and appreciated for my cheerful volunteering, but here at home there was no one around, and I wasn't volunteering. No one would see me doing these dirty dishes yet again at my own little pity party. In the privacy of my own kitchen, no one would know what went on that morning but the Lord and me. Then another thought tumbled into the mix: my husband has had to live with my stacks of stuff in various rooms for quite some time, and I know that these piles bother him. Never mind that my piles are clean and organized and on their way out, the fact is that they bother my husband and I know it.

Where would I be if the Lord Jesus had refused to serve by dying on the cross? This same Lord Jesus who saved me through His willing service asks me to take up my cross and follow Him. Part of that way of the cross is helping families in the church (like the dear ones in the dream), and part of it is doing good for those who don't know Christ. But surely a principal path of service is to my own husband and family! I am called to be a helpmate to this one man, and it doesn't come naturally to me. When you're married to someone for 34 years, the odd habits get annoying, and I'm usually more concerned with my own agenda than finding ways to help those at home.

In my flesh, I want to show those around me how they disturb me, but love avoids drawing attention to the faults of others. In my flesh, I expect to be noticed and rewarded for any good deeds I deign to do, but love doesn't seek the praise of men. Help me, Lord! Remind me as often as necessary that the most important Christian work I will ever do will be in the rooms of my own home. This is where decisions are made and character is formed, when no one is watching but God.

“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who...emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant.” - Philippians 2:3-6

Lord Jesus, give me a heart for service.

God is faithful,


Copyright 2013 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager – August 27, 2013 – Clean the Cabinet

The Lord is teaching me things through the ongoing organization of my basement. Monday afternoon, before putting items into a certain cabinet, I first had to clean the unit with soap and water. It's easy to procrastinate on re-organizing when it also means serious cleaning. Not really an enjoyable part of the job, but necessary. Afterward, it was pure joy to put some sewing supplies into their new homes. That time spent cleaning was worth it in the final result. Spiritually, we cannot organize our thoughts properly at the end of the day and put them away for the night until we have confessed our sin. Think over the day, see what needs cleaning out, and talk to Jesus. Never put clean things on a dirty shelf, or dirty items on a clean shelf.

Saturday was tough for me and Dave, especially regarding some marriage issues. While trying to accomplish a household task, we hurt each other's feelings. It lead to bigger issues. Some things were hard to say, but needed to be said. We both felt crushed. I had no energy and barely made it to church the next morning. In fact, the main reason I went was because I was responsible for flowers that day.

After the service, there was a little note from Karen Royer saying she thought the flowers were beautiful. She had no idea how much I needed a positive word at that exact moment, but God knew! Her note, which I'm guessing took only a minute to write, was a bright spot in my day. It encouraged me that at least I had done one thing right! The Lord used her note to give me a ray of hope. The Spirit brought to mind that God is faithful and He loves me with an everlasting love. Later she sent an email with a point she had gleaned from the sermon, “that what we invest in here [on earth] will not be wasted. So your faithfulness in the mundane, in the drudge, in the hard, in the discouragement even so, that will not be wasted.”

At home after church, I threw myself on the Lord's mercy. Some silent time and a nap helped my outlook. I read two more encouraging emails which were right on target. Sunday evening, Dave and I felt able to talk again, and this time it was better. We are committed to love each other until we die, so we keep trying. Don't give up! In a marriage, we are each confronted with the other's sin every day. It's right there in front of us! It's easy for me to get caught up in thinking about what I must endure, living with him. I grow impatient and discouraged and unforgiving. Yet a conversation like this reminds me that he is being confronted with my sin on an equally regular basis. It's just as hard for him to live with my sin as it is for me to live with his. Log-in-the-eye moment. The Lord brought conviction to my heart, and it was not easy, but I needed to confess my sin and feel the cleansing blood of the Lamb of God, sacrificed for me.

In a marriage, or any close relationship, we are confronted, but let's not be affronted. Love is not easily provoked! Love is not disturbed by insults. It forgives, it bears all things. When hard things need to be said, love does it gently, with respect and care for the other's feelings. Love is patient and kind. Love is thankful, knowing that every good gift is from above. Love sets its eye on what is good and true and noble and right in the other person. Love takes a minute to give a word of encouragement, a word which might be the only good thing someone has heard for days. Love trains the brain to think good thoughts. Love cleans the cabinet. The things of this earth will pass away, but love never fails.

Excuse me while I go clean the cabinet...

God is faithful,


Copyright 2013 Janet A. Marney. If you wish to be added to or deleted from this list, email



The Weekly Encourager – August 21, 2013 – Don't Give Up When You Mess Up

This Encourager is per my husband's request. Knowing that I've been trying to make good choices for bodily health, this morning he complimented me, saying, “Whatever you're doing, it's working.” Now isn't that a nice thing to hear?! I replied that I'm trying to get a half hour to an hour of exercise every day, and I told him that the trick is not to GIVE UP when I MESS UP. He said, write that down!

Notice I didn't say “if” I mess up, but “when.” I'm a saved sinner, but still a sinner. So if I had two pieces of rich chocolate cake yesterday at a birthday party (which I did), I don't say, “Well, I blew my diet for the week, so I might as well have two pieces today.” Just because I made a bad choice yesterday, I don't have to make a bad choice today. As Anne of Green Gables said, today is a new day with no mistakes in it.

I press on toward the goal of the upward call in Christ Jesus. Pressing on means choosing not to believe the lies of Satan. Satan is the accuser who wants me to think only in black and white. Either I'm all good or all bad. The Scripture agrees with him that I am not all good, because no one can be perfect except Christ. But that doesn't imply that I'm going nowhere and shouldn't even try to do good. See how subtle Satan is? He wants to accuse me and tempt me at the same time. "You're really bad, so just go ahead and go all the way. You loser, do something right, even if it's being wrong."  No! Begone!

Note that my goal is to take good care of my body, in order to honor the Lord who made me for His holy purposes. I'm not just trying to lose weight, but if that's a by-product of loving God with my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, great! More power to Him!

Here's what I need to do when I mess up, whether it's in the area of care for the body, gracious speech, wise use of time, submission to authority, kind attitudes toward others, or whatever the issue. It's simple: confess, don't regress. Then press on. MAKE A BETTER CHOICE TODAY. Don't try to change all at once – you'll just get discouraged when you fail. On the other hand, don't sit around on your rump when the Lord has shown you something that needs to change! It may be a very small choice, but make a better choice today than you did yesterday. Success breeds success. God honors perseverance. Better choices will become habits if we DON'T GIVE UP.

God is faithful,


PS A note to husbands/wives/parents/children/friends/teachers: a little word of encouragement can help someone make a better choice. Never underestimate the power of a real compliment. Thank you, Dave!

Copyright 2013 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager – August 17, 2013 – What I Learned About Leadership

Last week Donald Graham sold The Washington Post newspaper, which had been in his family for generations. The buyer was Jeff Bezos, the founder of the highly successful online retailer Naturally, Sunday's Post was full of interviews, commentary, and speculation about this major development. I am always interested in learning about effective leaders in business, so I'll share with you some of what I gleaned about Graham and Bezos. (Parents and teachers especially might mention these to their children, but all of us can be inspired.)

Dave Kindred, a former colleague, said about Donald Graham, “Everyone at The Post, and I mean everyone, believed that Don cared more about The Washington Post than anything in his life....Everyone looked at him as the personification of the great newspaper that they dreamed of working for....He knew everybody and had this magical quality of remembering everyone's name and something about them.”

Peter Perl, another colleague, wrote his piece as if he were addressing Graham directly. “When you reluctantly sat down with me in your office for the first interview for your obituary, I asked what you would most like to be remembered for, and here is where you surprised me....Concerning The Post, you [mentioned hiring certain key staff]. Typical that you would make your legacy less about yourself than about your trusted colleagues. You left out how you valiantly defended quality journalism at great risk, facing down generals and assert the freedom of the press....But the surprise in our talk was when you told me what you hoped your true legacy would be, the kind of thing you wanted on your tombstone or, well, in your obituary. It was not about journalism or The Post at all. It was how you had done everything you could to help poor and minority families in the District educate their and chaired the D.C. College Access Program, which has assisted more than 10,000 students and distributed roughly $20 million in tuition grants....And you have given a huge amount of your money to many other causes, much of it done in classic Don Graham fashion – quietly, even anonymously.”

Graham was interviewed by Ezra Klein about his selection of Jeff Bezos to take over. When asked, “What are Bezos's thoughts on the media? What kind of news consumer is he?” Graham answered, “Here are a few things I've learned [about Jeff Bezos]....When Jeff holds meetings at Amazon, he asks people not to use PowerPoints but to write an essay about their product or program or what the meeting is to be about. For the first 10 or 15 minutes, everyone sits and reads the essay. His point is that if you write at length, you have to think first, and he feels the quality of thought you have to do to write at length is greater than the quality of thought to put a PowerPoint together. He also says that to get to know people he calls day-long meetings about books where everyone reads the same book and talks about it. So he's a reader. The quality of his thought and advice to me over the past few years is reflected in the memo he wrote to the staff. His philosophy is to try things. Try things and experiment, and if it doesn't work, try more.”

Farhad Manjoo of Slate said Bezos might be just what the newspaper needs to revive business. First, of course, Bezos has the funds necessary to buy it. But, “Bezos's real value to The Post – the reason that people in the media are both shocked and optimistic about this deal – isn't what's in his wallet. It's what's in his head. As a businessman, Bezos has three signature traits. He's relentlessly focused on pleasing customers....He's uncommonly patient, willing to give good ideas years to play out before expecting a payoff....Most important, Bezos is fascinated by novel business models; he's constantly on the hunt for new ways to sell groceries, cloud services, media, and everything else.”

From these first-person accounts, I note the following characteristics of leaders who rise to the top: Responsibility. Courage. Persistence. Passion in your work. Personification of the best qualities in your profession, such that you inspire others. Getting to know the people who work for you. Generosity. Helping the poor from your earnings. Humility. Hiring good people. Asking experts for advice. Giving good advice. Making a good product which pleases the customer. Freedom to try new approaches and then assess their success or failure. Patience. Ability to think clearly. Ability to write essays. Reading books!

Just some thoughts on leadership from our local paper. As Christians, we aspire to the same fine qualities, but not just to earn the praise of colleagues. We strive for excellence in all we do, to honor our Heavenly Master first, then to serve our fellow man and provide for ourselves. If we put God first in every endeavor, He will direct our paths and prosper the work of our hands.

God is faithful,


Quoted articles are from The Washington Post, Sunday, August 11, 2013. Peter Perl, “Dear Don”, page B1, B3. Ezra Klein, “Don Graham talks about Bezos and The Post's sale”, G1, G6. Farhad Manjoo, “Bezos may be what The Post needs”, page G4.

The Weekly Encourager – July 30, 2013 – What God Knew

People have asked me, how's the gap year going? How's the home re-organization? If you've been reading along, you know that “it isn't exactly what we had planned,” yet the Lord is sovereign over all things, and He sees into the future. Bowing out of several volunteer jobs gave us time to be with Dave's dad before he died. We could not have foreseen that Marney would go so quickly, but God did. We could not have known we would be going to five more funerals after that one, but God did.

On top of the frustration with the basement water leakage itself, the whole process of hiring a waterproofing company, then repairing the damaged walls, floors, and ceilings has been one trial after another. I could not have foreseen that re-building the basement would be about building my patience, but God did. I could not have foreseen that Austin would be moving back home during the process, and therefore able to do some of the work for us, but God did. I did not realize that Austin moving back in with us would mean that we have an ideal house-sitter while we travel for a full month this Fall, but God did. He has been so good!

Each step of the way I have had to lean on the Lord, asking Him for wisdom and strength. I am learning to say, “If the Lord wills” and “not my will, but Thine.” Keep calm and carry on. I never could have imagined that, when Austin returned, he and I would enjoy a blessed new peace in our relationship, but God did. Since he moved in several months ago, we've had only one argument, and it was over in two minutes! God knew we needed such an encouraging sign of the Holy Spirit's work in us both. Thanks be to God!

I'm making progress. After much ado, we finally got a new basement floor put in. Then I hired Austin and three other young men from church to haul the furniture, file cabinets, and boxes back down. We have a living room again! We have a family room again! I couldn't know that living in very cramped quarters for three and a half months would lead to greater appreciation of our space, but God did.

What's next? I predict that between work, family, and travel plans, it will take another several weeks (months?) to sort through everything and put it away properly. I could not have foreseen that the water problem would provide the perfect opportunity for a long-overdue re-organization of my quilt business, but God did. Now that furniture and fabric will be placed in a more logical way with improved lighting, I expect my work to go more smoothly and more pleasantly, and that's good household and business management!

 “In everything give thanks, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NASB God knew I would need that verse!

 Making progress with a faithful God,





The Weekly Encourager - July 24, 2013 - Progress Report

I donated another load of things today. It's a slow process, but I'm getting somewhere. I am making progress little by little. I'll never forget the excellent advice I got from my prayer partner Gail Baker years ago. As a busy homeschooling mom with three active kids, yet needing to organize her house, she told me, “I just clean out one drawer every week.” It sounds simple, right? But how will you get the whole house done if you only sort one drawer (or one box or one shelf) a week? I am here to testify that it IS simple and IT WORKS.

So many times we are overwhelmed by the amount of work to be done, and we don't know where to start, so we don't start at all. This is called procrastination. Did you know that many procrastinators are really perfectionists in disguise? We don't want to start something until conditions are perfect. I won't date until I meet the perfect guy. I won't try out for the team until I'm the best player. I won't invite those new folks over until I re-paint my dining room. I won't start cleaning out the closet until I have a whole day free. It goes on. After Gail's encouragement, I went home and organized my sock drawer. Yes, that's it, just my sock drawer. It felt so good that I did another drawer the next week, and so on. That simple concept built a habit that changed my life.

I remember getting my whole family to agree to work for ONLY ONE HOUR on our garage. I promised them that when the hour was up, we'd stop, and I kept my word. Guess what? With four of us working steadily for ONLY ONE HOUR, we got a lot done. The next Saturday, we did the same thing. Four more man-hours. That progress inspired me to do a bit more during the week, and soon the job was done. [Tip: I have found that people, particularly men, do better when given a specific time. They seem much more cooperative when asked, “Can you help me for one hour today in the garage?” instead of “Can you help me clean the garage today?” One implies hope for well-earned release, the other breeds dread of a long, yawning deficit of a day.]

My friend Karen Royer sent me a link to a nice little article on this topic, so now my blog will reference another blog! On the Proverbs 31 Ministries site, Lisa Allen writes, “The truth is, if I know I should take steps toward [a goal], then my response should simply be to ask myself, 'What can I do today?' and then do it. I don't have to have a plan for a month or even a week...only today....As I've observed this pattern of procrastination within myself, I find when faced with a desire and necessity to make a change for the better, sometimes I wait until I can do it perfectly before I'm willing to begin. Scripture tells us though, 'If you wait for perfect conditions, you'll never get anything done!' (Ecclesiastes 11:4)...Taking that first step is the hardest and yet most important step. Even a baby step toward a goal is better than staying in place. Aiming for progress rather than perfection can be quite freeing....imperfect action is better than perfect procrastination.” Well said!

There have been so many times in this huge task that I've been tempted to slack off. The world, the flesh, and Satan himself whisper little hints in my ear. These little whisperings are the voice of procrastination, who keeps company with idleness, waste, and despondency. Spend too much time with these folks and you end up with rot and ruin. You won't find procrastination on God's path of righteousness.

It really doesn't matter how big the task is. For those of us who are beloved of the Lord, with access to His mighty power, size is not a valid excuse. When Moses was told to lead God's people across the Red Sea, did he procrastinate because the water was too wide and too deep? No way. He started walking! If you want to cross the water, you have to get your feet wet. (For some of us, that means the sock drawer. God will show you what you are to do; you probably know it already.) Although progress on my projects is slower than I'd prefer, by God's grace, at least I'm moving in the right direction. Thanks be to God!

Making progress with a faithful God,

The article quoted above is “Progress or Procrastination?” by Lisa Allen, July 22, 2013. Here's a link:


The Weekly Encourager – July 12, 2013 – You Can Do Anything?

 When speaking of future careers, parents are often told to inspire their kids by telling them, “you can do anything you want.” Is this for real? Here are some interesting thoughts excerpted from the Linked In web site.

Martha Stewart: “The best advice I’ve ever received was from my father when I was 12 years old and willing to listen. He told me that with my personal characteristics, I could, if I set my mind to it, do anything I chose. This advice instilled in me a great sense of confidence, and despite the fact that sometimes I was a little nervous, I stepped out and did what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. I think it really often is up to the parents to help build confidence in their children. It is a very necessary part of growing up.

“Armed mainly with my father’s encouragement that I could do anything I put my mind to, I considered my options. I had no capital to start my own business. I did, however, have a great desire to work hard and learn....

“If you want to begin the journey to discover your entrepreneurial passion, you must first analyze your own interests, strengths, weaknesses, and desires; and then you must consider carefully how hard you want to work....I have the same passion for both [my life and my work]. Simply stated, my life is my work and my work is my life. As a result, I consider myself one of the lucky ones because I am excited every day: I love waking up; I love getting to work; I love focusing on a new initiative. There are many, many people who have inspired, taught, influenced, and supported me during the years that I have been visualizing, creating, building, and managing my own entrepreneurial venture — but I’ll never forget the favor my father did me when he instilled in me the tenacity I needed to build a career based on what I love most.” - Martha Stewart, American business magnate, author, magazine publisher, and television personality

Response by Bill Hendricks: It's good advice that, 'with my personal characteristics, I could, if I set my mind to it, do anything I chose.' But the key phrase in that advice is, 'with my personal characteristics.' Unfortunately, most people ignore that part. Instead, they focus on the idea that 'you can do/become anything you want to do/become.' Without an understanding of one's core strengths, that's simply not true. Perhaps more unfortunately—most people don't actually know what their real strengths are. What I call their giftedness. You were indeed fortunate that, by trial and error and a lot of persistence, you managed to gain a sense of your strengths and end up in work that fits your giftedness. Most people don't. You were also fortunate that you had an encouraging father. Again, in my experience, most people don't. Thanks for encouraging people to examine their strengths and interests. That's where the real truth lies!”- Bill Hendricks, President of The Giftedness Center, specializing in organizational effectiveness and individual career guidance

And now, a few words from our Sponsor: No longer will the ground yield good crops for you, no matter how hard you work! From now on you will be a homeless wanderer on the earth.” - Genesis 4:12 NLT

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol where you are going.” - Ecclesiastes 9:10 NASB

Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.” - Proverbs 13:4 NLT

Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.” - Romans 12:11 NLT

use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need.” - Ephesians 4:28 NLT

Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men; knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.” - Colossians 3:23-24 NASB

So far, I have not found anything in the Bible that says you can do anything you want, but there's a lot about doing all that you can. As parents, we hope to help our children discover their God-given gifts, so that they may serve the Lord and serve others, always looking more to the heavenly rewards than the earthly ones.

God is faithful,


Article on Linked In “Best Advice: You Can Do Anything You Choose" April 2013.




The Weekly Encourager – July 4, 2013 – Pray for Our Country

Here is a prayer for our nation on Independence Day. Some have attributed the prayer to President Thomas Jefferson, while others say that it's from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, possibly written by George Lyman Locke (1835-1919), a Rhode Island minister. No matter the author, it's still worthy of our consideration. All our sincere prayers are assisted by Jesus Christ, who sits next to the Father on the Royal Throne of Heaven. Although, as Americans, we celebrate independence from tyranny, as Christians, we rejoice in dependence upon the Lord for life, liberty, and all good things. 

Almighty God, Who has given us this good land for our heritage; We humbly beseech Thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy will. Bless our land with honorable ministry, sound learning, and pure manners.

Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitude brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues.

Endow with Thy spirit of wisdom those to whom in Thy Name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to Thy law, we may show forth Thy praise among the nations of the earth.

In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in Thee to fail; all of which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.



The Weekly Encourager – June 17, 2013 – Your Kid Won't Eat Spinach?

Finally, there is scientific proof for what I've been saying all along: children can learn to like new foods.

In “Accounting for Taste,” Tom Vanderbilt reviews research about why people prefer certain foods. Studies have found that, in matters of taste, being exposed several times to something new improves one's attitude toward it, whether the object is jazz, modern art, or sushi. As Vanderbilt says, “the more times you try something, the more you will generally like it....[With] young children, some researchers have found that around nine exposures are needed before liking sets in.” You can't like what you don't know, and you can't know until you've tried it.

Some other interesting findings: We choose what to eat based on stored-up memories from all our previous meals. Psychologist Elizabeth Capaldi said, “Every eating experience is a learning experience,” so let's make it a good learning experience for our kids. One successful technique is to pair a new flavor with a familiar food that the child already likes. People who already drink tea are more likely to accept chai in tea; people who already like chicken wings will experiment with Thai-flavored chicken wings. Also, babies are more likely to prefer cereal with carrots if their mothers drank carrot juice while pregnant or nursing. It should go without saying that your child is more likely to eat veggies if he sees mom and dad eat them!

When our kids were growing up, Dave and I developed The One-Bite Rule and The Three-Bite Rule. The first time the child was introduced to a new food, he was required to take one bite of it. If he liked it and wanted more, we would serve more. The second time the child encountered that food, he had to take three bites. If he wanted more, he could have it. If not, no problem: he had his three bites and nothing further was said. The Three-Bite Rule applied every time thereafter. One exception: dessert, which is always optional. :)

It's important to note that this rule was presented as one of our Family Rules about The Way We Do Things. The rule was presented as a reflection of our love for him and desire for his well-being, just like all the other rules. It was not an option, but a fact. No discussion was necessary after a basic explanation of the rule. Also note that these were child-sized bites, not adult-sized. It's not nice to expect a little kid to eat a huge amount of food.

Let me tell you, this rule works! After several times of eating just three bites of something, our kids learned to like many, many foods that otherwise might have been rejected on first impression. Not only did they learn to like many good healthy foods – such as spinach – but they also developed the ability to sample foreign and exotic cuisine, including foods served at other homes. We don't want our kids to go to anyone's house and not be able to eat what is offered in friendship. I have met several adults who will eat only one or two vegetables, for example. What a waste not to be able to enjoy all of God's creation!

Does your child have a sensitive stomach? While The One-Bite Rule and The Three-Bite Rule were our general practice both at home and away, we extended grace in the very rare instances when a child just could not stand the food after multiple exposures. Austin actually threw up every time he ate coleslaw, so we stopped requiring it. On the other hand, Austin was so used to having fresh vegetables every day that, when his little friends were invited to our house for dinner, I overheard him encourage them to eat their veggies!

By the way, The One-Bite Rule and The Three-Bite Rule work for adults, too. Just saying...

Enjoy all the good things God has given.


The article by Tom Vanderbilt quoted here appears in the June 2013 issue of Smithsonian magazine, pp.60-65, 104-107.

The Weekly Encourager – June 1, 2013 – The Week in Review

Government officials, media people, bloggers, financial experts, and pundits summarize each week's news for all of us to consider. We take time to enjoy these weekly reports for the insight they can provide, but how many of us take even a moment to do the same type of summary of our own lives?

I try to allow a few minutes each Saturday or Sunday before worship in order to review the previous week, including the major events, difficulties, and answers to prayer. How did the Lord give strength in trying situations or victory over temptation this week? Did any new challenges arise that deserve my research, consideration and prayer? How did I serve others this week? In what ways was I a witness to the gospel? What blessings did I particularly appreciate? What do I need most from God on this, His Sabbath day? (What does He need from me?) I think it helps prepare me to worship God in the congregation as I look back and see how the Lord has worked in my life since last Sunday morning.

As I sat down with my notebook one recent Saturday, I noted that it was a particularly stressful week for me. I was heartbroken over one situation, and there was no surgery to fix it. Then there are the ongoing strains of family, work, finances, health, our house being renovated, etc. My first mental summary of the week was that it was a week of disappointment. Then, as I reminded myself to find things to give thanks for, the Holy Spirit began to bring several things to mind which were either direct answers to prayer or pleasant providences that show God's love in my life. Even the many delays with my basement project show that a loving Father wants to teach me patience.

A sermon by Pastor Paul Wolfe reminded us of the supreme value of the reconciliation achieved by Christ. Once we were sinners capable of any evil act, including the bombing at the Boston Marathon, but God changed us. Christ paid the penalty for our sin. “The greatest need that a human being could ever have has been fully satisfied. That's the need to be brought back, reconciled, into a loving relationship with God. And this is the key to contentment in your life. If you don't grasp this...with a hearty faith,'re going to be groping in vain for any real measure of contentment in your are going to be constantly swamped by the thought of your needs that are not met or of the things that you might lose, without anything weighty and solid and eternal to counteract those fears and sorrows. Reconciliation is the key. Reconciliation with God trumps every loss; reconciliation with God transcends every sorrow, and that is not at all to minimize our losses and sorrows. It's simply to recognize that...we've been given a gift that far outweighs them all. And no one can touch that. Once you've got it, no one can snatch that. No enemy, no circumstance, no trial, nothing, no one, can make you who believe in Christ be alienated from God again.”

I'm thinking it's a good thing to look at the week in review, but don't forget that one bad week is just a blip in eternity. Review the week, then review reconciliation. Reconciliation with Christ trumps every bad week and every good week I've ever had in my entire life! Therefore, I must persevere. Pastor Paul gave the example of a young boy just starting out in Little League. The team was told to run around all the bases for practice. This one boy ran as fast as his little legs could carry him to first base, then he was so excited to be there, with all the parents cheering, that he didn't want to move on! As assistant coach, Paul had to encourage him to keep on running to second and beyond. Go! Don't stop now! Run around all the bases and don't stop until you reach home plate.

In the same way, we need to keep on running even if we get tired between second and third base. (I'm between second and third base right now in my life.) “Take heart, because we must persevere, and we will persevere.” Whatever base we're on now, we have the certainty of completing the race, with no possibility of bailing out. Christ will never let go of us, and He's provided word and Spirit to help us finish well. “Don't give up. Hold on to Christ....Don't shift from the hope of the gospel by allowing hopeless despair to worm its way in and gain a foothold in your heart. Don't give up...You are not what you were.” As parents cheer on their little kids, the church cheers us on. We cheer each other on. (Did you cheer anyone on this week?)

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.” - Zephaniah 3:16-18 NASB

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of His glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.” - Jude 1:24-25 ESV

Press on and cheer on,


To hear Paul Wolfe's excellent sermon, visit and click on April 21, 2013.






The Weekly Encourager – May 24, 2013 – The Early and Late Rains

I have been rejoicing all week with my friend's family. Their son just graduated from a four-year college! This young man, diagnosed with learning disabilities, struggled with academics and other issues during his high school years. At the time, our Moms In Touch group met for an hour each week to pray for the students and staff of that high school. Many times we lifted up this young man to the Lord, asking God to give him motivation, good study skills, perseverance, understanding of academic subjects, and respect for authority. We prayed for wisdom for his parents to make good decisions in dealing with his particular situation. After he left that high school, we continued to pray.

The good news is that, again, God was faithful to answer the heart-felt prayers of His people. Despite the challenges, this child gained maturity and a better attitude. He chose a college at which he could play baseball, which he was far more passionate about than academic subjects. Every child needs to have success in something. Having that sport to play and to excel in probably helped his motivation to stay in school. By God's grace, he persevered and made it through all four years of college.

It gets better. After graduation, on his own initiative this young man went back to thank his coach and mentor for all his support. That coach arranged a paid coaching job for him! To those of us who knew him as a teenager, this is an amazing story. God has provided what we desire for all our children, that they would find something that they love to do and are good at, and get paid to do it! All the hard work has paid off. Even better, the son's desire to go back and thank the mentor shows a remarkable growth in character. Yes, we want our kids to find jobs in their field, but we want godliness even more. Gratefulness is a key trait often lacking in teenagers, and to see this young man putting into practice what he was taught growing up in a Christian home warms my heart and causes me to sing praises to our heavenly Father.

God is so good that He not only answers prayer, but pours out blessing upon blessing. Parents, do not grow weary! Continue to teach and to love and to encourage and above all, to pray for your child. If possible, find others to pray with you on a regular basis.

"Be patient, therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand....Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray....Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” - James 5:7-8, 13, 16 NASB

The story of my friend's son encourages me, as my own son starts back to college this term, after taking some time off to work. As parents, we plant the seeds of success in our children. They are our “precious produce.” Then we continue to work and to wait through each season of their growth. We try to plant them in good soil and make sure they get plenty of sunlight. Then we have to wait until they get the early and the late rains. Sometimes the late rains don't come until adulthood, after they have left our direct daily influence, so we pray for God to put good people in their lives who will continue the training in godliness. We never lose trust in the Lord's goodness, wisdom, and perfect timing. We pray for the early and late rains.

God is faithful,


Copyright 2013 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager – May 12, 2013 – Mothers Guide the Destinies

"The influence which is exerted upon the mind during the first eight or ten years of existence, in a great degree guides the destinies of that mind for time and eternity. And as the mother is the guardian and guide of the early years of life, from her goes the most powerful influence in the formation of the character of a child. And why should it not be so? What impressions can be more strong, and more lasting, than those received upon the mind in the freshness and susceptibility of youth?...If you would be a happy mother of a happy child, give your attention, and your efforts, and your prayers, to the great duty of training him up for God and heaven." - John C. Abbott, in "The Mother at Home" (1833).

Take time today to be thankful for any good influence that your mother had upon your character and life. Pass the blessing on to your children and/or to any young people in your life, whether related or not. YOU can help guide destinies. Happy Mother's Day!♀

God is faithful,



The Weekly Encourager – April 29, 2013 – To Store or Not to Store

Are you one of the large percentage of Americans with too much stuff? One of the best books I have read in the last few years is “To Buy or Not to Buy” by Dr. April Lane Benson. I checked out this book from the library thinking that it would help me understand a lady I care about who has a serious shopping addiction. Her behavior has plunged her family into debt and ruined their credit rating. Her marriage has been seriously strained. Their home is so full that there's barely space to sit down. Could I possibly help? Well, it turned out that the book is a template for all kinds of addictions because many aspects of the addiction cycle are the same, whether the problem is shopping, alcohol, drugs, overeating, pornography, computer gaming, worry, or whatever. I highly recommend it for ANY addiction.

Even more surprising, it turned out that some of the book applied to me! What?! I was shocked to read that you can be addicted to accumulating stuff without putting your finances at risk. I guess either you have enough money that your shopping doesn't strain the budget, or, you get a lot of stuff for free. Well, I pride myself on being the Bargain Lady. Much of what we own has been obtained second-hand and creatively rehabilitated. I was raised by parents who grew up poor, but they did well through education, hard work, saving, careful shopping, and creative recycling. I learned those values well and could teach them to others. Now, nothing's wrong with shopping, as long as you don't overdo it. Nothing's wrong with saving, as long as I don't overdo it. But what is overdoing it?

Here's how God works: I check out a book to help a friend, and the book reveals my own problem. The flooding basement which has occupied my thoughts for many months becomes a blessing in disguise. It gives me golden opportunities 1. to sort through and donate more stuff; 2. to improve the furniture layout for more optimum performance; 3. to repair and update some things. Is this great trial in fact an answer to prayer?! Husband and sons graciously encourage me in my efforts, leading by example. Scriptures and even something going around the internet corroborate. I flip my daily quote calendar and find this by Ann Landers: “One of the best ways to measure people is to watch the way they behave when something free is offered.” This is how God works, a Gentle Shepherd showing His great compassion for my weakness by sprinkling little reminders throughout my week and opening my eyes and maintaining His sweet patience with my feeble attempts to improve. He is so loving with His rod and His staff. Thank You, Lord.

Amazingly, He enables me to stand victorious! This week I passed a test. Someone offered me “20 boxes and 14 bags” of beautiful quilting fabric, and I said no! Formerly my first impulse would be to rush over and get the fabric, then sort through it, keeping “some” for myself and selecting more for a couple of friends who have just started in quilting and could use the fabric. Then I would pass on the rest to my guild for community service projects. But, look at the timing! By God's providence, this month my basement is being torn apart and all the fabric I own is currently filling our living room. To store or not to store? The simple truth is, I don't even have room to sort this windfall, much less store it, so I just had to LET IT GO.

How do I feel? One part of me is remembering the leeks of Egypt, but a bigger part of me is looking back at the Red Sea! As the song goes, “I will sing unto the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously, the horse and rider thrown into the sea!” Be encouraged, friends, in whatever trial you may be facing. Be thankful in it, for the Good Shepherd may use it to guide you along His golden paths of righteousness. Be obedient in it, for His oil can help heal your addiction. Be trusting in it, for His arms can hold you up. To God be all the glory!

God is faithful,


Copyright 2013 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager – April 10, 2013 – 100 People

“If you could fit the entire population of the world into a village consisting of 100 people, maintaining the proportions of all the people living on Earth, that village would consist of 57 Asians, 21 Europeans, 14 Americans (North, Central and South), and 8 Africans. There would be 52 women and 48 men, 30 Caucasians and 70 non-Caucasians, 30 Christians and 70 non-Christians, 89 heterosexuals and 11 homosexuals. Six people would possess 59% of the wealth and they would all come from the USA. Eighty would live in poverty, 70 would be illiterate, 50 would suffer from hunger and malnutrition, 1 would be dying, 1 would be being born, 1 would own a computer, 1 (yes, only one) would have a university degree. If we looked at the world in this way, the need for acceptance and understanding would be obvious.

“But, consider again the following: If you woke up this morning in good health, you have more luck than one million people, who won’t live through the week. If you have never experienced the horror of war, the solitude of prison, the pain of torture, were not close to death from starvation, then you are better off than 500 million people. If you can go to your place of worship without fear that someone will assault or kill you, then you are luckier than 3 billion (that’s right) people.

“If you have a full fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are wealthier than 75% of the world’s population. If you currently have money in the bank, in your wallet and a few coins in your purse, you are one of 8 of the privileged few amongst the 100 people in the world.

“If your parents are still alive and still married, you’re a rare individual. If someone sent you this message, you’re extremely lucky, because someone is thinking of you and because you don’t comprise one of those 2 billion people who can’t read. AND SO? Work like you don’t need the money. Love like nobody has ever hurt you. Dance like nobody is watching. Sing like nobody is listening. Live as if this was paradise on Earth.” - Anonymous

Now, in addition to the above blessings that only a few out of 100 people have, add the truth of Scripture:

“God has already given you everything you need. He has given you the whole world to use, and life and even death are your servants. He has given you all of the present and all of the future. All are yours, and you belong to Christ, and Christ is God's.” 1 Corinthians 3:21-23

“Since he did not spare even his own Son for us but gave him up for us all, won't he also surely give us everything else?” Romans 8:32

“He will supply all your needs from his riches in glory, because of what Christ Jesus has done for us.” Philippians 4:19

“God is able to make it up to you by giving your everything you need and more, so that there will not only be enough for your own needs, but plenty left over to give joyfully to others.” 2 Corinthians 9:8

Friends, we have been given so much, and we need to thank God every single day and find ways to give joyfully to others!

God is good and generous,


The "anonymous" message above came around the internet under the title “Lightning in a jar.” If anyone knows the original source, please let me know so I can give credit. 

The Weekly Encourager – March 26, 2013 – The Trouble with the Tongue

I had a victory last week. Having often had trouble with my tongue, I was apprehensive about conversing with a certain challenging person. I prepared for the encounter with forethought and prayer; I asked others to pray as well. I knew I would have to depend on God at every moment to get through it. Afterward, my husband, who knows my struggle, complimented my handling of the situation “with grace and aplomb.” Dave's praise was a huge affirmation that God had answered my prayer. All glory to God, for He alone could enable me to be patient and kind in that particular situation! God was very good to me.

This past weekend I went on a quilt retreat to sew and visit with 43 other women. While many parts of the weekend were enjoyable, I was under the Holy Spirit's conviction about how we women talk with one another. I saw that, despite my apparent success last week, I easily slipped into other sins of the tongue just a few days later. I found that when women get together, there can be a tendency toward negativity, gossip, complaining, worry, and judging others. I was able to shift the focus of the conversation to more edifying topics three or four times, but I fell into sin at other times. The failures seem to overshadow the successes, and I arrived home very low in spirit. One surprising thing was that the Christian ladies weren't that much different from the non-Christian ones. At one point, when one talker said she had “better not reveal any more details,” a very quiet lady urged, “Oh, do tell.” I realized that even those who do not talk can be complicit in the same sin by their eagerness to listen. To top it off, the weekend ended with my judging a friend for being judgmental!

The trouble with the tongue is that it keeps on talking. What pours forth from my mouth is what is in my heart. The trouble with the heart is that it is desperately wicked! Maybe it's appropriate to feel such shame for sin during a time of reflection on our Lord Jesus' death on the cross. Thanks be to God, the cross ends in Easter! Although I feel sorrow over how I behaved during the weekend, I also know that Scripture promises salvation from every sin, even mine. God is gracious and compassionate, full of lovingkindness and mercy. In Christ I am forgiven. I can trust in Jesus to help me pray and prepare for the next time of challenge. I can be more aware of the typical temptations I face and look for strategies to resist them.

“Be of sound judgment and sober spirit....keep fervent in your love for one another....Whoever speaks, let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God; that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. “ - 1 Peter 4:7-11

“Do not speak against one another, brethren. He who speaks against a brother, or judges his brother, speaks against the law, and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge of it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you who judge your neighbor?” - James 4:11-12

“To sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead....Let him who means to love life and see good days refrain his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking guile. And let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it. “ - 1 Peter 3:8-12

Lord, give me the heart that loves, the heart that is humble, the thoughts and desires that please You. Give me sound judgment in my speech, with words that glorify Christ and build up others. I can't do this alone – I need You.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2013 Janet A. Marney

The Weekly Encourager – March 13, 2013 – Mercy


You came to earth,
You came for me,
You laid down Your life
To set me free!
“I love you, “ You said
With everlasting love,”
By mercy, O Lord.

I did not seek
Your holy face;
My proud heart was cold,
My life a disgrace.
Yet mercy and love
Met justice in my place.
Your mercy, O Lord.

The humble Son
Died on a cross
To conquer my pride,
To count it loss.
Your body, the bread,
The cup, the blood You shed
In mercy, O Lord.

All that I am
All I can do,
My heart, my soul, my strength
I owe to You.
O show me how to walk
In everlasting love
With mercy, O Lord.

God is faithful,

Copyright 2013 Janet A. Marney